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Posts posted by Seonidas.9756

  1. Well, the title is pretty self explanatory.Basically, I just received my second Raptor treat minutes after recieving and consuming the first one, and I am wondering :Would the game let me consume it but not give me the xp? Obviously not gonna try cause it wouldn't surprise me if it did, and I do want it hahah.Anyone around here had the experience before?And what about consuming a treat for each different pet in one day? would that give you 5 chunks?Thanks in advance.

  2. Hello, was this ever solved?I just received my second Raptor treat minutes after recieving and consuming the first one, and I am wondering, would the game let me consume it but not give me the xp? Obviously not gonna try cause it wouldn't surprise me if it did. Anyone here had the experience before?Thanks in advance.

  3. @Khisanth.2948 said:@butterfly lynn.3046 @"Hinagiku.2156"Might want to check the patch notes when they get released, at least the sections for the classes you play https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020

    Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Entering and leaving beastmode with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits.

    That's what I thought and was looking for. Without seeing the patch notes, didn't look like a bug to me, but idk if this makes sense ...it's actually forcing binding to work as ''changing pet''.I guess using a pets ability+binded abilities+other pets abilities +binded abilities in a loop sounds OP to them, but with all the cooldowns I think it would take quite a bit of micro to use all that effectively.Thx for the info anyways.

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