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Posts posted by Fractures.8267

  1. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    The solutions present work within the context of the problem:
    no trinity system in this game (This is a lie literally every lfg for raids are looking for trinity team comps)highly customizable builds and gear (which also leads to highly inefficient builds) < Anet can make prebuild solutions for raid training in-game using automated lfg role systemsunique boss fights with often do-or-die mechanics (this can be resolved by raid mode level training where you are not so punished for mechanics)

    Everything i have already said in my previous posts.

    All I see is someone that is not willing to adapt to change because they dont like casuals getting to see content. End of subject. Come back with some good solutions not the same boring spin that you have said since the start of raid content. That literally made it self-implode coz no one wants to join a team with spam killproof to join or get kicked because you are not allowed to fail and learn on my time.

    If you are looking at teams with KP requirements, well you are in the wrong place as new raider.

    You know what, I'm just going to let this conversation end. Here is hoping for you that the developers change their mind and decide to implement a fully working and able auto grouping tool, just so you can finally get into raiding (hey, if they can manage to do it, great for the game mode. I'd already settle for a proper LFG system rework but that is just me). I'm sure that's right around the corner and bound to happen soon. Just like the players 5 years ago are still waiting, but it will have to happen now, it just has to.

    Meanwhile, I'll go back to not caring about new players and new raiders while doing training runs for exactly those players and full clearing this content with the static I am in. Let's see who has more fun with this game mode.

    Im not looking for anything, im putting forward solutions to the issues that have cause so many problems with the raiding content. You can continue to do what you enjoy while anet can provide adeqt solutions for the other 99% of the player base, but you're band-aid to joining a raid training guild is just that a band-aid not a solution. Seeing as most people dont want to join a guild just to complete content. Good day and good luck with the raid training and hopefully anet with develop the tools to aid everyone in enjoying said content.

  2. @Cyninja.2954

    The solutions present work within the context of the problem:

    no trinity system in this game (This is a lie literally every lfg for raids are looking for trinity team comps)highly customizable builds and gear (which also leads to highly inefficient builds) < Anet can make prebuild solutions for raid training in-game using automated lfg role systemsunique boss fights with often do-or-die mechanics (this can be resolved by raid mode level training where you are not so punished for mechanics)

    Everything i have already said in my previous posts.

    All I see is someone that is not willing to adapt to change because they dont like casuals getting to see content. End of subject. Come back with some good solutions not the same boring spin that you have said since the start of raid content. That literally made it self-implode coz no one wants to join a team with spam killproof to join or get kicked because you are not allowed to fail and learn on my time.

  3. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @gdubze.6015 said:Honestly the real issue are players like @"zombyturtle.5980" saying something is not possible unless you play this way, watch this then come back and tell me what you said actually has any relevance.

    I bet you couldn't even explain how and why this was even possible. Not to mention it's not any more.

    Yes, I might come off elitist. I've been at this content and on these forums for as long as raids have been out. The sutpidity of players is neverending and unfortunately also repeating.

    This entire thread, every little thing said here, even your suggestions, has been had multiple times by now.

    Most of us are just tired of investing time into know it all forum warriors at this point.

    Once again you have offered no solutions and just throw insults and elitism into the thread, please stop quoting me if you have nothing constructive to put into the thread. And I can explain everything about that video and more if i so desired what have you put into this thread apart from insults and assumptions ?

    I have given solutions, in threads where players want to know how to get into raiding. I have explained WHY this system does not work.

    You want solutions to get into raiding:
    • join a training discord
    • join a raid training guild
    • try to have 1-2 easy raid builds ready to go


    These are not solutions to the current issues of matchmaking, at best these are band aid's to a problem that has plagued raids ever since its started. All these options do spread a small population of people into guilds they have no interest in joining in the first place. Guild's should not be a nesessity to completing raid content!

  4. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @gdubze.6015 said:Honestly the real issue are players like @"zombyturtle.5980" saying something is not possible unless you play this way, watch this then come back and tell me what you said actually has any relevance.

    I bet you couldn't even explain how and why this was even possible. Not to mention it's not any more.

    Yes, I might come off elitist. I've been at this content and on these forums for as long as raids have been out. The sutpidity of players is neverending and unfortunately also repeating.

    This entire thread, every little thing said here, even your suggestions, has been had multiple times by now.

    Most of us are just tired of investing time into know it all forum warriors at this point.

