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Posts posted by Destro.9871

  1. @"Black Storm.6974" said:It is a good thing that the Shade change will be reverted. It was especially bad for PvP, since it made “impossible” to make Scourge healer/support “viable” (viable = at least decent).Scourge needed to place its Shades to offer some support from range, it could not stay to support in melee range and survive. Then, after the Shade placement it was basically defenceless. It could not work.

    The changed mechanic was in general really clunky and made Scourge defence unreliable.It can be seen as a great problem for the profession, since Scourge was supposed to bring support to Necromancer.

    Now, if that will cause problems in WvW, they can think to a better way to adjust Scourge. I support that, I don’t want to play any “broken” profession.Anyway, it could be important to remember that what you think could be a good adjustment for WvW could be really bad for PvP and/or PvE. It is not something simple to address, it will require to think deeply about every game mode.

    Lets disregard the point that every class has a "supportive trait line" and it's impossible to make every class viable at doing so. So its important that we make necros be able to do this even if that ruins the game mode for pvp and wvw. At the same time less disregard the fact that there are plenty of other support specs that are far under performing that even if we buffed them it wouldn't have the same chilling effect as this change. Lets also disregard the fact that at least necro already has builds and roles in pvp and wvw on other specs, yet some of those other classes that have under perfoming support trait lines don't have any roles at all under any specs.

  2. Imagine being being a company that has a game. That takes it's balance approach based on the complaints and suggestions of players that have no idea what is good for the game.

    Good example.Some wvw player got zerged down, then complain to Anet that x class is overpowered.

    Anet listens to said player. It never occurs to the player or Anet the reason that player died was not because of some skill being overturned. "The reason the player died is they got zerged down. The skill is irrelevant. **

    Here is the problem with that type of balancing, all it is doing is hurting smaller groups and making larger groups more powerful. Because that smaller group needs to utilize those abilities combined with higher skill to beat more numbers. When you remover that it doesn't change the fact that jonny got zerged down.

    So instead of helping the game every time Anet does this it makes it worst. This is why all the players that actually understand what is going on here are Mad.

  3. Imagine releasing content that no hardcore WvW player wanted like a mount. Then removing everything that mount does, a couple years later because it was a bad idea then, that nobody wanted and it's a even more pointless thing to have now.

  4. @XenesisII.1540 said:So what? many games have skills and traits that are changed many times over time to fit with new mechanics in the game. Especially when expansions are launched with new classes. You seem to forgot during those "6" years there were two expansions and 19 more specs added to the game on top of the original 8, with power creep of boons, conditions, gear, and stats, and a lot of outliner stuff were allowed to stay around for long periods of time. Each expansion destroyed the balance before it, a giant example was stability.

    This is the 1st point I made.

    @XenesisII.1540 said:You're right, this isn't a balance patch, this is a reset patch, lowering most damage down 30% and reducing problem support skills and traits, from there on balance will happen on a faster cadence than previously.

    The so what part is, the current balance is based on those 6 years of changes. Those changes are based on the current system. They are not based on the new balanced patch system. So the current skills and traits as they are are not designed and balanced to be run on this system. Whats worst is the proposed changes are not balanced to run on the new system. Blanket tone downs should be a red light that they are not becasue not everything is the same. They also didn't touch a lot of things that are just as problematic. Like none of the gear sets are designed to be run on this system either.

    I didn't see that balance would happen on a faster cadence. There has been no official change to the balance cycle of every 2 months or whatever it is now.

    This patch is a pandoras box, anyone with enough sense should be able to agree with us.

  5. We have went though 6 years of skill tree and trait balances under the current system. Some skill has been changed 8 times, or a trait line has been rearranged several times. A trait has been re-written more than once or had its positions in a skill tree changed 3 times. To get to a semblance of balance under the current system. How about utilities that have been changed at least 5 times already and nerfed into the ground to work as they are right now.

    A patch like this, maybe not this patch is long over due. However these changes do not take into consideration, that we will need at least another 2-3 years of balances patches under the current release cycle system to fix this patch.

    Its a misrepresentation that this is a balance patch. This is not a balance patch it will more than likely reduce the balance in the current game. The is the beginning on an entire re-do of the combat system and I am just not sure if what is left of the player base has the patience for the time its going to take to un-do the negative side effects.

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