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Posts posted by DarkLancer.1902

  1. Now that all chapters of SotO have been released, I feel comfortable giving a review. And in a word, that review is: TERRIBLE. The entire creative team was obviously working with a constant deadline panic, there are obvious places where large sections of the story were cut out because they wouldn't be ready in time for release, and what did make it into the final release felt rushed and half-finished at best. Dialogue scripting was clearly still in rough-draft form, and the voice acting sounds as if the actors had lost hope. Large portions of the quest line were nothing more than 'go farm events', a serious failure of creativity -- or it WOULD be if there had been TIME for creativity to be expressed. In particular, "The Midnight King" feels as if the entire creative team responsible for making it lost hope, and simply did the bare minimum amount of work possible to have SOMETHING playable on release day, before giving up and throwing in the towel.

    SotO had a good concept idea behind it. Such a pity that it completely failed to elaborate on that concept and its associated lore. The idea of freeing up the elite weapons to be used with any specialization in the 3rd slot was a good idea that honestly should have come sooner.

    2/10 overall. I expected better from Arena.net, especially after End of Dragons. I DEMAND better, if I'm going to spend more money on this game.

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  2. Well, this thing has got a hell of a learning curve. Still, I can tell I got it right a few times, because I obliterated a squad of Kryptis with ease. Not that I can do that consistently, hence the learning curve.

    A bit odd, conceptually, though. Not sure how this came out to be shortbow, but hey, engineers were always weird.

    7/10 overall, and only escapes a higher rating because of the time and effort necessary to master it.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 11
  3. 10 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    This is objectively false. Lore clearly states that every profession uses magic. And yes, that includes Warriors and Engineers.

    Please provide a link to the relevant page. I've been looking through everything official and unofficial about Warriors, and both the official page & the wiki clearly state that the Warrior is a master of PHYSICAL combat, not magic. The Spellbreaker was special because it was a Warrior that learned a limited degree of magic to counter Joko and his awakened.

    • Confused 1
  4. Who came up with this? The Warrior is a profession designed around the concept that it doesn't use magic & doesn't need to. Yet here we are, giving the Warrior a MAGIC HEALING STICK. The kit does NOT jive with the Warrior concept, and, depending on how much of a rules-lawyer you are, could even be said to break the game's lore. I could see this being a Spellbreaker thing -- in fact, it makes much more sense that the Sunspears would have hacked the heads off their spears and used the hafts as quarterstaves, with healing powers, to restore the imbalance of magic caused by Joko, than hacking the heads off their spears & using the heads as daggers. (The severe deficiencies in the dagger weapon kit are something to discuss at a different time.)

    Oh, and the bug noted many times above, that Skill 5 'Bullet Catcher' is interrupted by the auto-attack does severely limit the effectiveness of that skill.

    That said, this does what it says on the box. High-octane front-line support, lots of healing, and the 'infinite might' Spellbreaker build turns it into an immortal tank/healer. Damage suffers, but it was meant to be a support weapon, not DPS.

    9/10 on performance, 2/10 on concept.

    • Confused 1
  5. Well, this turned out exactly how I knew it would. Axes flung by the thief fly out to their maximum range, and stay there, spinning and inflicting damage. Except they don't. Because they are spinning in empty air. Doing nothing. Thus it is impossible to use this kit to its full potential. At least the parts that DO work don't lack for damage.

    6/10 overall. Don't know how to fix it.


  6. Damage output is disappointingly underwhelming, but it seems not to need it; I'm not having any problems with survival. It's a good concept though; when you get around to the ground-up rebuild of the Catalyst (which, by the way, it DESPERATELY needs), this is the principle you should build it around, not the utterly useless circular projectiles.

    7/10 overall. Just tune up the numbers to bring it in line with the rest of the elementalist kits.

  7. Healer rifle... okay Mesmers are weird, but I can get behind this. I was expecting it to be dead on arrival, but never have I been more happy to be so completely wrong. Firepower is good, with healing besides.

    That said, the activation delay from the phantasm is so long as to make the stun useless, except against defiant foes, and the rescue portal on skill 5, while NARRATIVELY awesome, is worthless in actual gameplay. Other than that, great job.

    9/10 overall.

  8. I was super excited for this, but WOW, what a let-down. Low damage, slow, clunky, clearly meant to operate exclusively at maximum range... with a bloody useless gap-closer tacked in for no reason. It works with a swarm Reaper build, but nothing else can make it viable. The concept was good, but execeution was lousy.

    0/10 overall. Scrap and rebuild from the ground up.

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    • Confused 3
  9. Great concept, useful skills, nice aesthetic. With high healing power, the barrier bursts can make you nearly immortal, and it doesn't want for damage either. Certainly a better kit than I thought it would be when I saw its trailer video...


    Internal synergy? Yeah, there is none. Forcing players to use a different kit in order to close with the target after applying the effects of the ranged skills makes poor tactical sense, and forces the use of aggressive legends and/or off-hand weapons, in what was obviously meant to be a support/tank build.

