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Posts posted by bakingnut.1329

  1. haven't played wvw in a long time so maybe this is a change? the timer on the camp doesn't match the timer on the veteran guard guy. is this working as intended ? is it because I changed maps and all of the timers on the camps go to 5 minutes no matter what? for example, when I hover over the map it will say 4 minute cool down/invul time but the veteran guard will say 10 seconds cool down time. maybe I am the only one this happens to? am I cursed?

  2. trying for the out of cluck achievement for the mastery point. have done the fractal twice and can only find 9 chickens. do 12 chickens always spawn? can they die before I get to them and thereby robbing me of the achievement? can they be hidden behind rocks, walls etc? I have cleared the city and walked all over, have not cleared the courtyard but have walked all over the courtyard.

  3. I have accounts on 5 different servers and have noticed that more and more people use voice chat only. I realize this is most convenient for squad leaders, tags etc but just for general pick up group information or scouting information it would be nice to find a server that still used team/map chat. I have seen people ask in chat " are we attacking this objective" and no one answers, then about 2 minutes later we capture that objective, so if you were not in their tagless party/squad or in voice chat you missed the capture. I try to say "we are at the south wall of this tower" etc . Does any server still do this and if so what server and what time of day is the server most active. thanks for the information.

  4. I don't know how to paste in a screen shot so kind of long story. I was doing one of the hearts in sparkfly fen I think, the one with the drunks you have to throw water on to wake up. I said in map chat "gee a lot of drunks in this game". this player says "why you so angry? why ppl get drunk is none of your business". I said " I meant the npcs not real people". Then he proceeded to call me autistic which wasn't very nice. but then I thought maybe it wasn't so nice to have drunks in the game? I don't know, just a thought. It certainly pushed this guy's buttons

  5. I may not be wording this very well but I thought I read somewhere that anet was going to change it so we got some sort of reward for finishing the experience bar even if we don't have mastery points to finish the masteries. for example I don't have all of the masteries for tyria finished so I am not getting any experience points because I have 0 mastery points to spend on the fractal mastery and the legendary crafting mastery. is this still something anet plans on changing? didn't see anything in the what is coming in 2020 notes. thanks for your input.

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