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Posts posted by Ember.6478

  1. I think festivals already are sort of connected to races. I think the only race that doesn't connect to a festival in anyway is the Sylvari so maybe a new festival in the Grove I would like. I would also like to see the New Year festival see alot of changes now we are connected to Cantha.

  2. I don't think its encouraged by Anet. You can mail people a limited amount of gold but I think if you did this and didn't get what you wanted out of it, you would be out of luck. I don't think Anet would give your gold back for a bad outside trade. I would be really surprised if they did.

  3. I don't agree that people running older content are bored. If that were true, why would I have to wait for Tequatl 30 minutes early in the morning just to get into a map? I feel like I had trouble keeping up with metas at first until I understood what was happening and I had at least the Raptor mount. Most people have mounts now so the are moving a lot faster than you in the meta. People running dungeons/fractals/strikes/raids usually expect you to understand the mechanics but there are plenty of groups that help new people in lfg or you can find them via Discord if you are patient enough or care to even look for them yourself.

  4. I see there should be what looks like a moa racing game on the second level of Club Canach that would be like the moa racing at the Dragon Bash festival. Why put this here and not make an actual moa racing game? Also, is there a chance Metal Legion might make an appearance at Club Canach? I would love some sort of meta like the one in Grothmar Valley! I actually like Club Canach but it could be so much better with more stuff to do.

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  5. I am new to strikes and did find this part difficult. I was patient and found a group for people new to strikes in LFG run by a kind, experienced player. It took us a few tries and some adjustments but we did get the turtle part and no one got shamed for being "bad" at anything. I won't comment on whether this should  be changed or not, but it is possible to find groups for new players or those who need extra help. Don't give up! Anyway, driving the turtle is not so much fun as being the gunner.

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  6. What I will never understand is why people who would gladly pay a monthly subscription fee for another game would complain so much about having to pay money to unlock further content in Guild Wars 2. It's nice you can even use gold for gems to unlock any content. If you're a new player then play the free game and figure out if it's worth it to you to spend more time and money on it. Figure out how to use the LFG tool or join a helpful guild. I only started playing a year ago and I haven't had any of the issues you say you experienced. There are so many helpful people willing to portal you somewhere or help you get a bounty you just have to reach out and ask people nicely.

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