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Posts posted by Scarecrows.3602

  1. 13 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

    - Changing firebrand onto an initiative system is just... why play with only the drawbacks of a guardian or a thief, when you get to do both? MAXIMUM SUFFERING! DeSiGn iS mY pASsiOn!

    You know kitten well that Firebrand was too versatile. No class should be able to spec so fully into pure burning damage and still have access to half the boons in the game for no cost to their DPS. Stop acting like a 14-year-old because they fixed your broken toys.

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  2. I think the changes to deadeye kind of lose a lot of its core personality, especially the range reduction (just speaking personally, a deadeye’s rifle having less range than a ranger’s longbow seems… odd). I don’t really have a problem with the ability to move while kneeling, but it’s not really going to be changing much either.

    If anything, Deadeye’s issue has been not enough range, since it thrives on the fantasy of a sniper posting up out of reach to pick off enemies one by one from a mile away.

    • Like 6
  3. Perhaps not a gemstore item per se, but a tonic of the Awakened Scavenger would be really cool.Okay, proper requests now:

    • Additional guild slots. Please.
    • Perhaps a backpack skin that looks like a proper cape? Dunno how to describe it better than that.
    • A greatsword skin or three that isn’t either a mile wide, ugly as sin, or both.
    • A sword skin that’s greatsword-sized. Or one that doesn’t have some swirly curved design that’s painful to look at.
    • maybe a skin for the Griffon mount that makes it a Branded griffon? Or will mount skins never be a thing? (Honestly I’m okay either way I just have an unhealthy degree of love for Kralkatorrik.)
    • Skins for the Obsidian Armor from GW1 since evidently your design team for legendary armor forgot about that faster than the writers forgot who Malyck was. (Yes, I’m still mad about Malyck, why aren’t you?)
    • whatever asset the Awakened Scavenger swings around, except it’s a sword skin.Basically I just kind of want to see you guys take some lessons from good ol’ FromSoftware in your weapon design, since half of what you’ve got now is either hideous or a #WristWrecker. Also please stop making outfits and make armor sets instead, it’s so much better for everyone involved.
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