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Posts posted by Merrex.5384

  1. When I used to play support in DAOC  If I was able to keep a player alive in a fight and they managed to get a kill I also got credit for that kill. If was a great system which rewarded support players.

    This game only rewards the DPS players. In large scale battles the best rewards come from large AOE Damage skills as you can tag more players and have more chances to get a kill. 

    • Like 4
  2. 5 hours ago, Vinteros Asteano.1209 said:

    Open World

    Run celestial stats and you can build pretty much any condi build setup. Run aura traits with boons to lean into the support elements.



    Tempest is the best healer in the game  (in terms of healing output). You can run either the flexible or optimized variant from this site: https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/elementalist/heal-tempest-r10/



    Tempest is a strong offensive support in WvW. Shocking, Frost, and Magnetic auras provide a lot of utility to your subgroup. You still pump out tons of heals and cleanses. Run something like this: 




    You can swap for Powerful Auras for more aura share and swap arcane to fire for more cleanses.

    Groups dont need big heals now when one profession can stop all damage With multiple Aiges buffs and another profession can Barrier the whole group constantly Tempest brings nothing to the table that is really needed for a group. Groups want Quickness / Barriers / Aiges / Alacrity / Loads of Boons no LFG message ever says LF Tempest Healer it does however say LF HB or LF Alac

    And as far as Auras go anyone can get a Aura from using a blast finisher durning the right AOE Field and if auras were a game changer you might actually see groups asking for it but guess what its not.

    I play a Ele in WvW and i have on occasion been able to camp water for a fight and actually turn the tides of battle to our groups favor once in a while but mostly your either up against over whelming odds or you are in a huge zerg that rolls over smaller groups and not to often do you run into a group the same size and skill level as the group your in. DPS is king wvw as the people who heal do not usually recive the same amount of bags as people who hit large amounts of enemies it is all about tagging everything as far as the eye can see ( Its a all around bad system if you ask me )

    Someone once said that if they removed Elementalist from the game nothing would be effected. Its a fun profession for some but do not kid yourself its not needed by any groups to do any content in the game.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Tabootrinket.2631 said:

    I don't know...
    I think almost everyone in every single platform talking about the especs made it very clear that Catalyst is bottom of the barrell by far as presented.
    There is still the chance that it might have been put into one the top priorities among the "to fix" list after beta. We may actually get surprised.

    If that's not the case, well, I got my thief on standby.

    They have to fine tune DX11 ( I am kind of amazed that this works as well as it does )  plus WvW alliances ( Not sure this is ever going to function well  ) And  make sure that all the NPC's and encounters work well before Launch. Oh then they need to make sure we have fishing and new mounts. I could go on and on but the Elementalist is just one profession They need to redirect all resources to making sure the game is Crash proof and fun for everyone not just one Profession. It is not like the Elementalist has ever played a Pivital role in the game even from day one no groups are looking for the Ele in the LFG section ( go look for yourself ) Sadly Your never going to see a fractal or raid group looking for a Elementalist period. Like someone already pointed out the Calayst needed something new fresh and fun not Clunky Slow and worse in every way.

  4. They are already committed to what they already have I don't understand why anyone would want a hammer as a Ele but hey They know more than we do about what's good for the Profession and it's long term Balance in the game. The Ele has to be one of the most complex Professions out there to code into the game you get 5 special weapon skills for each element you are in that is almost like having 4 different weapon swaps on just one 2 handed weapon (And then there are the underwater weapons ) so its Most likely a major head ache for the Devs I can only imagine how hard it was to code the Weaver. so maybe this time around they are not going to spend as much effort on the profession as the last 2 times ( maybe this time around they told the team look we cant spend that much time on the Ele as we did in the past it is just not cost effective ) . I feel your pains no one really needs you for a Group because you don't bring anything special to the Table, what ever you can do other professions do it better . The new expansion is right around the corner they are not going to scrap anything or do any major changes they have way to many things that are more important to work on. I personally had dreams of a mage arch type with a Rifle ( Sniper ) or a Pistol (Gunslinger)  that shoots magic out of it Or a Summoner Mage that can Summon Permanent Elementals Similar to necro minions or Just one real awesome single Elemental similar to the Engi Mech Or a Ranger pet But those Dreams have been shattered and I have come to except the Fate of the Elementalist . RIP Catalyst

    • Confused 1
  5. Elementalist  does not bring anything special to the table they DPS but guess what just about all professions can DPS. 

    You are never going to see in any LFG add   "  Need Ele "  I have never seen it and unless something major changes you will never see it either.

    There is always some profession that can do what a ele can do plus bring something special to the group like quickness for everyone ( Yay ) or alacrity for everyone ( Yay ) or Aegis for everyone (Yay) Or barrier for everyone ( Yay )

    I remember someone saying how they could actually just remove the profession all together and no one would really care. I am starting to believe that statement more and more as time goes on. Just take the Ele out back and shoot it to put it out of it's misery if your not going to fix it .

