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Posts posted by BrainChild.5394

  1. TBH, that... was pretty disappointing. I really like most GW2 content. I have enjoyed Icebrood so far. Then ...this... happened.

    Going into it I was really excited. It sounded fun. Sounded like a map with good WvW dynamic mixed with PvE. What I experienced was a new "home" instance that appears to only be there to suck up my gold and get me to turn in tokens I can collect by replaying a mission that is really annoyingly slow, has little actual depth or fun to it, and is virtually useless rewards unless I farm for the next 5 years. Not even getting to play as my own toon on the new map was also not so great. I had no time to actually compete in any of the "compete against X npc for kills", things just died and then the events were over. We rolled on with "our" tank. Whee. Then we AoE killed some mobs coming out of portals. Again. Then there was a "boss"? AKA an excruciatingly long tank fight against a golem that has literally no background reason for existing. It was alright, I guess. Well, I thought, maybe I can go replay old stuff... but I can't even figure out how to get the scrying pool to let me do that. Maybe I have to farm the boring tank mission? Blergh. No thanks. I can live just fine without season one, I already never saw it and had completely adjusted to it's absence.

    Paying homage to a "iconic" location is fun, I guess, for the player who played GW1? But for me, it's really pretty underwhelming.

    Playing as Ryland: Might have been fun, if I wanted to play as someone who can just greatsword through everything, who has some super powered fire chainsaw sword that ALSO never existed until now in the story in any way... Could have been a cut scene, frankly.

    This feels like it is filler to buy time for whatever is next. I hope whatever comes next is better.

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