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Zenos Osgorma.2936

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Posts posted by Zenos Osgorma.2936

  1. Spirits are Bad , now it can't move and die to general AA even by mobs. Now if Damage reduction from druid applied to spirits too and then buff the spirits HP then maybe it might be worth taking as it stands Spirits stand no chance in any game format, plus it takes up a entire utility slot while other classes have ways to apply Resistance via weapons and Utility, aka Better Flexibility. 

    Druid doesn't apply protection on AoE etc the majority of druid skills are self-application only , the only thing it does for the group is blast and Heal AoE with a delayed condition clear, adding Protection AoE to CA via a redesigned Grace of land is not asking for much at all , if Eclipse turns it into a condi bomb , grace of land should be the opposite.

    and yes you do need to be in CA 70% of the time considering Alac is 1 second duration and it will never reach 2seconds without the flexibility to make use of Concentration so you can spend a bit more time not in CA form.   btw Alac didn't get buffed this patch.




  2. lol Ranger plenty of Aoe might application xd there's only warhorn and Torch 5 with blast.  (what other Might AoE is there aside from jungle stalker) theres plenty of ways to apply Might to ourselves but hardly anything when it comes to group support.   

    asking for a Trait to apply Might and update Grace of land to be more flexible than just one boon for 2 seconds.  Grace of land is very Poor for a grandmaster other classes do a better job applying Alacrity as its only effect on CA activation is increasing the healing Spam, with Eclipse contesting the grandmaster slot (that is the only way Druid is getting consistent dps damage) don't forget while in CA using Grace of land is a Direct massive Dps loss for the druid and asking for a bit more group Utility on grace of land is an Equal trade off.  (especially for builds that don't use glyphs)

    if you call CA spam strong (damage wise its not strong at all) , the only thing it has going for it is maxing out the spam via massive cooldown reduction, if your spec for support it should also come with the added boon support not just rapidly spamming CA skills to heal of which you spend 70% of the time in CA if you are a Support healer.  it's a given that the Boon support just lacks.


    what other ways can you apply Resistance etc Soul beast Stance sharing? when soul beast is a damage spec and untamed is a bunny hammer spec for Agro. it seems to me these two have better Boon acess than druid currently which at a core only has Protection via glyphs or Regen/swiftness  that effect group play and only if you add in beastmastery , At least soul beast and untamed have leader of the pack and Let loose.   (grace of the land should have Equalivant strength of utility but in this case only applied Via CA skills rather than Stances / unleashed attacks)

    In my opinion Unleased and soul beast don't need anything more and it is only Grace of land that is lacking Hardly Worthy of the Grandmaster slot.


  3. CA skill 1 : apply Regen

    CA skill 4 : should apply Protection or resilience


    CA currently isn't any good with concentration , in fact CA doesn't provide much at all aside from rapid healing (and only if you are kitted for healing power) CA should at least have some Base line Protection and Regen , which means you can free up a Trait line instead of having to use Healing spring or Shouts for Regen CA generation.

    adding regen to CA would free up Utility/traits to make using glyphs worthwhile. (maybe merg glyphs relable them to count as Signet , then Overhaul the Signet traits.


    CA should apply some sort of boons even if they moved Alacrity to CA skill 4 and edit Grace of the Land trait that makes CA apply boons on each CA application, that way at least CA applies Alacrity (1second) on skill 4 as a base apply the boon during the normal rotation and at will not being stuck to CA activation to apply Alacrity)

    Grace of land could look like this

    Skill 1 : Regen 2seconds

    skill 2 : Resistance 2seconds

    skill 3 : 10% additional Healing

    Skill 4 : Alacrity already applied (increase Alacrity application by 2 seconds to a maximum of 5 seconds , if you add boon duration to it to max it out)

    skill 5 : apply 5 Might 10seconds Aoe , to 5 Targets.


    currently, in my condi dsp set up I am fully reliant on the superior sigil of Ruthlessness combined with Blood Moon for any sort of might application, to reach max stacks it takes heal as one , stacking the pet and Guard, which is self-applied might only.. 

    Ranger has no form to apply might outside of Warhorn/bonfire blast.


    would be nice if Druid had a little bit more Boon utility in exchange for lower DPS.

  4. I'll add to this topic.

    I'm on sprouting the druid stone and the element of the worm isn't dropping, the chest isn't showing up when i kill the Charged Molten worm.

    I've tried at least 5 times over the last 3 days and it still isn't working, Have the collection active and the items not missing or in my inventory.

    the Vendor isn't showing it as missing, so it is not dropping. 


    Anet admin please fix.

  5. It'll be fine for hammer , considering you have to use Cantrips etc for immunity rotation plus passive condi clearing on dodge or swap a whole trait line to gain condition removal from wilderness if you don't plan on using Cantrips.

    I toyed around with hammer a for a bit and its damage is good but it certainly is no GS that has more Pressure, hammer by all means should be hard hitting so adding it to two-handed training makes sense as it doesn't carry much Mobility or Escape , the leap damage as base h5 is horrid and slow for a reason because the other skills are ment to hit like a truck.

    H5 is still a tad under powered when at a low 1.8k pre might , it does 5 damage against an average training golem xd but the leap is slower than a gs3 so it's easy to dodge such a choreographed animation.

    hammers damage seems to come from the stacking of damage outputs like boon % , stun + opening strikes and Dragon stats to even achieve the damage some testers are doing and still keep the HP/Tanky aspects.


    that'll be



    and a very poor choice of Nature magic , beast mastery or skirmishing if you want to use Cantrips for the boon + regen from the other two trait lines gain , giving you

    Might, Protection, fury (depending on weapon/trait), Stability Resistance, Resolution, swiftness , Vigor, quickness (depending on what trait line) maybe Aegis if you got allys near and due to the cooldown of cantrips without Concentration you won't have all these at the same time , so the damage boost from boons is typically 4-8% without a weapon cooldown and you won't be using 100% power stats in pvp or wvw..

    you are reliant on Damage negation for survival when using untamed and as a trade off the damage per hit should be higher than a Traited GS DPS, such threat that people must run away when a thumper is going off on a combo one Bear like gs2 isn't going to scare anyone in pvp/wvw it'll only scare the noobies.

