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Leo.7086's Achievements

  1. Same here, I can log into game, can here the game, but can't see the game on my screen.
  2. You could make the Flying mount a slow moving flying mount, this way a person can choose rather they want a fast moving ground mount or a slow flying air mount.
  3. Guild Wars 2 is a Great game. I have been playing the game for almost 15 years, since Guild Wars one. A flying mount can be added to the game in a safe way, just put restriction on this particular mount. One could be that you have to have all the other mounts before you can begin your quest for the flying mount. 2 could be you have to have played the game for a certain amount of hours. 3 could be map completion by at least one character. Putting limitation on the flying mount like no fly zone is fine, but at least you give those that have played for a while the option to get a Flying mount.
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