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Posts posted by Metzie.3012

  1. 1 hour ago, LukaBre.8621 said:

    Beta events are not designed to push the benchmarks as further as you can as the numbers will most certainly go down by the time the class is oficially revealed.

    Counter-question: what are they for? Who's talking about benchmarks? That's not the point at all. It's about giving players the opportunity and freedom to find something that suits or could suit his or her style of play. It's also about getting a wide range of feedback, that too is limited, just by the limitation (not being able to use almost everything that might be needed).

    The legendary armory now offers this possibility, so why shouldn't the general public or the participants benefit from it for such a beta event? It was to be expected that ANet would use "old templates or possibilities" like for the PoF beta. I would have been positively surprised if they had changed this on their own initiative (access to the legendary armoury or items with the current beta events). 

    If you now possibly come up with the argument that you (or players in general) would have been better prepared for the beta event ... one or the other would have had better opportunities. Reference: Copy of the actual account and items for the beta Event ... 🤥 ... that would basically be an own goal.

    Not infrequently I have heard or read the question "How are you supposed to theory crafting builds and then actually put them into practice if you don't have the necessary resources to do so (something like that). To take the wind out of the sails right away, sPvP and open world or WvW are two different shoes (to test).



    That being said, I think its pointless to make an additional code changes just so people can have a bit more options while testing 3 classes for less than a week. Especially now that everything legendary is tied to the armory instead of just being an item in your inventory. (many exceptions would have to be made for this rule and most likely too much resources for them to use up right now)

    How do you know how much resources, work or time is or would be required to implement or change this? 

    Beta access is temporary, nor is progress or anything like that saved for the future. In other words, your beta-created characters and everything related to them are separate from your actual account content. What exceptions would need to be made? I don't understand the relation to the legendary armoury + effort.   


    1 hour ago, LukaBre.8621 said:

    I would rather have them put such effort into the expansion itself. Seeing how the skills work and interact with the rest of the world is by far enough for something thats called 'beta'.

    In that section I could ask the same question again, how you seem to know that the effort is so high that in your opinion it wouldn't be worth the effort (if there is or would be an above-average effort at all) to add value for the entire playerbase (or at least for beta participants). 


    All in all, no offence. And by the way, I personally have everything I need or would need (i.e. legendary items) to explore possibilities. Accordingly, my suggestion is or was not meant selfishly or only related to the fact that I would have added value. 🙂

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

    Then we won't have to trade our souls in trying to acquire one.


    Seriously, the grind is unreal. And it's always excused with: "Well, it's optional!"


    I'd rather have a mandatory skyscale that wasn't an egregious grind than an optional skyscale that left me feeling excluded and inferior for not being able to obtain one.

    For you, we're making "exceptions" with the next expansion and making game content purchasable via the Gems Shop. How about that?

    Yes, playing a game can be exhausting. 😆 Why do I play games at all? 🤔

    • Haha 4
  3. With the Beta Event, you (ANet) are providing a limited amount of equipment and consumables. Players with legendary equipment get access to the legendary armory and thus the advantage of being able to design the beta classes as desired. And that's a good thing, so far!

    But what I asked myself right after the start of the first beta event is why you (ANet) don't make the legendary armory, i.e. the legendary equipment, generally available for the time of the beta event? Boxes with legendary items already exist. This would have the added value for all beta testers and participants (and also new players) and at the same time you would promote it and give players the opportunity to get an insight into of what it means or what advantage(s) it has to craft legendary items.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 2
  4. With your suggestion of being able to consume the emblems, you just brought me to the idea of possibly converting them into the WvW currency "WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket". That would certainly be an added value for some (...). So that it doesn't motivate above-average "farming", ANet could limit the amount of emblems to be read in or exchanged (X per week or so).


    To add to the part of why converting the emblems into currency has the thought in the background that ANet - someday - might create or give more possibilities to be able to exchange something that gives you - especially in the daily game operation - an added value.