    I remember the old days of Gw1 pvp Bunny thumpers being one myself.

    They were designed to be Mobile (leap skills, reflexes as any Ranger would have), quick hard hitting but slow Mobility movement speed but Still Squishy without utility to protect them, you let a bunny thumper get into melee range you should be pinned, and heavily damaged considering theres almost 0 Mobility in the hammer the leap alone isn't scary damage at all.



    this is my first impression of Gw2 hammer.


    • Like 1
  6. i've always thought that Pets should have their own personal Mastery tree , Time with a Pet soft Traits it in their own personal mastery tree, (kinda like how the WvW/pvp rewards works needing X amount of Pet EXP to max it out.

    Rewards based upon the Pet type , soft rewards like reduced cool down or a Moa AoE now affect 10 people rather than 5.

    or a Bear mastered , increases its Maximum HP or toughness by x or the Bear gets a little faster its mastered how to run downhill lol, starting at 5% and then maxing out at a 15% movement buff (could reduce speed on Pet's Prowess for this you don't want a bear running around at 45% base at all times or the Regen Adds Fear on F2 for all bears that have mastered their Personal trait line maxing out its EXP.

    Or a Bird pet type that when maxed out Grants Aoe Boon of its 3rd skill becomes Swiftness pulses 3x, so you get 3x 8 seconds of swiftness to allies

    or a New specific pet that is Designed to copy its master boons or share boons Moving the Fortifying Bond into the pet's own personal Trait line so you can choose to share boons or not.

    Soul beasts have no Benefit of boon sharing outside of Taking beastmastery as your pet is merged if you want to run around in near full-time soul beast mode this could make it possible you can choose a Pet trait that isn't Fortifying Bond and opt for taking on the aspect of the bear for its 15% movement speed when the Pet has Mastered its personal traits. 

    (soul beast is Typically just the combat version of Celestial avatar.)

    PvE/ WvW wise, this would mean Each pet would need to be "mastered" to get the full benefits.

    I'd see this as giving the Trait lines some Flexibility in the Ranger Traits considering now they have to Fit in Mace and Hammer (if they don't make room it is just adding more Text/ not much change in the trait affecting the new weapons, Two-handed training would work for Hammer but Not mace unless they change Strider's Strength to include mace.

    it'll be a pet improvement still acting as Utility, content improvement, and Trait line Improvement.


    keeping at bay the Traits that increase power but use soft traits that improve the Utility, mobility, Survival (HP or Toughness or Vitality no damage improvements directly other example could be Fern Hound max exp F2 Regenerate now also applies Protection for x seconds Soul beast would love this increased protection time) , in the Pets mastery Trait line you could add the Pets boon applications increase by 25% considering there's nothing for Pets to improve their boon Utility, protection from 2-3seconds to 5seconds.) 


    Or even the Pet personal Trait to Remove boons on Crit , like giving a pet a Sigil or add f2 Boon Removal to the Pink Moa! ( i bet people will gladly give up the Moa f2 damage for a AoE boon Removal.)


    Train your pet of choice to suit your needs as a complement to your trait lines rather than just a Latched-on Utility.


    and tbh outside of beast mastery and soul beast mode, pets are Still lackluster.


    • Like 1
  7. Tiamat,  waited for ages for Friend of the Owl, did the events in the map area twice constantly checking the mini map (scrolling to the corner, as soon as it pops up Waypoint right away) before the owl event popped up (though if you Encounter and kill the event boss before he reaches the owl lodge entrance you'll get the Achievement, the troll comes from the vally to the Left of the owl lodge when the event starts) 

  8. Returning from a long hiatus few years since HoT came out, Returned to gw for new years got into finishing the Nevermore collection, on Vol 4 now but in need of a Guild for Mouth of Mordremoth and when I buy the Expansions! On my Travels, I saw Flipping Boats, people have boats for mounts now, I missed out on a lot since HoT.

    If you are still taking on, could you send me an Invite?

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/10/2023 at 7:11 AM, DarkFlopy.8197 said:

    Well each porcine had a bundle related to it according to it's archetype.

    Warthog was giving a Condition bundle:

    Gunk / Venom Sac / Scale

    Boar was giving a CC bundle:

    Bone / Rock / Skull

    Pig was giving a Support(?) bundle:

    Healing Seed / Egg / Elixir of heroes (I think was the name?)

    Siamoth was giving a Survival bundle:

    Plasma (most desired) / Feathers / Tuft (why 2 stealth items with no difference in the effects God knows why)

    Except the Siamoth if you see someone as soulbeast with the other porcines is because they wanted their abilities and their archetype and not for the forage ability.

    For example if I was a condi user I would take Warthog for it's CC both in merge and unmerge and overall it's F3 ability as a deadly archetype. Of course other pets can be more useful but it's just more options.

    that's made me a big sad, I used Saimoth all the time for my Bleed Ranger , maxed out the Escape and Sharpen utilities and used the Saimoth as a recovery escape/boon buff it was a delay ability for me to time out the bleeding on opponents.  it had so much use..guess i'll have to find new pets , havn't played gw2 since end of heart of thorns.   

    Any new pets to recommend? that would go well with a Bleed/condi build , i do have Druid on it but i still need to look into that.

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