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Posts posted by Tuto.7305

  1. My God, your post hurts me physically. Let's break it down.

    "I use fake LI/KP to not brag about how skilled I am" and yet here you are on the forum bragging of how you think you are more skilled than the average player, so what's that about?

    Your twisted perception of how things work baffles me. The fact that you only did Dhuum 4 times and think you know all the possible outcomes and different RNG situations that can wipe a group screams wishful thinking. The reason why people ask for KP is because there is a number of different outcomes in every encounter that can go wrong. Having killed the boss multiple times means you have seen most of the possible outcomes of what can go wrong and will be more prepared for them than a person who did it only a few times and think they know it all (that's you, in case it's not clear).

    Now let's talk about your solution. Make it harder! LMAO

    Yes making Raids harder will make the Raid population grow (??????????). That makes a lot of sense. Since all we have in GW2 are skilled players that don't play Raids because they find it too easy, even though they don't have KP because they couldn't pug it properly. I don't know which world you live in, but the harder you make things, the fewer people will want to do it, it's not the other way around. Also, how is it that you expect to prove all of your skills that you have if not with the KP system? Do you propose a golem session with all the people in the squad everytime a pug is created? That would make it easier in your conception? Have you played other roles? Chrono Tank, Off Chrono, Druid, Heal Scourge, Heal brand, Quickbrand? Or you are just counting how much DPS you do in a pug and because you're always on the top you feel like Raids are easy for you and you are obviously skilled?

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