    Various examples:

    • A new or improved type/set of siege weapon(s) (...) that can only be bought via the WvW currency.
    • Items that are only available daily, weekly, ... (Mystic Clover, already mentioned; Gift of Battle; ...)
    • An item that is needed for further processing in the craft as an example. I am thinking of "legendary infusions" (sometime in the future). 😁 
    • Other things, that can only be obtained through currency.
    • Like 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

     Just made a fresh account to play ranked with a buddy who hasn't played since release. 10 placement matches and 10 or so more before I was back in plat and saw one person that I identified as a bot. A verrrrrry far way away from every single game. 

    It depends ... especially at what time you play. For example, I had 2 games in my placement games where there were actually bots. In one game I had a Mesmer bot in my team, in the other game (on another day) there were even three bots (Mesmer). One in my team and two in the opposing team. And they were indeed bots (I noted them in a list, see link below).

    Some people exaggerate, of course, and it has become common to misuse the word "bot". Many players play or move like bots, but they are actually not bots.

  6. After a long time, I thought ... I will play some PvP (ranked) again and do my placement games. However, it didn't take long and I got into a game where there was a BOT (Mesmer who fed the opponents) in our team (and thought to myself ... f*ck it, that's it - I'm done already). I mentioned this in the team chat that our Mesmer was a bot, whereupon another teammate said that this one (he probably already knew this one) had been "playing" for a long time and nothing happened. After I checked the leaderboard, I saw that this bot had already played over 1500 games.

    It's just ridiculous and shameful! Those responsible who allow this to happen and do nothing (or just not enough) should be given a decent slap ** *** **** so that they come to their senses again. I mean, what is this sh*t?



    Security is an ongoing process, especially as systems change over time, and we will be introducing further improvements to make it easier to report, identify and action cheaters over the next few months. 

    Original post, see: An Update on Game Security and Player Reporting in Guild Wars 2

    This post says to report incidents of this kind on their website, and I have done so (and not just once), but I am not interested (anymore) in wasting my time mainly on the effort of reporting players or bots via such a form. 

    I want to play the game, and not spend time predominantly or increasingly on trivialities just because you ANet are incapable of doing your job (in that respect)! You can "excuse" (busy with expansion etc.) it once or try it several times, ... but there has to be an end to this nonsense at some point. It doesn't matter which mode it is!


    ANet mentioned that they would inform the community about improvements, but it's been a while since that happened (they said "the next few months") and not much has happened, at least not noticeably.

    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    Guild Chat, Fishing and Skiffs!

    If you’ve got questions about fishing and skiffs in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons™, don’t miss the next episode of Guild Chat, where we’ll share details and gameplay!

    Source: For more details, click that Link right now!


    We absolutely need - more - maps in spvp (in the future) in which, if it becomes necessary (because players are afk or have a dc, or because the game simply cannot be won) - fishing, perhaps on a skiff, is possible!

    Are you as excited as I am? Oh yes, and please suggest new titles like: "God of Fishing".


    Sorry if I'm stalling, ... but how about a new "Heart of the Mists" on a huge skiff? Oh, what am I saying, several of them! 

  8. Yeah, the last change is not bad, but needs improvement (in my opinion). The fact that the range has been limited to an object and thus territorially, is something you can come to terms with. Why not?! 🙂

    However, how understaffed or overburdened (priorities or not) can or may one be (@ANet), in order to make not additional changes (see suggestion below), of which many would possibly say: "Yes, that was a good change (firstly), especially thought through to the end (secondly)". Are they so devoid of ideas or does they simply want to keep the effort as low as possible? I don't get it, and I don't want to.

    So, what if, for example, ANet had gone and made it possible to DROP the banner (symbolically visible on the map, similar to siege weapons) without losing it completely, so that it could be picked up again? The timer of the banner would continue to run as normal and then disappear. Taking this idea further, they could even make the banner destroyable (again, similar to siege weapons), i.e. if a player places it in an inconvenient place (within the belonging object, ...), the opponent could destroy it.

    Just don't be surprised, accept it (such changes) and be happy about the little bit that was changed. The (well-known) drop in the ocean, isn't it? 😂

    • Confused 1
  9. 3 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    I haven't roamed seriously since like 2015 and was wondering what the baseline stats are for roaming builds. For reference here is what I intend to play atm.




    people made already good suggestions about your "build".

