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Posts posted by Garathow.1509

  1. Dear Arenanet,


    Whenever I get Kyhlo, which i like playing on btw, half of the times someone ends up afking on trebuchet, making the whole match 4v5 unless the opposing team gets a jewel brainiac as well.

    Please remove this mechanic from the game!!!!!

    New players are just getting baited into using it, making themselves useless.

    I'm a scrub player myself, but if no pro team uses it ever, it's pointless having trebuchets the way they are now in the first place.


    I'm sure there's plenty of other people who share the same experience.




    • Like 3
  2. @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:I think everyone salutes working on improving the existing modes as well as experimenting with the new ones such as the 2v2,...A couple of things have stuck with me after playing the game for over 4 years and as feedback from someone constantly trying to come back to GW2 from other games, mostly because of the fairness and the value that it gives with respect to its' price, as well as the combat mechanics, I would like to share my thoughts which, I think, a lot of players can relate to.

    1. In GW2, once you get the armor sets that you want, that's pretty much it when it comes to progression. There isn't any strong incentive for continuous pvp/wvw gameplay for most players. On the other hand, even though there are dozens of pve maps, there are only 4 wvw maps. If there was some substantial money prize related to this game mode, I can see the reasoning for not changing the wvw maps (although there's been a change to the home worlds some time in the past). I've moved on from GW2 to Black Desert Online in the past 2 years and the main point that proved the gameplay interesting was that pvp, gvg could happen anywhere on the world map, you can choose and plan where to fight for the node ownership and have the most substantial reward in the game for actually succeeding in it. When you look at GW2, there are so many beautiful pve maps, but are mostly empty because there is no real incentive to visit them other than to enjoy the view if you're into that kind of stuff. Imaging "MAP OWNERSHIP" or "CITY OWNERSHIP" by a guild or server in GW2!!!! I think that the existence of this game mode alone would transform the game and bring a lot of interest back to GW2. The concept is just one of the possible ways wvw and pvp could be transformed into something amazing.
    2. Combat in GW2, even though there are some imbalances between classes(which is bound to exist at some level in any mmo) and can feel a bit slow after coming from some faster paced games, has still some of the most fair, reasonable and, although subjectively, pretty fun mechanics that can highlight the difference between highly skilled vs averagely skilled players. Even though this is in relation to other posts, there is no strong reason for a total remake of the franchise in the way of creating a new game like GW3.
    3. LS updates and the story telling in GW2 has always been one of the strongest aspects of the game. Updating the LS and bringing fresh maps in seems to be the way of dealing with the PVE monotony, with the lack of incentive to grind for gold once you get the ascended/legendary gear. However, even though this has probably been brought to ArenaNet's attention before, it inevitably spreads the game population and has no real incentive for replayability. How many pve maps are too many? In my opinion, there already are too many. I am sure that people would go nuts if, similarly to the point 1., a guild could "own" a dungeon or a fractal tier in a way that wouldn't only show their emblem, but also bring a substantial gold reward to the guild and those funds would be distributable among guild members. Imagine that!
    4. The lack of just solo casual, but not meaningless life skill aspect really needs to be addressed radically where people who would dedicate a certain time for gathering, processing should feel rewarding, whether it be gold or further level cap increase, in game ranking,... In addition to that, with the fashion franchise that it is, adding player housing just seems like a no-brainer and would definitely add a lot to the pve/roleplay communities.
    5. Lastly, as mentioned in the point 3., the lack of substantial incentive after obtaining ascended/legendary gear needs to be addressed in some way. I think there is a lot of room for ideas how to do this, but moves like increasing the stat value for legendary gear, weekly house/villa maintenance, feeding your mounts, acquiring expensive wvw/pvp materials/devices that help in a gvg/wvw war,...

    I really hope that this comment gets the attention of someone from ArenaNet, as well as other fans interested in giving feedback to improve our beloved franchise to the ranks where it potentially deserves.


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