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Posts posted by Xyroxis.2509

  1. ꙳✧⭒꙳✩ ? Galaxy Cowboys ? ✩꙳⭒✧꙳ is looking for epic people that are active with their goal set to team work.(checkout our banner HERE)

    We offer you✩ Democratic Events!✩ Guild Missions✩ Basic and Advanced raids signup✩ pug with other guildies whenever you want✩ Static Raid teams✩ CMs✩ Strike Missions✩ Awesome Galaxy themed Discord✩ Guides✩ Friendly and fun guild based on good values✩ If not in static team, you can still join random events weekly✩ Build a community

    We are looking for you!✩ Friendly✩ Desire to do things in group✩ Helping hand✩ Give and take advice mentality✩ Active✩ End game content✩ Growing with us✩ Helping command in raids, cms, strike missions, meta events, etc is very welcome

    Activities✩ Schedules based on your votes!✩ Random pings daily for events on the same day or through signup

    ContactDiscord ✩ Xyroxis#6703GW2 ✩ Xyroxis.2509Join directly: http://galaxycowboys.ga

  2. @MarkoGold.7126 said:they need to apologise.@"Nokomis.5076" said:Yes, they need to. They must not, as much as they must not give any compensation. It also could be very much a failure of the server itself so not a single human could be responsible for this at all.

    You have no clue what you're talking about. First of all the servers might be rented, which they have a contract for, which leads to insurance.Do you really think a game like this would rely on a single server to get this game running? Even small companies don't work like you're saying.They hire servers somewhere else to ensure that the up time is guaranteed (out sourcing), they then make backups on other servers at the same place and at other data centers, then they mostly make backups on own servers, and on different locations.Servers crash all the time due to a bunch of different things they aren't responsible for.In your "story" when a fire breaks out, the game is gone.

    Think a little bit further before posting like you know everything.

  3. @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Forum participants achieve "Member" level after just three days of participation and five posts.

    According tot he
    tracker, you joined the boards around the 9th of May, so if you manage to get a total of 5 posts (= comments or threads), you can have your member-rank at the 12th of May.

    Allright thanks!That's weird though, I have joined the board ages ago :o

  4. @steki.1478 said:

    @Xyroxis.2509 said:I'm playing tempest heal now with Harrier stats, yet I don't do any dmg. (500-1k dps)Is Tempest worth for bit of dps? It takes me hours to kill a veteran and if I trade for more dps I'm dead instantly.I'm rather new to Elementalist, yet can heal very good now. I don't see where you get your dps out of this spec though

    You ont get dps with healing set, simple as that. You play berserker or viper and you get your damage, just like with every other class or elite spec (except druid since it's fully focused on supporting).

    I have tried with a berserker set (ascended, build and gear from snowcrows) and had a very hard time getting even to 10-15k with a tempest build. I'm wondering if weaver is the only viable dps spec for Ele

  5. This is a great idea, I hope they will involve more fractals in the future or extended like dungeons at the time.Fractals don't take very long and are easily finished, also I like to help a few ppl out.But if you did T4 and helping ppl in T1-T3 you just doing the same thing over and over and over.

  6. I'm playing tempest heal now with Harrier stats, yet I don't do any dmg. (500-1k dps)Is Tempest worth for bit of dps? It takes me hours to kill a veteran and if I trade for more dps I'm dead instantly.I'm rather new to Elementalist, yet can heal very good now. I don't see where you get your dps out of this spec though

  7. Been searching to edit my post in LF Guild since the invite link is broken...Seems I can't delete it, nor change it nor make a new thread cause the rules forbid.So it seems only "members" rank can do this, yet no documentation found on how to get this rank.Can anyone help me out? These forums are very unclear how they work.

  8. 8ZJVGUA.png

    We are building a small community to help each other out with more frequent events and a focus on raiding.

    We will focus on raid training by helping you with:

    ✩ Fractals T4✩ Strike Missions✩ Raids

    We offer you

    ✩ Guild Missions✩ PvE Endgame content✩ PvP✩ Training✩ Awesome Galaxy themed Discord✩ Guides✩ Friendly and fun guild based on good values✩ No pre-defined groups, you can join!✩ Build a community✩ Event Signup through comment reaction

    We are looking for you!

    ✩ Desire to do group content through sign up system✩ Desire to raid✩ Friendly✩ Helping hand✩ Give and take advice mentality✩ Active✩ End game content✩ Growing with us


    ✩ The more signups, the more events✩ Fixed Raid Training (for now):✩꙳⭒ Monday 8PM CET✩ Strike Missions almost daily✩ CM Training weekly


    Discord ✩ Xyroxis#6703GW2 ✩ Xyroxis.2509

    Join Us:Discord: http://galaxycowboys.com

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