    I used your template, and made a few adjustments to the accessories + added power infusions. Other than that, the build looks basically playable when you look at it as a whole. If you play it well, ... you should be able to handle "conditions" as well.

    With the changes, you now get ~18.8k health, when merged with the "pet", you get ~21.5k. That should work. You also have an armor of ~2.5k now. 

    See (make further adjustments if necessary, according to your wishes): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAExflRweYdMImJW0W6P1BEB-zVpYBhZFEIYUDiB5ZEUwZkpqqXpqhPABsHeLVZGB-w

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


    That doesn't exactly prevent trolls from activating them still, you're just raising the limit to those that could from newbie to veteran, not much different than cutting off f2p accounts from wvw.



    2 hours ago, Metzie.3012 said:

    And in such a way that it is more difficult for trolls to abuse them. In other words, that the effort is so high that it is not worth it.

    I'll quote myself or an excerpt. And that's what it's about ... nothing more, nothing less. I think you should slowly but surely have understood what it's all about.

    • Confused 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    If you think that or turning off public use is also lazy, ...

    You seem to have ignored the additional sentence in connection with the comment?

    Activating or deactivating (public/private tactivators) is reserved for players who belong to the guild that claims the object. And those are often not online or available at the time to respond to "trolls". That's what was meant by "lazy" when it comes to tactics.


    21 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    ... even paid accounts troll the tactivators.

    Yes, of course. It was basically not exclusively related to "F2P accounts". A possible solution or suggestion, see below.


    21 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    What exactly do you think they are going to do with EoD?

    My mistake was bringing or mentioning EoD in connection with WvW. Basically, those are two different things that don't necessarily have to be connected. I should rather have referred to the statement "WvW as a cornerstone". And as a result of that statement (by ANet) WvW will get more attention (in the future). 

    But to answer your question anyway. I don't know, and I'm not speculating because it's not worth the time.


    21 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    They obviously won't take them out, they won't implement a "name and shame" system to be abused by players, so what exactly would you expect to change in regards to tactivators?

    They don't have to ... take them out. What I personally could imagine, as far as the issue with tactics is concerned, is that they make adjustments that improve the current state. ANet could include and expand the "rank and ability system" and/or the advantage of "being a member of a guild that has already reached a certain rank" in terms of the expansion of WvW areas.

    Concrete example: A player must assign X rank points in "Rank and Abilities" in order to be able to use Tactivators. Or be in a guild that has already expanded this part.

    There are certainly other possibilities, ideas or alternatives.


    • Sad 1
  12. When a game, mode or system has reached a certain level (i.e. when the developer leaves a mode 95% to itself) and no longer satisfies players sufficiently (not for nothing are there players with multiple server accounts, which may not even have been intended for "trolling" in the first place), such players become increasingly creative and have to compensate with such actions. Such players are usually just bored (also because the mode doesn't offer more).

    Basically, it only reflects what the developers make or have made or have not made of it. An example: As an organiser, you create rules, modify or adjust them as needed, and you have to make sure that they are adhered to - for the good of all. This only happens here (in this case at ANet) in extreme cases, and only when the outcry of the community is so high that the game maker can no longer avoid changing something.


    23 hours ago, HARDOFREADING.7298 said:

    Disable or remove Tactics until a solution exists to curb this childishness

    Your suggestion is (meanwhile) also no solution (anymore). You can only wait and see what ANet has in mind for the future (with Eod and the mode)


    23 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Frankly free to play accounts should be disabled from WvW, it's probably only a very small percentage of accounts that are used this way, but it's a start.

    This is an opinion that many advocate ...

    However, I personally think this is the laziest solution (which would or could basically speak for ANet - sorry for the side blow). So, it will not happen in that form. ANet already brings some restrictions with F2P accounts. These should be further adjusted, especially with regard to the PvP modes. And in such a way that it is more difficult for trolls to abuse them. In other words, that the effort is so high that it is not worth it.

    As an example, ANet could, as is generally the case with many apps, introduce a time-limited access (a trial period) that applies from the moment WvW is entered (with the restrictions already in place, access at level 60). Let it be 30+ days.


