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Nandor The Stampede.1593

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Posts posted by Nandor The Stampede.1593

  1. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I think you may be confused. Player-to-player trading isn't against the EULA, it's just not supported by ArenaNet (you can read the official posts regarding player-to-player trading in this very forum). In other words, should something go wrong, it's on you.The EULA doesn't mandate that the trade be brokered in-game, either. Nothing against discussing a trade outside the game. The only mandate is that the goods exchanged must be in-game content; e.g. Gold for Infusion.There's nothing 3rd-party about it (as referenced by the Knowledge Base articles or official forum posts).

    Finally, somebody cared to read. Ok, so it's safe to assume, we can trade all we want, even using such "markets" as long as we don't expect anet to do anything if we get ripped off. Thanks for the reply

  2. Some people are too lazy to read properly and just skim over things so they simply assume and give their uneducated point of view. I felt better to re-address the issue, specially after talking to a dev.There is a problem with high end infusions. Even if you have the means (20k gold in goodies for the chak one) you cannot get one unless you use the black market. Here lies the problem.

    1. Should drop rate be increased? I like their rarity. I don't want 1 in 10 ppl to be walking around with one. I don't think increasing drop rate is the right solution, although it is a solution.
    2. Should tp bid cap be increased? It will certainly get rid of most of the black market, and people can bid accordingly to how much they think is worth. I think this is the right approach.
    3. Should anet come out and say that it wont ban accounts who use the black market? well I talked to a dev about it.

    [Hello,Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team about a third-party program or service. At present, ArenaNet and the Guild Wars 2 Support Team does not review, approve, or officially endorse any third-party programs, services, or applications, nor are we able to provide support if they have caused issues with your game. Please contact the individual or organization that created the program for assistance.If you are interested about using a third-party modification, we recommend that you review the policy documents regarding third-party programs, multi-boxing, and macros posted on the support site:Policy: Unattended GameplayPolicy: Third-Party ProgramsPolicy: Macros and Macro UsePolicy: Dual or Multi-BoxingBeyond that, we cannot provide any further response aside from what is outlined in the articles above.Regards,]Cool Dev.

    That's the response I got. I looked then into 3rd party programs.

    [The best way for you to assess whether a specific third-party program could have any impact on another player is to ask:"Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn't use the program?" Not a all"Does this program allow someone to 'play' when he/she is not at the computer?" Not at all"Does this program allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards?" Maybe? is not clearIf the answer to any of these questions is "yes" or even "maybe," then we strongly recommend that you do not use the program. Doing so not only raises the risk that your Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 account may be accessed by a malicious third party, but it can lead to the suspension or termination of your account for violating the Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct.]

    It certainly allows you to bypass people who have been in the waiting list in the tp for months if not more looking for an infusion. I personally don't think anet is gonna go hardcore against people who use the "black market" but there is certainly a gray area, where they could ban an account and legally not be wrong. That's my beef. My account is rated fairly high and taking a risk seems kind of dumb, at the same time, I really really want a festive or chak infusions, I have the means to buy them, but I know I wont get one through the tp anytime soon. So... what would then be my next move? How do u guys interpret the "Does this program allow the user to gain unnatural or undeserved rewards?"?? Can we all agree that there is at least somewhat of a gray area there? That, is the problem with high end infusions.

  3. Dungeon bonus! Dungeon bonus! Dungeon bonus! Dungeon bonus! show us dungeoneers some love. Also, join DaD. A dungeon guild. U really cant go wrong with the dungeon idea, you can increase drops all u want, it wont affect the game's market stability. D U N G E O N S!!!!!!!

  4. Dear 8235e844-bla bklajdkfjakldjfads . I gave up today man. I ran the event a lot, never got anything, ignored. 3 queen bees this year? nice man. That's my aim for the next stage of the game for me. My goal was to have a legendary skin for every weapon in the game and I'm close to finishing that. How sad that there is a guy out there with some of this ultra rare infusions who doesn't play anymore.... Cheers man!

  5. @Jayden Reese.9542 said:There wouldn't be a need for a black market as much if the max price you can list was not limited to 10,000. You can get much much more. Some might still trade if cap was eliminated to dodge the 15 percent tax where others would sell for 25,000 and eat 15 percent to not risk getting mixed up with a gold seller and risk accidental ban.

    This is the most logical solution. Increase the damn tp bidding cap.

    @Naxos.2503 said:In my book, a large scale event that everyone can participate it, but only the 0,01% of it gets actual rewards which are monstrously disproportionate in value, only causes flares up, and create tensions. It doesn't do a service to the Community, or the devs. It doesn't leave a good feeling in the vast majority of the playerbase, which means the event will end up either shunned, criticized or outright hated.

    I think that thread is a good indicator of it.

    Events should be fun, fair, and fairly reward the Majority of participants, not the minority. I've outright not bothered with it because it's taken 5 years for the game to drop me an ascended Equipment. Considering my abysmal luck at getting something many consider trivial, this kind of event is daunting to me.

    Well said. This event is utter garbage. I rather not see stuff like this in the future.

  6. I get that, we don't want a drop every hour, but adding a few several over the course of the event can't really affect the market that much. I mean even one a day, wouldn't be bad at all considering the event runs for what? 7 days? 7 drops wont change the market that much in the long term. Good luck to you too.

  7. @Tails.9372 said:

    How about increasing the drop rate?

    Actually that's exactly what they should do. Unlike legendaries there's no way to progress towards these items and they are so rare that >99% of players won't get one even if they farm the respective content for years. A-Net should just add these items to the local NPC vendors for X amount of map currency. This would help keeping the metas alive while also giving the players something to work towards.

    I don't get why ppl bitch about a slight increase in drop rate, I mean queen bee has been around way longer than chak and festive and it still sells for 6k and above. If anything it has increased steadily in price, I remember when they used to be 2k. The only ppl opposed to this are the whales who prob have more than one chak on their possession. Im hoping this world boss events makes a small dent on the high end infusion trade market.

  8. @"Excursion.9752" said:Love the idea of the event but random drops seem hopeless and inspires me not to participate. There should have also been an overall achievement tied to the event like kill "X" amount of world bosses and get to choose one item from a loot box which were account bound and still have the chance to get an unbound version from a random drop.

    If I'm going to sit around and waste my gaming hours standing for 10 or so min each new spawn make it worth it please. The proverbial carrot needs to somewhat be in reach to make this event interesting.

    Agreed, I've done the event several times, have gotten nothing of value, decided to cut my loses there. People in my maps kept asking if anyone got anything of value, and over the course of several hours 2 ppl said they gotten drops worth about 60g. Can't remember what type of skins they were. At this point, I don't care if I don't get anything, but it'd be nice to see the infusions drop a little in price.

  9. At the moment, to get your hands on the chak or festive infusions, you basically have to find a black market and do trading outside of the game. There are several all over the internet. Surely this wasn't anet's goal?How about increasing the drop rate? No? u want them to still be super rare?How about increasing the cap on the amount you can bid in the tp? You still find ways to complain about this?How about anet just coming out and saying that any type of trading outside of the game will not get your account banned in any form, bc a lot of these accounts have become too valuable to take a risk.

    Nobody should be forced to find a black market to get an infusion if they have the gold, and at the same time taking a chance to get their account banned.

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