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Posts posted by Rinn.2375

  1. I've had the egg from the meta event. it was fun and interesting, it didn't feel like a chore, becouse it's scale and the other players mentality. You can choose to do the meta, you can join anytime when it's up and now you could get the egg without the meta too. Now the meta is interesting on it's own and becouse of the story, not just for a mount mastery.

    I am a casual player and not a very good one. I've playing this game since the first open beta almost every day (yes, I'm a fanboy 😛 ) so it's not a lack of trying. I cannot help in raids, so that content is off to me just like strike missions and fractals. It's impossible to me to ever get a legendary armor, so I accepted it and move on.

    But this is just a mount. The first two seats mount, but just a mount. I don't get it, why can't we get it for the normal story and open world events/collections like the other ones. (The meta is an OW Event too) The only exception is Warclaw but it's definitely made for WvW. The turtle is not a strike mission mount. It's a PvE mount.

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  2. I hate WvW or any form of PvP. I dont like what it does with my personality when I'm pvping. But I did my share of WvW for my legendaries because it's more like open Pve and events, where players group together when it's needed and disband when it doesn't. So, it's much more casual friendly than strike missions or fractals.

    I only have problems with the strike mission part of the Thruster Control Unit. I'm a casual player, I don't have 10 friends in the game online for a 1.5 hour strike mission, and PUGS tend to fail about 20/1. I'm seriously thinking about giving up for the Siege Turtle and move on, but that kitten moving bus is keep following me in Arborstone...

    So, I'm really frustrated because of this. If they give me, for example, a hard Pve mission or a second collection achievment, then it's ok.

    Compared to the more usable mount, the skyskale, this collection is ridicuolus.

    • Confused 1
  3. I think it's a way better solution than any plugin magic. You can use the same equipment with different build and vice versa. The only feature I missing is a build pingig to chat, or a build code or something to share it on forum, dc, etc.The pricing doesn't bother me much. There always be discounts so if the price is too much for you now then wait for one, and buy it cheaper. Anyway, if you use that many build then you really play the game and earn many many gold to buy the gems for it.

  4. I'm a very casual PvE player and it's because of a reason. I'm become more aggressive when I play PvP and I don't like myself that way. I want to help another players not kill them! I usually just do the Big Spender, and when I'm near to deplete my tokens for do it I force myself to go and fight in WvW to get some more and leave the place as soon as possible.So, my 5 cents are for to change the system for example with a crazy, time gated, expensive Mystic Forge recipe, when you can craft two GoE to one GoB or vice versa.

  5. I like the daily chores in my home instance. When I log in, I check the dailies and rush to the home instance to harvest. Usually it completes a daily too. It's a fix point in my playtime when I can greet the online guild members and friends and talk about the plans for the day. If they make a service to collect all of the nodes (maybe a cute sylvari for plants, a big ugly charr for mining and a norn for chopping wood) I'll buy them or get them if they story related, but never use them. I just like to do it myself ;)

  6. A few suggestions:

    • A stable for mounts in the Home Instance (like HoM ;) )
    • An unlockable armory in the Home Instance for Legendary weapons and armor/backpack skins (like HoM :D )
    • A tool, "slot" or an item with the ability to save and later restore the dye settings on your armor/outfit/mount.
    • Unlockable aura selection slot in the wardrobe
    • A portal tome for the portal passes (Captain's airship pass, etc), like the Portal Tome
    • Forum avatar unlock which can unlock your actual character's actual portrait on the forum for your account (no brainer me think ;) )

    Thats all. For now :)Cheers

  7. Ok, if it was before than I'm sorry, but I have no time to read 47 pages ;)So, I bought one Mount Adoption Licence to try it out. I liked it and was lucky enough to get the Storm Ridge. So I bought the 30 pack to unlock all the skins and guess what, I have an extra licence now ;) What can I do with it? Is it a waiting game for me for a new Adoptable Mount skin or is there another way to use it to unlock... something?

    @Lilyanna.9361 said:People have said Anet should not quiet their voice, don't quiet ours for the ones who had been suffering way long than this crappy lootbox discussion even came into play . There's more people suffering than you even to begin to understand and Anet needs to see just that instead of PVErs just now waving their wants to dictate actual outcomes of the game's future. Think about that.

    I really don't know what suffering you talking about. This is a game. Nobody forcing you to play it. People without food and fresh water are suffering in Africa, not you or any gamer. Also, I'm a casual. As your logic said, my money makes this game works and you had a chance to play PvP because of my money. Yet, you are angry at me... Of course you didn't talking about the useless builds the casual PvEr "suffer", because of the one-sided PvP balance updates :)

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