    6/10 overall rating. If skill 3 pulled the target, it would go up to 10/10.

    • Like 4
  10. (beta 4 feedback)
    The re-tuned Mechanist is still awesome, just not unreasonably so.  I like the increased support capacity, and the mech seems more balanced.  I don't feel like I can leave everything to the mech and be fine anymore. 

    That said, there are a few issues:

    1) Binding rocket punch to mace 3 was a bad idea. People who don't use mace will never see the rocket punch happen. Either bind it to weapon/kit skill 3, no matter what weapon or engineer kit is being used, or unbind it from any player control, but make mech command skills override anything else the mech may be doing. 

    2) Having a stunbreak that takes so long to aim that the disabling effect runs out before it finishes casting is not good.  Stunbreak needs to be an instant thing, tap the key and it happens immediately, rather than having to aim the skill first. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, DarkLancer.1902 said:

    (beta 4 feedback)

    I was prepared to give Harbinger a scathing critique, but I find myself pleasantly surprised.  While it would, of course, be preferable not to have the Blight mechanic, it does not significantly impair survival on high-vitality builds that lean heavily into lifesteal.  A healing tune-up may be necessary, but damage is well above average, and sustain is good.  It doesn't get the insane condi ticks that a Willbender does, but then, burning does more damage than torment.  A strong build for a player with good reflexes. 

    My one major complaint is that you can't heal while in shroud.  Since shroud no longer protects health, and lifesteals have reduced effectiveness, or don't work at all, while in shroud, having no access to healing skills while in shroud makes me not want to use it in the situations it's most useful for: big enemies and lots of them.  Entering shroud in those situations is just asking to die as a Harbinger, while with other necro specs it allows you to take on battles that you would otherwise avoid.  Give us access to at least our healing skill while in shroud, or better yet, all our slot skills.  Either that or tack a really strong heal onto entering shroud, comparable to using a heal skill. 

    • Like 1
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  12. (beta 4 feedback)

    I was prepared to give Harbinger a scathing critique, but I find myself pleasantly surprised.  While it would, of course, be preferable not to have the Blight mechanic, it does not significantly impair survival on high-vitality builds that lean heavily into lifesteal.  A healing tune-up may be necessary, but damage is well above average, and sustain is good.  It doesn't get the insane condi ticks that a Willbender does, but then, burning does more damage than torment.  A strong build for a player with good reflexes. 

    • Like 1
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  13. (beta 4 feedback)

    Well, it's playable.  Average damage, severely underwhelming sustain (I suppose it's an elementalist), crap recovery, low mobility... really not a lot to recommend this.  The focus in the traits and skills is clearly on damage, but it doesn't really have anything to show for it.  Damage winds up being pretty lackluster, and nothing else pops out as extraordinary.  With gear focused on strike damage, I guess it might become a beast, but it would be a glass cannon, unplayable outside of raids, strikes and dungeons. 

    Overall kind of feels like the dev team tried to force an elementalist into a revenant costume, but without the revenant's heavy armor, it doesn't really work. 

    • Like 7
  14. On 11/13/2021 at 1:31 AM, Ivaldi.5076 said:

    You honestly think the single target focus works well in raids and large group content?

    I used it for condition damage in the raid.  When I went into shadow shroud, I just focused one of the healers.  Your mistake is in thinking that just because it can be a support build that it is only a support build.  Try thinking outside the support box. 

  15. (beta 4 feedback)

    You claimed to have designed this for versatility, something in which it is sorely lacking.  At straight power damage, it works great, but the support abilities are underwhelming, and the flip mechanic is clunky.  I found a way to pull sustain & recovery out of the basement, so overall good build. 

    A suggestion: Instead of having the F3 skill determine whether you are focused solely on the Luxon or Kurzic side of the stance, make each slot skill a chain of the two, and the F3 skill chooses which is the first skill in the chain.  If you don't want to use the second skill, you just let its timer run out.  With this, and the support numbers tuned up, Vindicator could actually become the versatile build you wanted it to be. 

    Also, devs should be aware of a bug: whenever you dismount, enter or leave an instance, use a waypoint or asura gate, and even just at random times while out of combat, the slot skills flip to the support side.  It makes playing difficult, when I go to use a skill and it comes out wrong.  In high-level maps, this bug has caused me to dodge roll off a cliff a few times, when I tapped skill key 7, and executed a [Battle Dance] instead of [Nomad's Advance]. 

    • Like 4
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    • Sad 1
  16. (beta 4 feedback)

    This was a good idea, but with poor execution.  Yes the Dragon Slashes do incredible damage, but it takes forever to build up Flow to get to that point, more often than not the target dies or runs away during Dragon Trigger charging, and cooldowns are excessive without having much to show for it.  Overall, feels slow, clunky, and unresponsive.  Decent endurance build; probably going to be relegated to bannerslave in raids & strikes, but no significant role in open world or story.

