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Posts posted by gravekeeper.8352

  1. @Seera.5916 said:

    @Seera.5916 said:It's unreasonable to ask ANet to give content away for free. It's fine to ask for a discount on Living Story if bundling with an expansion pack. But asking for it for free is unreasonable. ANet needs to make money. They're nice by giving the story away for free to players who are currently at least logging into the game while that chapter is active.

    The original Guild Wars had paid DLC episodes that were totally parallel to the main story arc. That was awesome and I bought all of them!The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that customers buy the full product offered by ANet's website, which is advertised as being complete (including past expansion), as mentioned in the post above yours, thinking they'd get the full story. A few days afterwards they find out they have to pay for multiple packages in order to get the main story. That's not OK.

    And if you read my posts you would have seen that I agree that ANet could do a better job at making that known.

    Aye, I didn't disagree with you on that statement and in general agree with your posts. The point of the quote was just to bring another information to the discussion, not to disagree.

  2. @Seera.5916 said:It's unreasonable to ask ANet to give content away for free. It's fine to ask for a discount on Living Story if bundling with an expansion pack. But asking for it for free is unreasonable. ANet needs to make money. They're nice by giving the story away for free to players who are currently at least logging into the game while that chapter is active.

    The original Guild Wars had paid DLC episodes that were totally parallel to the main story arc. That was awesome and I bought all of them!The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that customers buy the full product offered by ANet's website, which is advertised as being complete (including past expansion), as mentioned in the post above yours, thinking they'd get the full story. A few days afterwards they find out they have to pay for multiple packages in order to get the main story. That's not OK.

  3. @Teratus.2859 said:I'm not asking for them to be made free, just more sensible.Rather than Buy PoF and get HoT free It would be better if they did, Buy HoT, get season 2 free and likewise the same for PoF and season 3.They'd make the same amount of money if not more and it would just be a cleaner method of distribution that doesn't totally botch the story continuity like the current one does.

    I agree. The current situation is a mess and your suggestion is fair. Selling two expansions would be best, each containing the connecting LW season.

    If ANet won't change the current offers, at the very least they should be very clear on the sales page that when you buy expansion you are still not getting the full game, as a TON of content is locked. Not independent story lines, but rather parts of the main story arc in addition to features and mechanics get paywalled (mounts, maps, farms, masteries, etc). This is not clear at all and quite disappointing really.

    The game does offer huge incentive to spend on the cash shop and people do spend a fair amount, as one could easily conclude just by looking around populated zones and chatting. However I am still against both; i) main story lines being sold separately from their respective expansion packs. ii) unclear marketing for new customers not stating the need to buy such additional packages to bond the story plots.

  4. @MikeG.6389 said:Again, you are using new players as tools to get your point across.Again, $65 for the full game, bells and whistles and without a subscription fee. What other game offers at least the same amount of content with the same conditions?

    No other game I guess, that's why many of us are playing Guild Wars 2, right? Don't see your point. I'm not complaining about the price paid for the full game. Hell, they could charge even more if they wanted, as long as people who bought the full game got access to full story content.

    @MikeG.6389 said:You seem to be upset because you missed out on the free updates when it was all in your hands to get them. Maybe you need some time to get over it, which I understand.

    That's not the case, don't jump into conclusions based on words I didn't write. I'm not upset because I "missed out on the free updates". I'm upset because ANet advertises an expansion package for the full game, I bought said expansion pack which would give me the full game and I still don't have access to A LOT of story content. It's not a simple instance, or some skin packs or something. It's STORY content that's being paywalled from new players who already paid for the full game.

    @MikeG.6389 said:The fact remains: you missed the free updates, now you have to buy them. Just like any of us. I missed a few episodes, too, when I took a break from the game. I paid the 200 gems per episode converting in game gold and didn't complain. Especially not using new players as the means to justify my disgruntlement over the price.

    Ah so I was right. You are against ANet opening LW seasons for everyone because you indeed paid for some of them. What if they gave back the Gems to you and everyone else spent on Living world? Would you still be against?

  5. @MikeG.6389 said:

    @"gravekeeper.8352" said:Just recently came to Guild Wars 2 and was very annoyed for buying game + expansions and still not having access to story content. It's not clear for a new customer and it really looked like I'd get all game content by buying base game + expansions...

    I'm sorry, but it's not clear just how old a player you are. You said you bought the base game in 2013 but here you said you came to GW2 recently. If you bought the game that long ago and also bought the expansions separately, than it's your own fault that you missed the Living World releases. Definitely not ANet's. I mean you must have played a little to know about the LW episodes... If not, then it's really only an "oopsie" on your part. Deal with it.

    And don't defend your position by projecting your issue onto new players, which you say you are not.The game costs $30. Add another $35 (on full price) and you get ALL the Living World episodes as well. $65 for all the content a game without subscription fee has to offer. Old players, like myself, payed double that amount on average for the main releases. I think it's perfectly fair.And the gem store aspect... Yeah, it's mainly for convenience and cosmetic items. But isn't it nice to have an alternative to buy LW content for in-game gold? ANet aren't forcing you to spend real money on them, you can have them by playing the game. Talk about paywalls...

    Bought the game when it launched, played for a few weeks and never touched it again until very recently. RL got in the way, and I forgot everything I learned in those few weeks during these 6~7 that passed. Not that hard to understand, is it?

    Also, why so aggressive? As a fellow player, for what reason on Tyria would you be against ANet opening Living World to everyone? Why would ANYONE be against this? Don't tell me you care for ANet's finances, cuz they surely are not in need with all the whales buying skins and whatnot. The only other reason I can imagine is that you have access to all of them and want to be in a 'elite Living World club' or something. Why would any player be against having access to all of them and giving access to other players who already paid full price for full game content?

  6. I'm talking not only about myself. If you read my first post in this thread you'll see I mention for 'new players'. Everyone who pays for the full game that ANet is selling should get full content. That's it. Convenience and skins should be sold on the cash shop, but CONTENT should be open to all who bought the full product they sell.

  7. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Keep in mind that you did not pay full price for each Expansion/Core game.

    Even at the lowest cost, it was $60 (Core) + $50 (HoT) + $30 (PoF) for all the content you now get for just $30.

    Oh I did pay full price for the core game, as I bought it in 2013, but barely played it back then, as RL got in the way. And then full price for the current product they offer, which is PoF+HoT for $30.

  8. @kharmin.7683 said:I agree that this is not abundantly clear from Anet. It could be better. However, it is the model they have chosen and LS chapters are easily obtained by converting gold -> gems.

    Maybe, eventually... I've now finished HoT, starting PoF and I certainly do not have enough gold to convert to gems to buy the story content I didn't get by buying full game and expansions. Either there's something I'm missing regarding gold or gathering the 1000g+ needed to get all Living World seasons takes much, much longer than playing through the normal story, which feels a bit disconnected for skipping that content.

  9. I'm happy to pay cash for convenience items, storage expansions, I'm considering buying some skins as well. But DO NOT paywall people from content if they bought the full game and expansions at full price! This trend of releasing DLC content must go away...I have played the original Guild Wars since release day. Have Prophecies collector's edition. Bought several storage upgrades and of course all expansions. Just recently came to Guild Wars 2 and was very annoyed for buying game + expansions and still not having access to story content. It's not clear for a new customer and it really looked like I'd get all game content by buying base game + expansions...Again, I can happily pay for skins and for convenience items, but please considering letting customers who bought the full game has access to full content.PS: Sorry for necro but I did not want to start a new thread if this topic was already discussed. Just giving one more opinion to the matter.

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