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Wasabi Kitty.8247

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Posts posted by Wasabi Kitty.8247

  1. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Nightcore.5621 said:I always skip fractal dailys when SUNQUA is one of them. Its to long and the reward for the time spend doin it its not worth it. I dont know maby make it shorter. It feels to long for a fractal and it feels more like it should have been a raid

    Just do the CM version, you skip straight to the end boss and then fight another form of the last boss and you're done.

    If they have trouble with normal mode what make you think they can even complete challenge mode?

    Anyone can complete challenge mode if they're willing to reach out to people and follow instruction.

  2. @Kulvar.1239 said:

    @"mikdepadua.8376" said:Aside from being used by healers or backline wvw zergers, I think staff should be competitive with dagger or sword variants of the elementalist for dps roles in raids/fractals/small scale. Staves are afterall a signature weapon of wizards and many people like playing rpgs as their favorite archetypes.

    Why would you use a 1200 range weapon from the frontline ? I'm all for balancing range and melee so you can play both, but when you take a range weapon, you're supposed to go backline :)

    So if you're doing raids/fracs/dungeons/strikes/etc. you should move off the stack and not get buffs/healing and potentially make it harder to dodge attacks, simply because "you're supposed to go backline"?

  3. One thing that I think tends to get overrated is the total healing when comparing classes/builds.

    If Class A is able to go into a raid and keep a squad above 90% health for the entire encounter provided people don't majorly fail big mechanics (like constantly standing in poison at Sloth) , then Class B healing for 25% more really isn't relevant. So when it comes to healing in encounters the mindset shouldn't be "lets bring as much healing as possible" it should be, "let's make sure we have enough healing and then we can focus on other things."

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