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Posts posted by Ordin.8341

  1. I'm thinking about starting new char with other class (currently Mesmer) while I'm still leveling and from what I got reading this forum I should go Guardian or Revenant currently (I never play vanilla warriors) if I don't want having hard time finding groups to do stuff later but how new patch changes things in this area (Fractals and Raids)? I would be little miffed (understatement) If I had to re-roll things for 3'rd time and redoing maps to 100% again :'(

  2. @Gryxis.6950 said:

    @Ordin.8341 said:If what you are saying is true then what class you would recommend? I just started playing recently and my mes is lvl 29 I mostly enjoy all pve stuff and maybe occasional pvp. I prefer classes that have magic or some kind of supernatural aspects (like Paladins using light or monks using chi etc...)

    Core mesmer is still going to be fine in all game modes (even tho i guess they're kinda weak in pve, not really sure) and mirage will be alright in pve. Other classes may offer better options once the patch hits but if you really like the mesmer design i'd argue it's still worth playing it

    I'm worried since I started reading forums that Mesmers are just unwanted in Fractals but situation is somewhat better in Raids I just don't want to invest time and effort into class that will be unwanted in parties :/

  3. If what you are saying is true then what class you would recommend? I just started playing recently and my mes is lvl 29 I mostly enjoy all pve stuff and maybe occasional pvp. I prefer classes that have magic or some kind of supernatural aspects (like Paladins using light or monks using chi etc...)

  4. @"ReActif.9251" said:There is no easy fix!The patch offered with the given link is only valid for those who were blocked with a game that was not already installed and had a 35% blockage.It will not work for all cases

    To make it clear to me, we must differentiate between the following cases:

    1. The game was already present but logged in every day and made all the updates.
    2. The game was already present but they hadn't launched the game for a while (they didn't make the previous update to the one of this Tuesday).
    3. The game was not already present (first installation).

    Personal hypotheses and findings (don't tell me I'm fundamentally wrong, I'm not saying I'm providing the one and only hypothesis, I'm just basing myself on my extensive and long lasting knowledge of how this game works).

    Case 1The majority have no worries, they didn't even notice that some players had worries, rare are those who have a problem in this case.

    Case 2Here is already a game of players who can no longer start the game, but others can. This can be explained either by when they had their last connection and update (I don't mean update with patchnote, but just modification of server assets etc). Or because they are not in the same region and are not connected to the same regional data center (this is not limited to US/EUR/etc but really to which data center they are connected to at AmazonAWS).

    Case 3Almost 100% of these players are blocked, but again, those blocked players should be able to give their geographical location in order to know to which data center they are connected and this could allow for example to know if it only affects a data center that would have corrupted data and only for him or to know other information.

    At the moment the messages are similar and some people are annoyed that ArenaNet doesn't give any real information or feedback about these problems but there was a period of vacancy where there was hardly anyone in charge of this at ArenaNet and maybe even less to control how things are going on the AmazonAWS servers.

    It's also possible that a micro fix was pushed on the servers shortly after the 0day update, which has a bug in it. But then you need to get logs back, very precise information and not just "it doesn't work, and a magic link to put on the command line.

    For my analysis case I try to make several attempts to insazllation the game to see if it happens the same way or not.

    Here is what I try to do:

    1. New installation, on a system that never had the game
    2. Update existing files on Windows 10
    3. Updating Existing Files on a Virtual Machine
    • For all new installations, the client freezes at 49100 downloaded files, and alternates between receive and pause passes, the received data total displayed in the client indicates false values because they consider the reception attempts as received data when they are not, so after 45 min, I have a 41 GB DAT file and the client indicates 55 GB downloaded!

