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Posts posted by Tometheus.4857

  1. It would be helpful to know what endpoint you were trying to use.  There are no endpoints for the Wizard's Vault dailies* if that is what you are trying to get.  The old version, v2/achievements/daily, is a dead endpoint right now.  If you're trying to get other dailies, like Daily Strike Missions (v2/achievements/categories/250), those still work.


    *There is a Wizard's Vault Daily Objectives category, but it is always the same meta Wizard's Vault: Completionist achievement, not specific daily tasks.

  2. On 11/28/2022 at 11:38 AM, Ahkturyos.1938 said:

    also on a similar note, i do different pieces of the story with different characters, would be nice to be able to lookup on who's done what.


    That's sort of possible up to a point.  Refer to v2/quests and v2/characters/:id/quests


    The caveat being that it's been vaporware since IBS and doesn't include EoD or Season 1 revisited.


  3. Another Story chapter has come with still no update to the quests endpoint.  This is a public endpoint and has nothing to do with personal progression.


    At the same time, the API:2/characters/[character]/quests  endpoints need to be updated as well, which is dependent on personal progression.


    Please Arenanet, automate this thing!  Clearly assigning someone to whitelist it is not working.


    • Like 1

    Not that it did a lot of good last time, but I'm being told [again] by the ticketing system to report this issue here [again]... I'm going to play Necromancer and resurrect this thread   ARISE MY MINION!

    TL;DR: API:2/quests and API:2/characters/:id/quests endpoints still have not been updated with EoD / LWS1 content.



    The API:2/quests and API:2/characters/:id/quests endpoints still have not been updated. None of the EoD content shows up and it's been 2 months since release, and there's already new Living Story content (which also is missing).

    Please please please please assign someone to update these endpoints when new story updates are released. (Or even better, automate it, but ANet seems to want to whitelist this manually for some reason.)

    Note: the /quests endpoint has nothing to do with personal character progression, so please don't assume it's an account issue.



    Thanks a lot for taking the time to share your feedback and ideas about updating API endpoints! We have found that the best way for the Development team to gather and review player feedback and suggestions is through the official forums. We ask and encourage players to post their ideas in our forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com.
    The team looks forward to reviewing your input.


    [name snipped]
    Guild Wars 2 Support Team



  5. One of the things I've found useful on characters without built-in stealth is the Ash Legion Spy Kit, which gives any character stealth and breaks aggro for a few seconds as long as you don't move, so it can be useful for gathering, opening chests, or communing skill points in a heavy aggro situation when you don't feel like killing the champ or whatever.


    Also, I second the Skyscale for being able to take a look at the scenery.  

  6. Try it with the latest schema and you will see it has required_access / condition fields that depend on if a person owns a certain campaign.  If you assume someone has all campaigns, you can filter out the ones that have the "NoAccess" condition.  Also, if you assume a person is max leveled, you can filter out all of the ones with the "max" field less than 80.

  7. Sharing gear between characters is my biggest concern. If you have more than one build template you can no longer swap in account-bound items from shared inventory by just double-clicking, because the item gets absorbed into the system and you have to remember to open up hero panel, switch to build tab, equip character's item, drag shared item back to shared inventory. 1 double-click vs, well, I lost count. Every. Time. I. Switch. Characters. The only† work-around is to not use multiple build templates. Oh right... I play more than one game type.

    Case 1: Swim speed infusions on ascended breathers. It's bad enough we have to farm for swim speed infusions for 3 different armor classes, now we have to farm for them for every single character because swapping takes so many steps.Case 2: Switching ascended amulets based on game type. (For magic find, karma, exp boosts / stats / etc)Case 3: WvW. I do play fairly often. However, I use different elite specializations in WvW vs PvE. The previous system wasn't perfect as I still had to double-click to equip the appropriate weapons. Templates would be nice to fix this, but see the swapping WvW amulet issue above. Also, auto-switching is fewer clicks than manually switching, I'm just saying...
    Case 4: Legendaries. If you want to use multiple specs on a legendary, this means multiple build templates, which effectively means no more sharing it between characters.

    What I would like to see is having account-bound items be available to all characters for templates. To answer those who say "but you can't have items on multiple characters", this just automates the shared-inventory process, which you could indeed do in the past.

    † OK, so I could make enough ascended equipment so everyone has copies of everything in their own template inventories, but that defeats the purpose of 'Account Bound'.

  8. With the upcoming Build Template system, Please Please Please rethink how swim speed infusions work.

    As it is, we have to grind swim speed for at least 3 armor sets (Lt, Md, Hvy). With shared inventory, they can be stored there and shared between characters, however, with the build template system, it sounds like it's going to be annoying to pop out the breather to switch to another character. I would give up entirely on swim speed if I had to grind it for 9+ armor sets...

    ... or did I miss something about how account bound items can be on templates for multiple characters ....?

  9. @LadyRhonwyn.2501 said:

    @"Daniel Snider.6241" said:I also put in a
    endpoint to let you see all the quests you've completed per character! This also means you can automatically track which paths of the personal story your characters have completed (I hope someone writes an app for it :D)

    I was looking into this, but the problem is, I can't see what order the quests are. If I look at a character that has only done the lvl 10 quests, I get id's 27, 24, 21, 32, 15 and 23 (in that order). The correct order would have been 15, 21, 24, 23, 32 and then 27. The only way I could figure out the real order was by using the wiki. A linked list would be nice!

    edit: another option would be to add the quest id in the story, as part of the chapters.

    To be consistent with seasons and stories, it looks like v2/quests?ids=[etc] needs an 'order' field. For instance, there's no way, as far as I can tell, to determine through the API that "Victory or Death" is the last quest of "My Story" / "The Elder Dragon Zhaitan". Its ID is somewhere in the middle of Zhaitan quest IDs. The sort order in the character list is also in the middle somewhere.

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