    Once again you have offered no solutions and just throw insults and elitism into the thread, please stop quoting me if you have nothing constructive to put into the thread. And I can explain everything about that video and more if i so desired what have you put into this thread apart from insults and assumptions ?

  5. @panzerdragon.8791 said:

    Good day,

    I'm not sure auto lfg would work or even be used over a custom team. Gw2 classes are not so simple to say we need 6 dps and 4 supports for dhuum. Are mechanics dps a different lfg than just normal dps? Are boons considered dps. How would the lfg build team comps ? Would it run chronos and firebrands or alacs and fire brands ?

    Yeh anet could make some rudimentary matchmake for raids , but the resulting team comps and player skill will be questionable. Who would be commanding the raid is another excellent question? At what point is individual failure grounds for kicking.

    As we can see the complexity of teams and raiding mean we have many solutions to killing bosses. All these solutions can be easily met with a single post on the lfg. I would propose this function would be unused by many raiders. Why waste time on a heal ren main healer group when you could instead build your own squad. The only reasoned argument is for initial ease of use. Yet the actual goal of killing the boss is still dependant on good comp going on. If the matchmake will create meta comps then cool , but won't that also alienate all those heal scrappers and off meta dps druids out there. Real rough system with a ton of comprises.

    What you mean is an automatic lfg system would be unused by the current 1% player base that still run raids. Nothing about the 99% that would try the system and if it was based on gear checks and role checks that can be designated by anet as offical team comps to complete the raids at raid mode levels is not acceptable to the 1% of current raiders. What a joke!!!!

  6. @SeikeNz.3526 said:

    the truth is you guys don't want it because you don't want to other players enjoy it, because u want to feel good with your e-ego thinking that you are good because you can raid while others can't.

    This is exactly what im getting from all these so called issues that they keep throwing into the threads. Nothing to do with matchmaking or allowing other to access content. Not one solution put forward only issue after issue so the current system is never changed

  7. @skarpak.8594 ...this is not WOW with clear healers, dps and tanks.

    Then why on LFG do people always look for Tank Healers dps / support classes ? another person trying to put issues in the way when LFG is clearly looking for trinity teams! So this is like WOW. Honestly anet can make the selection of role based on what is needed to complete the raid designed the way they were made to be completed without the need of player intervention. Just like every other mmo has done since they began. If u dont like the system just make a team the normal way by invite and walk into the raid as normal.

  8. @ZDragon.3046 said:

    @gdubze.6015 said:If this game is based on animations and seeing what the enemy is doing, why on earth do you put the damage numbers over the character you are attacking ? Pure genius!

    Generally you wont be attacking if you dont think its not safe for you to do so. So either you are watching their character for animations of danger to avoid and because you want to be able to avoid you wont be wasting cds and or attacking which locks you into animations where you may not be able to dodge.

    If you are attacking then you are probably not worried about anything they are going to do as you feel you having the opening to attack.

    There really is no reason the dps numbers are actually not over bloated like they tend to be inalot of other games. The only time the numbers bother me is when barrier hit points are stacked with normal hit points which can result in a bit of number bloat but generally its fine.

    At best ask for a option to make damage numbers simpler / smaller in the UI.

    Like I told the other people this is not a thread on basic pvp awareness! I dont need you trying to explain your reasons on why you think im doing something. I am saying that the damage numbers obscure the animations when you are in a fight. Specially team fights the screen is so clustered and you have the numbers on top of that also. Critical hits are the worst offenders!

  9. @bravan.3876 said:There are enough other possibilities to place them and they would still be good visible, like on the same horizontal line but a bit aside from the target charmodel or (my favored:) right above the targets name. It is something you do not look at all the time, other things like the char animations are way more important, the dmg numbers should be shown, but they don't need to be on the top spot right in the middle of your focus. Even the buffbar of your opponent you have to check more often than each single dmg number and for that you have to move your eyes way more. It is not needed to be informed about each single dmg number you do, often you hit the targets that fast right after another that you can't even read each single one. It is rly not an information needs to have top spot on the screen and even cover way more important animations. I ask for a possibility to change position of dmg numbers for longer already.

    The informations about missed attacks, invuln etc. can stay were they are.

    I actually ask why they feel the need to put them over the character model, of course they could move them or give the option to remove them to. I totally agree with you!

  10. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    Taking your eyes away from what your enemy is doing, in order to see if you’re landing your attacks, is bad. I have the feeling that you don’t PvP correctly.

