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Posts posted by Anomander.6791

  1. @ledernierrempart.6871 said:

    @Anomander.6791 said:Boon ball exists as the only viable counter to the ridiculous amounts of damage that can be put out. Particularly from condi spam but also from power damage. No one enjoys being one shot, so you can't removed the boon ball meta until you firstly nerf all the damage, so that people can actually play the game mode.

    and how will you remove the boonball exactly? nerfing damage is easy. but what about protec? will it give 16% damage reduction instead of 33% ?

    Reduce its spamability.Same with condis. Both of them can be applied too quickly and too easily. They need cooldowns so people have to think rather than spam abilities.

  2. @Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    @darkwarrior.1670 said:Theres certain towers you simply cant hit without a treb. North East tower in Alpine bl you cant hit this without a treb. Otherwise youll be marked with cata or obvs ram.

    If you saying these towers can't be hit with treb then i have some news for you. Setup treb on the hill area near NEC, can easily treb this.

    He's saying you have to use a treb. Using anything else will get you seen by watch tower

    Thanks for clearing this up. I thought he meant it couldn't be ninja-ed without being marked.

    Its just been an ongoing thing in T1 that green and blue will gang up on red for a long time.First time BG gets to feel how other servers feel and nerf requests begin.

    Yeah in terms of servers and balance things like that there are much bigger issues than watchtower.

    Id like to see it changed so that it isn't so strong against small groups of 5 or so. Right now small groups struggle on those towers/areas as they are seen long before they attack and can't use stealth properly to engage/disengage. Larger groups already have an advantage, they dont need more.

    I say make it a tactic. 10min duration with a 15min cd or something. Means if a tower is left without a scout smaller groups have a chance. But a smart scout can rush in and hit the tactic to show others how many are attacking and provide a defensive anti stealth buff when its a large group attacking.

  3. @Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    @darkwarrior.1670 said:Theres certain towers you simply cant hit without a treb. North East tower in Alpine bl you cant hit this without a treb. Otherwise youll be marked with cata or obvs ram.

    If you saying these towers can't be hit with treb then i have some news for you. Setup treb on the hill area near NEC, can easily treb this.

    He's saying you have to use a treb. Using anything else will get you seen by watch tower

  4. Everything needs nerfed, the power creep of abilities has gone too far.Condi damage needs nerfed and so then boons can be nerfed.Condi spam needs nerfed so cleanse can be nerfed.Power needs a small nerf again for certain classes.

  5. Anyone who isn't a roamer enjoy this week? As a guild of 15-20 this event has been boring so far. Its a case of who hits first wins, whether that us or the enemy, it makes for short boring fights.

    Then you have the 'pro' roamers trying to gank the backline while you are running to a fight. Making us turn around and kill them, which just slows us down getting to that fight and its over by the time we get there.

    Been so boring we are thinking of just doing meme raids of deadeyes the rest of the week.

  6. Why do people think a once of payment entitles them to years of content and updates.

    If you can't afford the expansion, suck it up, everyone else has paid, why do you think you deserve the same without paying for it.

    Infact anet should go the route of a monthly subscription. Atleast then we should get consistent updates and a lag free service. When will people realise that a once of payment is not enough to fund a mmo?

  7. While novel, these abilities have the power to greatly change the outcome of a fight. Especially when you are outnumber and can't rally your team mates because they were instantly finished. Both abilities need to be removed and replaced with something with less impact.

    Bonus complaint: watchtower also screws over small groups trying to ninja cap towers.

  8. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    @Strider Pj.2193 said:AC’s damage was greatly reduced over a year ago...

    Coordinated groups can camp under several of them for minutes without people going down.

    I mean, siege stinks, but if you are having that much difficulty with ACs....

    I think lots of people suffer because they didn't play when the game first came out, and a single AC could melt rams and golems in a minute. If you were attacking something and were spotted, and that one person got on an AC, you might as well just bail. Now? ACs tickle at best, and do almost nothing to siege.

    No they hit for nothing when the game was released. Was about 8 months or even a year after release that they got their insane buff. Point is acs now dont matter to big blobs or decent size organised groups but they do screw over small havoc groups. Same with watchtower. Also screws over smaller groups of 5 or 10.

    The power of defensive siege is also the reason guilds have turned to open field fights. No one wants to spend 30 mins sieging a tower just to have the defenders run away when you break in.

    Remove all siege, keep oils cannons and rams only.

  9. @Mafias.7235 said:Anyway, several of us with on IT and have some notions on DB and architecture, so we assume that either everything we do until they fix it would be lost or it would make it more problematic or time consuming for them to check; so we tell everybody to stay logged out.

    See this right here tells me you are being dishonest or do not understand how DBs work in this scenario. Yes it was pretty obvious that you would lose the any progress made while logged in before the fix, but to think/pretend that logging in would cause any additional issues is simply dishonest or plain stupid. You telling people to stay logged out is the problem here. Arenanet should not be compensating all those who listened to you, it is you and your friends who gave people terrible advice who should be compensating them with a mount skin because you are the reason they did not log in.

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