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Lunarbased.6324's Achievements

  1. Transfusion: This trait no longer teleports downed allies to the user. This trait no longer increases the cooldown of Garish Pillar in WvW. Please... Please.... PLEASE!!!!! Do not remove the teleport from this trait.... it is one of the very few things that makes heal scourge worth bringing over the other healers. Other healing classes can flat out heal the scourge 10 times over all while providing more boons and support... PLEASE ANET, I'M BEGGING YOU.....
  2. Does anybody else feel like this mastery is a bit off? Truthfully when I first heard about it I was very excited... Right up until the moment I unlocked it. The Jade Tech Waypoint will: 1. Disappear if you change maps 2. Disappear if you change characters 3. Have a 10 minute cooldown on recasting it. All of the above summed up essentiallly makes the mastery useless, aside from a few very niche 'strategies', or just for Roleplay purposes. I would suggest to at least let us teleport to it from outside of the map it is placed in, even if it's only one time then disappears. At least then I would be able to utilize it for jumping quickly to another map to grab something and right back to where I was. Idk, maybe I'm just being picky, but I haven't found a single good use for this mastery since the launch of EoD.
  3. No you do not, his spawn is on a varying timer. This is why they do the whole map hopping stuff.
  4. I just feel like your stuck on the topic of profitability, when the real issue is the abuse of map hopping mechanics using multi-boxing clients and alts.
  5. Yep, which is why I am suggesting this. Wasting time developing a full fledged system for the game that you then advertise as one of the big selling points of the expansion, then having it made irrelevant by a small percentage of the player base abusing a single event. People are more likely to play this game and stay when there are systems that keep the player engaged, rather than a broken event and abuse of multiboxing map hops
  6. In response to all these posts... Yes fishing can be profitable by the hour, yes it's possible to get 30g or more per hour. While for one thing that does not even compare to other methods of earning gold in the game, it is also HIGHLY dependent upon luck, moreso than any other means. You essentially have to be realing in a legendary fish every 2 to 3 minutes in order to get the ambergris required to hit that 30g per hour mark. They are only obtainable from legendary fish. The more important thing here is that the levi farm has removed an entire mechanic from the game, there is no reason to fish at all if you're not at least making some form of progress, aside from it being relaxing. I know that this was not intentional because for one thing, he has a fairly long spawn timer. The way people farm him is by abusing the map mechanic, using alts and multi-boxing clients to run 'map holder' characters in several maps at the same time, so that the squad can constantly jump to a new map with the spawn up or very close to being up. I also know this was not intentional because it is the ONLY event in the game that provides a reward of such value every single time you complete it, all other quests with rewards that high are DAILY only.
  7. I personally believe that they should. One of the main purposes of fishing is to acquire the Chunk of Ancient Ambergris from Legendary fish. Due to this farm though, the price has plummeted and made fishing not really worth the time investment it takes to make decent profit. I have done my fair share since EoD launched, acquired the CSAMM title & Spiritwood Rod. I love fishing. It has now been nearly a full year, and all those farming leviathan have had their chance to acquire this item for their legendary crafting, etc. This single farm is removing an ENTIRE aspect and way of playing the game that was just added under a year ago, essentially making it pointless. There are fishers out there who want to enjoy the content while not feeling like it's a waste of time, which is currently how it feels. Please patch out this UNINTENDED event and make it reward the chunks on a daily basis only is my request, as this is what it was intended to be from the start in my opinion. Discuss. Happy New Year and Merry Wintersday to all!
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