    22 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

    Turn them off for public use. Done.

    The answer is about as lazy as the current system of tactics, that is, the possibility of (ab)using them.

    Of course, everyone is represented in every guild and, above all, always online when it would be necessary .... to realise YOUR clever suggestion.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

    Does he queue ranked or unranked? Cause unranked the matchmaking is messy. In ranked its better but if you hand up in mid/low silver you'll have to deal with bot and afkers/leavers so ye... Not that fun for new players. You should duel with him

    and help him learn the game so he can climb at least gold and have better games

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    1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    5 man premades vs 3 man premades. This heavily rigs the match in favor of the 5 man group. I remember Riot Games releasing statistics about this in the past for league of legends.  On average a 3 man premade + 2 man premade won 30% of the time vs a full 5 man premades. 

  14. 21 hours ago, noiwk.2760 said:

    stealth is something the community dont like becuase how stealth is in this game is awful and some builds can literally spam stealth constantly 


    I like (not really) how you include the whole community with your statement, as if you know this to be true (it is not true for me, for example). That is the point that bothers me about your statement. So much for that.


    Invisibility (in general):
    Invisibility or stealth as such I personally don't consider as a problem and is part of some class mechanics (doesn't mean that there can't be adjustments here and there, if necessary). Accordingly ...


    ... in my opinion it is not the stealth itself which is the problem, but rather the DURATION (and the circumstances that go along with it). The duration, better, increasing the duration, should only come with greater effort and resources (skills, abilities or "negative" effects that affect stealth). This works (in my opinion, more or less) quite well except for thieves (especially since thieves have several ways to maintain invisibility).

    Thief (specific):
    Especially the thief, when playing with "Shadow Arts", benefits the most (to stick to the topic: its "annoying & overpowered" 😊) from this and at the same time experiences little to actually no loss (for example, in terms of dealing damage). Also, when compared to other "skill trees". It is not for nothing that you see predominantly D/P (other versions too) thieves playing with SA (in sPvP and WvW). Why should a thief - nowadays - play anything other than "shadow arts"? Even after ANet's customisation (especially in sPvP and in terms of the duration), SA is still too effective to consider playing anything else. I play thief myself, and I don't like this "low risk, high reward" playstyle (which unfortunately doesn't just apply to thief these days; not for nothing do you see so many "necromancers and raid bosses running around"). However, in most cases you are forced - if you want to keep up - to adapt in this direction. Which means that you can't necessarily avoid adopting this playstyle (and this generates a boring, one-sided game environment and META in the long run). 


    (there could be so much more text here)


    As for thieves, basically according to the motto: Whoever is invisible longer wins in the long run (that's why duels - as a thief - against thieves are so exciting and not boring at all).



    What will change - in that respect? Basically nothing, because ANet is sticking to the current and outdated way (you can't really call it a system) of balancing skill trees, elite specialisations and (utility) skills. And with this comes, basically inevitably, lazily created or above-average strong or underperforming (elite) specialisations that are difficult to "balance" afterwards (see Scourge) without affecting the core specialisations (as an example).

    • Like 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

    IMO this is even more of a reason why it's a dreadfully bad system. It exists solely for this one purpose, but has no real one afterwards. 


    I completely understand what you mean. When you play GW2, sooner or later (or not at all) you have to or should come to terms with the fact that in many cases the focus of the game is on or in other elements (when it comes to end content). The developers or makers don't necessarily tell you that what you are doing makes sense, no, you are required to "create" the sense yourself. GW2 is, in many cases, about "just wanting" something, even though it may or may not give you a significant advantage in the game afterwards. 


    GW2 in its "bandwidth" (this can be quite limited or restricted and, in many cases, it is) gives you the opportunity to develop your own creativity within this framework. If you can handle it or have come to terms with it, you know what the game has to offer you or ... even not.


    Last but not least: The game itself can or could do so much more ... just ANet can't do it, because they are not able to (and that has its reasons, too). The limits of their own creativity don't stop at ANet either. 😊

  16. I've always wondered what the point of displaying or dragging minis behind you in a (actually) competitive mode is. For me, they have their place or justification in a purely PvE oriented game mode. In sPvP as an example, minis remain in the base (although not always, because it is sometimes buggy).