    • Like 8
  6. I do not want a class that needs a group in order to be great !!!   I need a class that can solo well and if I group with others they enjoy having me because I help make them great with boons buffs and other perks. I want to have groups ask for my class by name in the LFG channels.   But I guess this role as  already been  taken by the Guardian ! 

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  7. When I first saw him play it against the golem I was thinking how cool it was but then I realised he has 0 second cooldowns turned on to all his skills so can do cool combos and get auras forever sure of course.  In Reality you cant do any of the awesome stuff you saw him do in the video with normal 30 second cool downs.

    • Like 12
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  8. That would be cool to have a minion elemental's i can control maybe like ranger pet or necro minions.

    I never ever use them for the obvious reasons mostly because they are totally useless They never even last long enough to finish a fight and I have to then wait for the cool down and resumon them. 

    We can only dream , Maybe some other game will do this !


  9. If you want to play a Aura Ele play a Tempest with overloads that end in a Aura no need to combo anything fancy just hit one button and move your character over the target. to many other weapons produce fields with much less cool down timers. the hammer is just so slow and not fun at all nothing even close to the attack speeds of daggers and swords.

    Would have been cool to have a Arcane Rifle that shot magic bullets

    • Like 8
  10. I am not sure if the designers are playing this in the beta test against live players ( I hope they are ) Maybe they tested it out on a Golem that just stands still never moves or attacks you back.  Any player can see  your huge telegraphed attacks and just simply move out of the way they don't even need to dodge. I wish I knew a way for them to fix it but nothing comes to mind. 600 range is not what I would even consider a ranged weapon. anyone with a REAL ranged weapon with more than 600 range is never going to fear a catalyst. Seams like the Catalyst is Doomed from what I see.

    • Like 11
  11. Ele already has a 2H ranged weapon its called Staff.  which for a mage arch type character Staff should be Great but instead its total Garbage. I can imagine Hammer will be just as slow and totaly useless. To many of the ele traits and skills need to be reworked before they bother to put in a new weapon. Hoe about we fix the old ones first. Yah Yah I know you must make all new EOD stuff super OP so that everyone buys it.

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    • Confused 1
  12. Make it a WvW Ability that costs a lot Maybe 20-50  World Ability Points per Rank to use the Supply Drop / Cilling Fog / Centaur Banner / Ewp   ect  with the most useful ones that impact the Game costing more and  being harder to get. This way someone can not simply Make a FTP account and get to level 60 on that account and go Greef other servers. It will also stop newbie players from using the most important Skills by mistake Hopefully by the time they have enough points to use the skills they will know what they are doing.  People who pull tactics for fun or to be mean just ruin the game for hundreds of other players.  Reward the players who have invested the time and energy into WvW.

  13. 1 )  I would like to see who pulls the AirShip or who pulls the Emergency WayPoint. Maybe have it announce in Team Chat "  < player name > has Activated < defence Ability > at < Location > "  maybe with a time stamp. The reason why is painfully Obvious as people have Multiple accounts or maybe they are just evil trolls who enjoy watching others suffer.  It is sad that the state of the game has come to this I have no clue on how the Devs can fix this. 


    2 )  Maybe have maps that have the outnumbered Buff have a dynamic buff that scales based on how greatly outnumbered you are.


    3 )  To Often I see people running in place up against a wall using skills ( which they are obviously using macros to do ) mainly because they do not want to get kicked due to inactivity and then have to reenter the 30+ que  while they are away taking a nap or eating dinner or what ever. The Problem with this is they are taking up valuable space and preventing Active players who want to enter the Map and help fight. Again I have no solution to this problem but it hurts the game for everyone who wants to play.

    • Like 3
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  14. Hello I would like to make a suggestion that might help.

    Try to do a command  /ipconfig /release

    then  /ipconfig /renew   then  /ipconfig /flushdns

    Then the most important part  change your DNS setting to use

    IP version 4


    IP version 6

    • 2606:4700:4700::1111
    • 2606:4700:4700::1001


    A different domain name server might help if your using a ISP that has a bad DNS .


    you might need to actually change these in the modems settings also depends on your ISP and Modem Good Luck Hope it works for you !

    • Like 1
  15. A few Questions if I am in a WvW guild and the guild leader kicks me what happend's ? do i get kicked from the world ?What happend's if im already in that world and playing and I leave the guild ?What if my character is in Multiple WvW guilds and each one has a new server ? do i get to pick which one of the guild i want to join any time i want ?What if I make my own guild with just me in it and I pick a server ?I paid money to get to the server I am on now because my guild is here, do I get a refund on the gems I spent ?

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