    • Like 1
  17. (beta 4 feedback)

    Wow.  I was on the fence about this one, but playing it changed my mind.  It was obviously meant to be a strike damage beast, and it is, but it gets even more damage out of condi without even really trying.  Recovery is crap, but who needs it with sustain as good as this? 

    • Haha 2
  18. While the Virtuoso's mechanic of stacking blades for later use rather than stacking pretty-but-useless clones is what should have been done with the core mesmer 7 and a half years ago when all damage from clones and phantasms was reduced to 0, the virtuoso feels kind of underwhelming.  There are significant bugs with the bladesongs inheriting traits from the shatters (as in, they don't inherit traits from the shatters).  Overall defense and mobility are weak, and there's not a significant amount of damage or crowd control to compensate.  It's playable, but only that.

    • Like 3
  19. Okay, I see lots of hate on this one... from people who don't understand its purpose.  Yeah, damage output felt sort of slow, but I can tell Untamed was never meant to be a DPS beast.  It's a survival/utility build with some VERY nice crowd control stuck in its back pocket.  Exposing the pet skills was a good idea; lack of ability to micromanage the pet was one of the major problems with other ranger specs.  All in all, it's a good, usable build, but it does have issues. 
    They are as follows: No real reason to unleash the ranger, except to get the core pet skills, since the unleashed mode of the hammer is underwhelming, & you lose your crowd control skills.  Spec mechanic only functions with 1 weapon.  Aesthetic is kind of ugly. 

    To fix them: Boost the base damage of unleashed hammer skills.  Give all available weapons unleashed skills.  I get that, for the sake of completeness, there needs to be an appearance change in Unleashed mode, but could we get something more like the Berserker's Berserk mode, just in green, instead of... being covered in goop?

    • Thanks 1
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  20. THIS IS PERFECT!  You guys really hit the nail on the head with this one: it does exactly what it was advertised to do, and performs well across all PvE game modes (open world, story, fractals, dungeons, strikes, raids).  Do not change the Specter in any way.  It is not unreasonably awesome, nor is it unreasonably weak.  The only complaint I might have had is the reduced initiative pool, but with Shadow Shroud available, I never even noticed it was missing.

    • Confused 4
  21. I've no idea how the Mechanist performs in WvW or PvP, since I don't participate in those game modes (though some friends of mine complained that a single Mechanist made the opposing team unbeatable), but in open world, it was awesome!... Though perhaps too awesome.  The damage output is extreme with the Jade Mech on the field, though I suppose the compensation might be how long it takes to get the Mech back if it's killed.  All in all, I'd say this is awesome as all get out, but needs a slight nerf.  For the love of whatever power you may believe in, please, though, do NOT nerf this into the ground like you did with literally every other engineer build that worked.

    • Confused 2
  22. @Calisanna.8732 said:

    @"DarkLancer.1902" said:I've had the same problem since the Wintersday patch. It seems to occur whenever there are 7 or more character models and/or a commander/catmander, including NPCs, within 6000 range units of my character. Adjusting graphics settings has no effect on this issue. 15 minutes ago, I checked the minimum system requirements on the advice of a in-game friend and found that the minimum required graphics card is an Intel HD 3000, where I'm using an Intel HD 360, which was the factory standard for Mac laptops as of June 2017, when I bought my computer. I had no issues on any graphics setting prior to the Wintersday 2019 patch update. If the graphics card is indeed the cause of this problem, I have to say I'm rather angry with Arena.net for changing this on us without any notification, especially because it is not possible to upgrade individual components on a Mac laptop; if you want 1 component upgraded, you have to buy a whole new computer. I would strongly urge Arena.net to restore functionality on older graphics cards, especially since they're not that old!

    I once brought this issue with macs and changes in system requirements to them. They quoted back to me their agreement where it states system requirements can change without notice.

    I won't dispute the user license agreement, but reading over this topic and seeing that people who submitted tickets on the issue got back a vague response about it being a hardware issue on their end rather than a definitive "We recently changed the minimum system requirements, so you should check whether or not your computer still meets them," is kind of dishonorable, and not good business. If that's the problem. Arena.net still hasn't really answered the question. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt until they do.

    Whatever the issue is, we need a concrete answer about what it is and how to fix it.

  23. I've had the same problem since the Wintersday patch. It seems to occur whenever there are 7 or more character models and/or a commander/catmander, including NPCs, within 6000 range units of my character. Adjusting graphics settings has no effect on this issue. 15 minutes ago, I checked the minimum system requirements on the advice of a in-game friend and found that the minimum required graphics card is an Intel HD 3000, where I'm using an Intel HD 630, which was the factory standard for Mac laptops as of June 2017, when I bought my computer. I had no issues on any graphics setting prior to the Wintersday 2019 patch update. If the graphics card is indeed the cause of this problem, I have to say I'm rather angry with Arena.net for changing this on us without any notification, especially because it is not possible to upgrade individual components on a Mac laptop; if you want 1 component upgraded, you have to buy a whole new computer. I would strongly urge Arena.net to restore functionality on older graphics cards, especially since they're not that old!

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