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Posts posted by Valandur.4162

  1. @snoow.1694 said:

    @Valandur.4162 said:Seriously, just stop asking the devs to make this game become P2W already. I am all for supporting the game through the gem store and with cosmetics, but legendaries are that: Legendary. Plopping it into the gem store won‘t make it “legendary“ anymore.

    If you want it, grind it - even if it‘s not in a game mode you like to play. The main thing behind this is to get ppl to play another game mode that they otherwise might not have touched. If you don‘t want to go into that game mode, then tough luck and leave it be and live with the fact that you won‘t have that particular legendary.

    That is by far the most unproductive and most invalid argument I have read on here. I can understand that some people, and that surely includes you, have hours and hours daily on hand to play 4 hours PvP, 6 hours of WvW and 2 hours of WvW, but most simply don‘t. They get online after work, play 2-3 hours PvE, PvE OR WvW and should be able to get something as unspectacular as stat customization considering the hours they have put into a specific game mode. I have over 30K hours on my account since release, but I invested them in PvP which won‘t get people really far reaching mostly Plat, sometimes Legendary rank, so implying laziness is mad. „If you like it - grind it“ also won‘t happen since you can‘t simply pull up and start winning Raids out of the go. Good luck trying to find a group, because what you describe as „grind it“ is people selling raids for gold just so that people can get some stat customizable trinkets. I rather „grind it“ the few hours that I got after work with my team in the HoM doing what I like most rather than spending hours fighting NPC‘s and am simply proposing letting those players pay with another currency, while offering them the possibility to stay in their game mode. People could even not pay at all, grind several 100‘s of hours, collect several 1000‘s of gold and exchange them for gems while doing what they like most (for example PvP).

    Just so you know, I have only Auroa and Vision as legendary trinkets. I would love to have Conflux and Transcendence, but I hate the toxicity of PvP and couldn't be bother doing WvW. So I make do with just ascended trinkets. shrugs The only time I venture in to WvW now is when I need Gift of Battle, otherwise I leave it. As for raids: I started working on my legendary armours and went looking for raid groups that I would go with weekly. I didn't just wake up one day and joined LFG raids and was able to farm enough to get legendary armours.

    All players who jump on the wagon saying „I would love to see good content too“, but then go into a blind rage once ArenaNet capitalizes on something (as it was with mounts) and use PW2 in the same derogatory way you do, are exactly the reason why we have lost Esports and had to wait 2 expansions for a complete set of 2nd gen legendary weapons, because it is exactly these P2W people who keep this games servers running.

    Believe me, I put in enough real money in cosmetic stuff to help GW2 out.

    Also your definition of what is „legendary“ is quite different from what ArenaNet describes them as - as great visual updates that don‘t offer competetive advantages. People can keep their fancy globs swirling around them, who in the world cares about them, but being against other people having access to stat customizable equipment ONLY in form of trinkets sends a strong smell of elitist behavior and fear to get destroyed by others once it becomes a thing. Alone for the reason, that I want to see a wider range of people play something other than full Berserker gear and because I want some cash in ArenaNets pockets to bring at least 2 more expansions, I won‘t stop asking for them

    Like I said, I don't have conflux or transcendence. Neither do I go play PvP (I am still rank 8 in PvP to this date) or venture in WvW much. So that invalidates that particular point for me.

  2. Seriously, just stop asking the devs to make this game become P2W already. I am all for supporting the game through the gem store and with cosmetics, but legendaries are that: Legendary. Plopping it into the gem store won‘t make it “legendary“ anymore.

    If you want it, grind it - even if it‘s not in a game mode you like to play. The main thing behind this is to get ppl to play another game mode that they otherwise might not have touched. If you don‘t want to go into that game mode, then tough luck and leave it be and live with the fact that you won‘t have that particular legendary.

  3. I am joining the "this is too long" train. In all seriousness: I like the meta, but having to do 2 hours+ for just the meta itself is just waaaaaaaaay too long. The reward at the end of the meta is one thing, but I don't really care too much about it. I actually want the meta for achievements and I would grind it if it were shorter, but after 2 hours of one meta I felt so drained that I just want to turn off the game. I get it that they don't want people to abandon south meta like what happened to storm meta in Bjora Marches. But this is just bordering on the ridiculous.

  4. Seriously, if you just want to swipe your credit card and run around Tyria looking all shiny and proclaim that you have a legendary weapon/gear/trinket, then what‘s the point of playing the game apart from showing off?

    Legendaries are a feat of dedication, commitment and effort. Saying that you do not have the time to invest into it is a slap in the faces of those who have as much time as you do but grinded at it to get their first legendary even though it took them a year to finish it.

    Other downfalls of offering legendaries for sale have been mentioned enough time, so I won‘t go into it.

  5. @Kaida.1478 said:I actually just noticed something I hadn't before.

    I set up hotkeys for my builds which I didn't have before and was then able to switch them without issue. However, when I go on the build screen, it still crashes. BUT I can only see 3 of my 6 account wide build slots and the ones I had saved are not shown in the list.

    Is this the same for everyone else with the issue? Does anyone who didn't purchase extra account wide build slots also have the problem? Or am I the only one these are missing for?

    Yay! Yes, that worked for me (at least on my engi). Accessing the build interface still crashes the game, but binding keys to builds I have saved let me change the builds without having to access the interface.

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