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El Gaucho.5278

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Posts posted by El Gaucho.5278

  1. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I'm sure new purchasers who are dissatisfied will be offered the option of a refund, just as I was with a Gathering Tool I didn't care for.

    As long, of course, it's within the 2-4 week (or whatever current time period) refund period.

    So, that should not be an issue.

    Regardless, good luck on the Gathering Tool Glyph request.

    Thanks Inculpatus! I never cease to be in awe that every time I've ever been on here, you're always about with helpful or supportive comments. I applaud your commitment and resilience to the community! =)

    I honestly wish a refund option would make me feel better about the situation though... as it stands, i'll keep holding out hope for a change :)

  2. So in the last week i've been in touch with the always awesome support teams, and discussed this issue in some detail with them.

    It was my understanding (and, i assume most people's) at first that the bug fix was to prevent visitors from looting the new ascended harvesting nodes in home instances.

    Arenanet corrected me by pointing out that the bug, as they deem it, is ACTUALLY that you can use the glyph as a visitor in home instances at all.

    So reportedly the glyph is now working as originally intended.

    Despite a fairly sustained, but always polite discourse with the support teams, they are unable to commit to any changes, and urged me several times to post here, assuring me that the devs, even if they do not respond, will consider feedback.

    I truly hope so guys - i'm relying on you now!

    I'm in a similar situation to the OP - my partner and i both bought three sets of skyscale tools so we could use reaping in my home instance.

    We bought one set when it first came out some months ago, and two more when they came back during the anniversary event.

    I'm not going to ask for a bug fix, because apparently this isn't one, but instead ask for an ENHANCEMENT to be made to how this (these?) items work.

    The glyph of reaping should be enhanced so that visitors to home instances can use it to harvest unique, non personalised nodes (i.e. ascended nodes). As a very minimum re-enable it for wood and ore!

    A few points to consider:

    1. It makes no sense as a design decision to argue that someone would decide to opt IN to saying a glyph of reaping, when the BIGGEST clusters of nodes are in home instances, should be disabled for guests. What I've been told doesn't feel right, so I'm wondering if there's some loss in translation internally with the feedback i received. I also think it's not unreasonable that the design decision to introduce glyphs mightn't have come from some 12 months earlier to glyphs when there were several posts on the subject of convenience or improvements to speed of harvesting, of which home instances were a frequent point of discussion.

    2. The decision to disable the sharing of nodes in home instances goes firmly against the design philosophy of Arenanet and bringing players together and doing things together. Looting the instance with my partner is one of our daily routines. I'm upset at her frustration and anger at the change, and our mutual loss in a pleasant daily routine resulting from this change.

    3. If you never intended for the glyph to work this way it should have been CLEAR from the FIRST time it launched that it was bugged, and not waited until the second round in the gemstore, and further sale purchases, before it was "fixed". Again, this doesn't sound like it was a bug until someone reclassified it as a bug. It feels like this was the "easier" way to fix it?

    4. I have zero doubt Arenanet will continue to receive tickets about this item from future players who buy these tools for the same purpose we did, and are unaware of this poorly documented feature. All those players will have a possibly gemstore experience turned into a bad experience of Arenanet. Prevent all those bad experiences by fixing this decision.

    5. Asking for refunds on the tools in this case is a really bitter pill. My partner has enough nodes she gets SOME benefit from it, but not full benefit. Why be forced to have this choice, or to spend over a thousand gold to have her own instance?

    For these reasons and I'm sure more, I urge you to revisit this point and to deliver something that will continue to be a positive user experience going forward, rather than a cause of stress and frustration.

    While I'm asking some questions of Arenanet above, let me be clear I mean no disrespect to anyone - communication errors happen, (I deal with such things daily), and it just feels like this might be one.

    I appreciate it's unlikely, but any comment from Arenanet that you might consider at least looking at this again would be hugely, greatly appreciated.

    Thank you, and thanks to the support guys also for their input and time to answer my equally long messages to them!

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