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Night Hunter.2816

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Posts posted by Night Hunter.2816

  1. I was playing with my guardian character and the game then said that the client was unable to connect just as I was entering an instance and I tried multiple times to log back in, and it said the game client is unable to connect at this time.

  2. So I had a huge storm yesterday and since then barely any of my games are working now. I tried to convince my dad to reboot the router but he wasn’t convinced. The game keeps telling me that there was a connection and to wait a few minutes to restart the client and try again (which I already did do). At this point I am out of ideas.

  3. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @Night Hunter.2816 said:what specializations they should take.

    You are not limited to 1 specialization. You can unlock both with any class, then switch between both on the fly (even easier now with build templates).

    Unless you are asking which one you should unlock first or practice first, which is simply a time and effort issue.

    As far as current balance, this is where the given classes are at in pve:
    Open World
    - makes no difference. Check metabattle for strong open world builds if you are having issues with this content

    - alacrigrade (support Renegade which provides cc, might and alacrity), condi Renegade dpsNecromancer_ - Power Reaper dps, heal scourge
    - condi or power Holo, heal scrapper
    - minstrel tank chrono, support chrono, power dps chrono, condi mirage dps
    - heal druid, power soulbeast dps, condi soulbeast dps

    HOLY BUNCHES OF OATS!! AH!!! I'm also planning to make a guardian character in the future once I get the others to 80. I had a weird dream one day that I made a guardian. Any thoughts?

  4. @"Auburner.6945" said:Open World: Anything works there, but some classes do it better or easier to pull off than others. A good website to get to know possible builds would be https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki . This doesn't mean you shouldn't theorycraft or change some pieces if uncomfortable. However, most of the e-specs used in raids/fractals tend to also be more effective in Open World, shouldn't be the most fun to play though.


    • Revenant: Renegade, either a support or a cDPS
    • Necro: Scourge in raids, but it's not a meta pick in most encounters, however, it hard carries anyway
    • Engineer: Holosmith for raids, but it's harder to pull off competitive numbers unless invested time into it
    • Mesmer: Boonbot, pDPS or cDPS; all in raids
    • Ranger: Soulbeast as a DPS + buffer for either fractals or raids, Druid for raids


    • Revenant: Herald, DPS; it's strong in WvW as a roamer or a backline DPS, weaker in PvP as of recent updates targeted there. Renegade was never an issue to deal with in duels, but it can fare well with an organized group.
    • Necro: In PvP, I won't really go for a solo queue as a Necro, but both Scourge and Reaper are playable; just needs a good team/duo partner. For WvW, Scourge for a mid-backline DPS/corrupt'or; as a roamer it's the same issue and same builds as PvP.
    • Engineer: Holosmith, you can check PvP forums - it's really good, Scrapper as well. Scrapper is great cleansing healer in group fights in WvW... can also be a roamer, but Holo does it better
    • Mesmer: HMMMmmmmm, a Power Mirage for PvP, but still predictable. For WvW, it's a joke, but we a got a great pDPS Mirage on our server that can hit extremely high numbers with GS. Chrono is pure LUL in PvP/WvW
    • Ranger: PEWPEWPEW... Druid is easy to deal with, Soulbeast not so far as of the nerfs, but it can still carry its weight to some extent. In WvW, same thing, but better as of open fields... don't try to argue with commanders why you got kicked though... it's a general rule for rangers, thieves (pug groups), and maybe mesmer unless they are on voice chat with the commander

    For your Guardian hopes:

    • It can be a pDPS, cDPS, healer or a hybrid support in PvE, either e-specs
    • It's the backbone of group fights in WvW as a support
    • It shares the same problem as Necro in PvP as in going solo, but less of an issue

    Guardian is probably the only class to at least have a meta anywhere, almost even with any role.

    A side own personal opinion; Firebrand was the only to be really fun to play.

    So either way, Looks like Holosmith is the way to go. Don't know what boon bot means. Still figuring out the others with this new information, but my engineer will most likely be Holosmith. I can try to look at tutorials and stuff. I want to see what other peeps think. Can you spread this discussion please :3

  5. Hello! So my characters; revenant, necromancer, engineer, mesmer, and ranger are almost at lvl 60 so it got me thinking about what specializations they should take. Most people are saying they prefer holosmith and herald but I'm still stuck! I also want to make a guardian character in the future, so..........help XD

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