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Posts posted by silklash.6154

  1. I basically meant that as of now, I think the gap between using a cchrono and condi mirage vs any other condi dps in largos is much bigger than the gap between slb and weaver on Matthias. From my pug experience in NA I’ve had much more success getting into most runs as a mix of dps except for largos where I’ve even gotten kicked multiple times for not being purple class.

    Wasn’t trying to insult you or anything but I just wanted to point out originally to the OP that if you want to be welcome in all pug raids and fractals and cms using just one class, unfortunately it’s kinda just Ranger. Mesmer/guard/rev are all close seconds but do lack just a few things here and there

  2. @Antioche.7034 said:

    @Antioche.7034 said:The answer is quite simple. What's meta in every content ?

    1) Renegade2) Warrior

    Both of these are used literally in every single encounter. Renegade comes top because it can either be Alacrigade, either Condi RR, either full Condi DPS.Bannerslave warrior, either power or condi, is meta everywhere.

    3) Ranger.

    Druid or Soulbeasts stancesharing on a few bosses for raids. Soulbeast for fractals, Druid for strikes.

    4) Guardian

    It isn't meta on much stuff, but is very decent everywhere. Meta in fractals as pQfb, sub-meta as DH. Meta in strikes as Cfb (DH for Bone). Meta on some raid bosses as Cfb, DH is decent on power ones.

    Mesmer, thieves, engis and necro see no plays in fractals so they are off, so the only other one would be Elementalist with weaver being meta in fractals and very decent everywhere else.

    If you ask only about Raids : Engineer's holo and mesmers are very, very good.

    This is wrong, warriors and revs aren’t meta on Largos.

    If you really want something for ALL fractals and raids, it’s ranger.

    If you use portal on Largos both are completly fine to start with, and even if you don't, renegade can pull 30+k on Largos. Warrior isn't great for split though. I could tell you Druid isn't meta on Matthias as the same kind of argument. But if we head that way of course we won't find a class to do everything with.

    Maybe godlike ren can pull 30+k on largos but it’s pretty generally accepted purple class is better than anything else for dps there.

    You can still run condi sb on Mathias. I didn’t say Druid, I said ranger as a class. They’re the only class with builds usable at everything without losing too much efficiency.

    The fact of the matter is, even NA pugs nowadays mostly just look for purple classes on largos cause it’s that efficient. Other dps is definitely doable, I’m not saying it’s not, but it’s not close to meta.

    Yes, wars and rev are great universal classes and there are beginner strats that use them but that wasn’t what OP asked. In a vacuum, ranger is the only class where you can have a build that slots into everything in pve

  3. Oh yes thief is dead.

    So dead that every conquest game must have two - one on each team.

    So dead that every MT winner and most AT winners have one thief.

    So dead that just by existing, a person who has never played thief but can just decap and not fight at all can potentially salvage a game if the enemy team doesn’t have a thief.

    Yea, thief isn’t meant to 1v1. If you want to duel, don’t play the class. But don’t say thief has no rewards, it’s ROLE in conquest is still broken. It has no risk of dying with shadow arts. It’s the only class that can have impact without FIGHTING the whole game.

    Not to mention that’s sure, it has no roles in a wvw Zerg, but it’s just one of the best roamers who literally can’t die. Can’t unless you’re being dumb.

    Where is this high risk with shadow arts?

  4. @Khalisto.5780 said:

    @Grimjack.8130 said:S : Thief Ele EngiA : Necro RevB : Ranger GuardianC : MesmerD : Warriorin no particular order in the tiers for competitive gameplay@"zyra.7860" said:Hi, this is the recent "Class tier list"-made by highest ranked PvP-players. E-specs have included to tiers.

    S tier (Meta) - Engi, Guard, RevA tier (Very good)- Necro, EleB tier - (Not good, not terrible) Thief, Ranger, MesmerC tier (Useless tier) - Warrior

    What is this, an 1v1 tierlist? Because it has nothing to do with conquest that's for sure.

    How come, besides engi everything in S have limited v1 potential, like pretty sure that ele is tempest and thief inst a v1 class at all.

    Because they’re both irreplaceable in their roles of support and decap/roamer

  5. @Antioche.7034 said:The answer is quite simple. What's meta in every content ?

    1) Renegade2) Warrior

    Both of these are used literally in every single encounter. Renegade comes top because it can either be Alacrigade, either Condi RR, either full Condi DPS.Bannerslave warrior, either power or condi, is meta everywhere.

    3) Ranger.

    Druid or Soulbeasts stancesharing on a few bosses for raids. Soulbeast for fractals, Druid for strikes.

    4) Guardian

    It isn't meta on much stuff, but is very decent everywhere. Meta in fractals as pQfb, sub-meta as DH. Meta in strikes as Cfb (DH for Bone). Meta on some raid bosses as Cfb, DH is decent on power ones.

    Mesmer, thieves, engis and necro see no plays in fractals so they are off, so the only other one would be Elementalist with weaver being meta in fractals and very decent everywhere else.

    If you ask only about Raids : Engineer's holo and mesmers are very, very good.

    This is wrong, warriors and revs aren’t meta on Largos.

    If you really want something for ALL fractals and raids, it’s ranger.

  6. I’ve ran pug groups for the last 5 days and have cleared both no problem. Boneskinner just requires 1-2 hs to be honest.

    And the heart of it is: it’s doable, so why nerf it? Must we have a game where every single content is easily done by pug groups on the first try? I’m glad that boneskinner and whisper are the only two strikes that actually require some form of a comp and brain to complete instead of the first 3 which are just liters golem fights.

  7. lol matchmaking in gw2 is so fked. As a gold 2 player, I somehow was placed in 3 games against 3 dukes/duchesses of the arena, other p1 players like Cuilan, and some p2 players.