    At what time do you actually take your eyes off the enemy model when you can see the healthbar depleting ? Numbers mean nothing when all the information is displayed infront of you at the top of the screen or by the (OBSCURED) animations of the character model !

  11. @phokus.8934 said:

    So in the middle of combat, you find it more effective to move your eyes away from your enemy, to the corner of your screen, to see this than to simply see it above them?

    I would check before I made the attack why do I need to know if my attack is going to glance by looking at the enemy ? i would look at myself and check for weakness. I look at the minimap and still focus on the enemy, whats the difference ? I guess you are unable to multi-task in pvp.

    This is why you're not a decently ranked player if you're focusing more on a chat log rather than what's visually going on in front of you.

    So in the middle of combat, you find it more effective to move your eyes away from your enemy, to the corner of your screen, to see this than to simply see it above them?

    I would check before I made the attack why do I need to know if my attack is going to glance by looking at the enemy ? i would look at myself and check for weakness. I look at the minimap and still focus on the enemy, whats the difference ? I guess you are unable to multi-task in pvp.

    Which isn’t effective in a PvP environment where a lot can happen during that time which could cost you the fight.

    If you want to derail the thread i suggest you make your own thread about your own issues.

  12. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    So in the middle of combat, you find it more effective to move your eyes away from your enemy, to the corner of your screen, to see this than to simply see it above them?

    I would check before I made the attack why do I need to know if my attack is going to glance by looking at the enemy ? i would look at myself and check for weakness. I look at the minimap and still focus on the enemy, whats the difference ? I guess you are unable to multi-task in pvp.

    Which isn’t effective in a PvP environment where a lot can happen during that time that could cost you the fight.

    Its clear to me that you have no clue how to pvp correctly!

  13. @phokus.8934 said:

    So in the middle of combat, you find it more effective to move your eyes away from your enemy, to the corner of your screen, to see this than to simply see it above them?

    I would check before I made the attack why do I need to know if my attack is going to glance by looking at the enemy ? i would look at myself and check for weakness. I look at the minimap and still focus on the enemy, whats the difference ? I guess you are unable to multi-task in pvp.

    This is why you're not a decently ranked player if you're focusing more on a chat log rather than what's visually going on in front of you.

    Are you saying that im not rated high because i look at the minimap or other places to check for things ? HAHAHA! Heard it all now.

  14. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    So in the middle of combat, you find it more effective to move your eyes away from your enemy, to the corner of your screen, to see this than to simply see it above them?

    I would check before I made the attack why do I need to know if my attack is going to glance by looking at the enemy ? i would look at myself and check for weakness. I look at the minimap and still focus on the enemy, whats the difference ? I guess you are unable to multi-task in pvp.

  15. @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:If you want to turn off damage numbers, make that a toggle-able option.

    Gonna pass on that being a global change. 0's, "glancing"s, and knowing your opponent is glass by how much hp that crit took off them without needing to look at the health bar is useful.

    Of course it should be an option not saying it should be taken out, I am asking why they need to put massive numbers on the character model of the enemies

  16. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    The class that generates some of the most barrier of the game has the least ways to evade damage. How do you tackle this with your idea to remove barrier ?

    Some classes have dodges, some have a lot of blocks, some have healing, and some have barrier. I don't see why barrier has to be treated in a different manner and removed.

    This guy is either a troll or clueless.

  17. @phalaris.5134 said:

    Well, look at that. You blocked and whispered to me that you reported me with screenshots. Just to refresh your memory. It's all good, no biggy.

    I always block trolls and report match manipulation but I was refering to this post and not what happened in game. Its Anets decision to take the information I provided and make an assessment of the case based upon the evidence they have. And for you trolling on such a serious subject you will remain blocked. Have a good day.

  18. @phalaris.5134 said:I want to chip in here: I was the guy saying: Most welcome!

    I never did pay anyone nor did I ever participated in win trading or any other sneaky way to climb a ladder in the almighty and prestigious GW2 PvP. I jumped onto the bandwagon and trolled with MOST WELCOME for kitten and giggles. I didn't expect in my wildest dreams such vivid silver platter in the forum.

    I appreciate the post though but somehow a waste of time. Sorry mate.

    This post was to highlight the actual wintrader that got paid by someone, weather or not it was you was irrelivant. If you enjoy trolling people that is your choice I never made any assumptions or accusations.

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