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conqueered.1659's Achievements

  1. As the title states I am looking to join a LGBTQ based or at the very least LGBTQ friendly guild. I have been playing for about a month now casually (y'know full time job and such) and although I'm still fairly new, I believe its time to finally dive into the guild portion of Guild Wars.Currently my highest character is a level 30-something necromancer with more being raised as well, and for now I'm just enjoying the climb to cap. After that I might want to get into more such as WvW, PvX, or whatever else I find interesting when the time comes.So if there are any such guilds that fit the bill, please enlighten me. Thanks y'all!:) P.s- Why is the word -Q u e e r- censored???
  2. Hi I'm a fairly new player, so please excuse me if I'm ignorant in this matter.When I look in the Black Lion shop I only see individual armor pieces for gloves, boots, and shoulders. Of course there are armor sets, which I assume contain a full set of individual pieces, but why are singles only seemingly available in the aforementioned types? Is there a way to get the other pieces like torso and pants for these items, or is that not a thing that exists?I'm a little confused so if anyone knows please let me know.Thanks guys~
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