    They complained that the rest of us sucked. Well no shit, I'm not a plat level player.

    I'm never touching GW2 PvP again, there's just no point. It's not fun for me, it's not fun for my teammates, and it's probably not fun for the people I'm playing against, so what's the point. I get maybe queue times are an issue, but if the solution from the developers are to have p2 players interacting/matched up against g1-2 players, it's just gonna drive players away because there's no purpose to playing the game.

  8. A little offtopic but since it's related to MOTA I thought I'd post here.

    I just realized that we have basically proof on video of a player hacking on a broadcasted event...and both anet as well as the community doesn't really give a shit at all LOL.

  9. @AliamRationem.5172 said:

    @"Vallun.2071" said:

    Basically just a core version of symbol brand, valor gives you a lot of self sustain that firebrand lacks at the moment, so its nice for solo q. Also very easy to play so its great for new players or PvErs who are joining PvP.

    There was a guy asking for something exactly like this the other day on the forums. Will have to show him this if you haven't already!

    That was me. I want to thank Vallun for giving me my build. TYVM

  10. @"Safandula.8723" said:Amazing answer incoming.Guardian.Easy power dps(dh), easy condi dps (fb) with top tier dps. Rotations May seem bit difficult at start but after getting basics, it becomes quite simple.2 things about those classes. There are specs with easier rotations but what makes it so easy to play is sustain (cuz why not give top tier dps Such amount of blocks and self healing). 2nd thing is fact that even if u dont do Perfect rotation, u Will still do decently

    I actually currently main guardian and war and I don't know if I agree with the second part. I'm definitely still learning but every time I find that I"m focusing more on boss mechanics, my dps drops much more on my guard than my warrior. THat's actually what caused me to ask this question because I wanted a class that has shorter rotations in case if I mess up or have to dodge boss mechanics, I can easily get back on track.

    I think shortbow only condi soulbeast might be what I"m looking for thanks everyone.

    Also, with regards to daredevil, I've heard people say that because dodges are incorporated into the rotation, even if it's a short one, it's common to get hit by boss mechanics due to lack of dodges. Thoughts on this?

    I basically am looking for the EASIEST specialization (relatively speaking) that won't lose me too much dps if I'm not as familiar with boss mechanics and am focused on avoiding stuff. In my personal experience, that doesn't seem to be guardian (playing power DH) or specs like power DD (having to dodge to maintain dps while being aware of mechanics takes a lot of thought even if the rotation is short). I will definitely try condi FB and the shortbow metabattle build like some of you recommended. I hope that provided a bit more clarity on what I'm looking for and thank you for the answers so far. If someone thinks that there's another spec that's being missed, please reply and let me know.

    I also want to emphasize: i'm definitely not looking ONLY at meta builds. If there's more builds out there like the shortbow only condi soulbeast that gives enough respectable dps for me to get by (not looking for any record speed kills here), please share! Tyvm

  11. Hi all,

    I think the title pretty much covers it. I googled for some previous threads and they all mentioned condi soulbeast but it seems like that isn't a popular build anymore (can't find the build on metabattle or snowcrows anymore). So, I guess I'm just asking to see if condi soulbeast is still the answer (that's used widely enough in the majority of the raids) or if there's really no easy rotations on any of the dps anymore and a support like druid or banner warrior is the answer.

    THank you very much for your help !

  12. Thanks for all the comments everyone.

    I just had a quick question regarding what people are saying between being better at the game / learning the mechanics vs. an easy class.

    Generalizing here, but it seems like a lot of the comments talk about playing a "1v1" class. Probably another dumb question, but is that the "basis" of good mechanics for every class? AKA - is every specialization ,despite their different roles, predicated on being able to hold your own 1v1 vs. another class? Is there any specialization or class that's purely meant to +1 or something and isn't expected to ever 1v1 or anything like that, and if the answer is yes, what would be the way to "learn the mechanics" then?

    Or is it in general, playing something like spellbreaker that has a role forcing into 1v1s the best way to learn mechanics for any class or specialization I want to play? Aka 1v1'ing is the best way to improve mechanics and learn the game regardless of specialization/class?

  13. I’m hoping that with practice, I’ll improve. But I think the idea is that with an easier specialization to start off on, it’ll be easier to progress.

    I have all classes except for necro, hence why I left that specific class out. Thanks!

  14. Hi all,

    I’ve always been playing PvE in this game and want to try PvP. I don’t have the best mechanics of the world or the best reflexes.

    Besides any necro class or specialization, what’re the top 3 specializations you would recommend a beginner to pvp for just solo queued ranked (not ATs or anything) thanks!

    I’m sure everyone will recommend picking my favorite specializations, but I’m thinking objectively there’s gotta be specializations that are either easier to play (less skills or reactions needed) or are more forgiving to mistakes?

    I did search this topic in the forums and the last topic I found was about a year ago. I hope this is the right place to ask!

  15. So I did that and in his videos for all of last month he only played necro, holo, with a sprinkling of mes and I saw 20 min of dh gameplay in 2s. I also checked out Arken but he had some very unconventional builds and I wanted to see if there were any others Any other suggestions?

  16. Hi all,

    I know everyone seems to say symbolbrand is just faceroll keyboard, but I really struggle to play the build. I'm really used to playing roamers, and I find that I just don't know what to do with a symbolbrand (do I just bunker on point, do I try roaming when it seems like I have no movement options, etc.). I'm also new to the guard class so that doesn't help either. Can anyone link me to a good streamer or a good youtube vid that showcases the build at relatively high levels? Every streamer I tried to browse seems to play holo or necro so....yeah...just want some link recommendations please and thanks!

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