    Why ANet allows displaying minis in WvW, ... has probably several reasons. One keyword could be "Gem store" (even if many can be gained in the game itself). Would players avoid the game mode just because they are not allowed to drag their minis behind them?


    For my part, I would have long wished or expected such an option in the settings, in which I can decide for myself to display minis (the others', not mine) or to disable them. The only use I get out of it (in WvW) is when players play a class like a thief (permanently invisible) for example, giving away their position or path. 


    The same goes for mount skins, many are far too brightly glowing or have an exaggerated unnatural shine that almost blinds you.

    • Thanks 2
  17. Quote

    The WvW Skirmish Reward Track Takes Far Too Long To Complete


    For my taste, the weekly pip reward track is generally outdated - rather in terms of the gold or the final chest (...). However, as mentioned by others, there are several options to reduce the duration or time required to complete the full path faster.


    See: Skirmish reward track


    But now that it's official that WvW is a cornerstone of the game, it's safe to assume that - according to ANet's time calculation - it will be revised (someday). 😆


    However, until that is or will be, it certainly wouldn't take much effort to upgrade the current "pip reward track, the gold or the final chest" a bit (as an example with 2+ mystic clover or something similar).

    • Like 1
  18. 41 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    I'm doing it for legendary armor right now.  22 weeks at 24 hours a week is pretty brutal.  I don't see how any normal person is reasonably expected to accomplish this, since it is essentially a part-time job on top of whatever else they do. 


    It may seem "brutal" to one (you) or the other. However, once you have the "legendary armor", you won't need anything else afterwards - because there is nothing better. And with the legendary armory, the value is even greater. For my part, I think it is reasonable that something takes longer, if the effort is in relation to the benefit!

    • Like 5
  19. 16 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Or, they can give hard CC it's damage back, scaled to the relative power of the current meta.


    Going backwards again, i.e. giving the damage back to hard control effects, seems to me personally inappropriate. ANet has gone this way, they have also made or announced adjustments (of which one did not really notice much and if so, then rather poorly), then they should maintain this way. So much for that.


    BUT, what I could personally see ANet doing is adding a secondary mechanic to hard control effects (similar to ranger greatsword 4, counterattack) that unlocks another skill - one that deals damage - if the CC was successful.


    What about that?

  20. Quote

    300 seconds cooldown for trait-skills too much?


    The "number you have called" is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. Thank you for your patience. Until next time, goodbye.


    or ...


    Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately, none of our staff is free ... at the moment. Please leave a message and one of our staff will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for calling. Goodbye.


    or ... 


    You are currently on hold, please wait a moment (even after hours, nothing happens - then the following message). Our customer service agents are all busy at the moment, please try again later (a week, months later, ... *yawn *snore). 

  21. Imagine buying a product on pre-sale, of which you have (most likely) long known that a part of it is absolutely not to be recommended (anymore or at least according to the current state), and complaining afterwards in the forum with the question whether you can get your purchase refunded.


    Apart from that, everything OK? 😂

    • Like 8
    • Haha 5
  22. 9 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

    Make the Leaderboard and the Rating Points next season hidden, show them when the Season ends.
    Make only the Badge visible, this could lower the chance of wintrading, since no one actualy knows where exactly they stand but gives players still a visual feedback where they could be


    In general, I like the idea of hiding the leaderboard, but I would add the suggestion to do it only at the end, i.e. a week before the season ends (as an example). And make it visible again after the end of the season.


    1 hour ago, Vancho.8750 said:

    The only time Arenanet managed to curb some of the shenanigans to some degree was with the no duo queue after plat or something and most people couldn't push over p2.  


    And that is exactly what I would propose to reintroduce, with the difference that the restriction (no duo from 1600 ...) occurs or is activated immediately before the end of the season. As suggested (see above, a week or so before).


    I think that would be a good compromise, a bit more exhausting for the tryhards (no offence) or wintrader and worth a try to reduce the clown show in general (towards the end).

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