    I had case 3 I'm completely new to game and couldn't download it would get stuck at ~49000 files I'm from eastern Eu and I tried multiple EU asset servers and those didn't work but switching to NA asset server fixed the issue

    I used -assetsrv and this worked (it's one of two NA assesteserver adress the other one is can also use -assetsrv origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com this should work even if they change IP of asset servers

    for all new players that have this issue read this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1140516/#Comment_1140516 to how to switch asset server

  5. @"Siegcross.6518" said:I was trying to redownload gw2 but whenever i do it gets to 26% with 393,511 files remeaning then it breaks down. The number next to downloading keeps going up but it got to 70,000 MB without the % going up or anything so i am pretty sure it isnt working, I tried Deleting it then redownloading but it does the same thing, I even tried downloading on a different computer but it did the same thing. Anyone know why it is doing this?

    try this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1140516/#Comment_1140516it fixed download problem for me

  6. @"Jonathan.8905" said:I played seven years and just this week was unable to launch the game. One of the options from support was to re-install the game and now I cant even get the game to download. I plan to post on all these posts about this until it is fixed. Some of us are mostly computer illiterate and cant do some of the workarounds suggested in the posts.

    it's pretty easy to fix read this first https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments#Usageand just add to your shortcut -assetsrv or -assetsrv

    You can do that by right clicking on your gw2 shortcut choosing properties and look for "target: " section it might look like this "...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" (in place of 3 dots there will be different path depending where did you install game)After you need to and at the end of it space and then -assetsrv the end result will be something like this"...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" -assetsrv click ok

  7. @"Alarwen.3127" said:Can someone please post a mac workaround for this issue with detailed explanation (for non technical user) on how to get the game client to complete loading? I've seen people insert code into the launcher directing it to a specific server, but I don't understand how to do that, and the specific instructions offered (years ago) don't seem applicable to the current mac launcher in 2020.I've been in contact with Anet and they don't have a solution for me yet, so I'm willing to try other options.Thanks.try this? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments#Usagethere is section for Mac involving 2 different methods to use command line arguments on it

  8. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:I have something weirder going on.

    When I try to reinstall the game, it says it is downloading and it shows the amount of MB downloaded, but the file's remaining gets stuck at 33,151. And even though it shows that it is still downloading, it never cracks that number of 33,151.

    I've sat and let the bar completely finish the download all the way to end, but when I restart the client it starts back over at 0% with 33,151 files to download, but none of them ever touch the computer.

    The strangest part about this, is that before this happened, it had downloaded maybe about 50% of the game file first, which stuck on the PC, and THEN it started doing this with those remaining 33.151 files. It shows and says they are being downloaded, acts like they finish from the bar under, but they never touch the PC somehow.

    are you from EU? for me switching asset server to NA worked to fix problem this exact issue that you have,use command line argument either by adding it to shortcutread this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments#Usageright click in your shortcut then chose properties and in your target add -assetsrv or -assetsrv it will be like this for example "(your path here)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" -assetsrv (note the space before -)after you download whole thing you can get rid of it

  9. huh I run it with -log and it seems it can't download certain file I tries to re download it over and over so that's why MB downloaded goes up while file-count remains the same I'll found some similar topics and will try different things man I already wasted 2 days and it wasn't progressing at all :(

    I found working fix using VPN and switching to US helped but I had to use US server when I tried other European servers for VPN I was getting same issue so I guess the issue is somewhere in European asset servers? (I'm from Poland I tried Czech and German VPN servers and had the issue)

    maybe this will help some other users if you don't have VPN try asset-server from different region will than yoursread this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments#Usageand add to your shortcut -assetsrv or -assetsrv those are NA asset servers EU asset servers that I tested all had the isuue

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  10. so download was going well and at decent speed about ~10 MB/s until it hit 49,100 files remaining since then counter is stuck at that value while data downloaded still goes up but at slower rate about 2-3MB/s , it went up by about 4GB since it hit 49,100 and total data downloaded so far is 45,225MB (not sure how much total of whole game should be) but file-count and progress-bar didn't move at all is it normal for file count and progress bar to be stuck for long? are remaining files just that massive?

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