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Posts posted by Cruzy.3706

  1. Dear ArenaNet,

    could you please check my account and games?

    My story is this:I have been playing GW2 since beta. Played almost every season. My placements are around 50/50 and the matchmaker would put me somewhere in Gold.Most of the time I end the season in Gold2. And that is ok, because my skills well they are average maybe a bit better.Sometimes I was lucky and got into plat1 for a few games but ended up in Gold3. So all in all I was quite ok with the matchmaker.

    This season, I lost 1 and won 9 placement matches and the matchmaker put me in high plat1 (if I remember right 1590). That was strange because I never played in that rating before.After another 6 or 7 games it was 50/50 again and I was quite suprised to stay in that rating.

    Well, now after 10 placments and 50 ranked games my rating is 1255 (Gold1).Games played 60 = Won-21; Lost-39

    So why did the matchmaker think it was a good idea to put me in high plat1?It was not even fun for me and I guess for my teammates as well...

    @arenanet(is this the right way to tag arenanet?)

    Thank you very much for some information regarding my games

  2. @KrHome.1920 said:Why is everyone giving advices before actually knowing where the problem is located?

    Before changing anything on your PC and waste a lot of time, you could be smart and start with checking how much RAM is utilized when you play GW2 via the Windows Task Manager. If the Ram is fully utilizerd then Windows starts moving Ram data to the virtual memory and this would indeed cause heavy stutters.

    In general the game should run fine with 8GiB Ram in Windows 10, if you are not running a ton of background tasks. What's running in the background and how much Ram it consumes, is also something you can check in the Task Manager.

    I checked the Task Manager while my charackter stands in the new map (drizzelwood)This is the result:GW2 = CPU 40-50%; RAM 2GBOverall = CPU 40-50%; RAM 61%

    I am not quite sure if its normal or not =)

  3. Hello everyone,

    I recently upgraded my computer from Win7 to Win10 (both 64x-versions)On Win7 I could play the game on almost max settings with no lags. Now with Win10 I have lags every 10 seconds or so.

    Specs:iMac Intel® Core i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40Ghz8 GB RAMGeForce GTX 780M

    Internet conectionping=24msdownload=128mbpsupload=6mbps

    Is it possible that I need more RAM because of WIN10?Any other ideas?

    Many thanksCruzy

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