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Posts posted by krvutami.8761

  1. Hello,

    Your guild sounds like the right place for me. I am an adult with 9-5 job and other life obligations, but I have few hours every now and then to put into GW2. I have been playing alone so far and would like to join a guild to do fractals, strikes and some raid training runs with a solid group of people while waiting for expansion.

    What I offer:

    1. Discord, capacity to listen and communicate in decent English
    2. 120 AR (and going up) Holo for fractals
    3. Alacrity / cDPS rev for strikes and raids (or bannerslave / cDPS warrior). Also have 80 boon chrono for good measure / cDPS mirage.
    4. Around 10 hours a week of online presence

    If you think you could use a guy like me, drop me an invite or contact me in game on one of my chars: Kafena, Glokni, Nteppi or Mara Duskpetal.


  2. @slntne.9364 said:I like this game till I reached 80 and got Path of Fire now I die every time I have to fight the forge. I liked the way I could solo up till I got Path of Fire. The idea to have something to aim at per map in order to help level was a good idea, but now that I'm at level 80 and can't proceed further (stuck at gathering intel at camps part) I'm going to stop playing. I should have stuck with the free mode. I like the idea of using mounts but not having to party all the time to complete a story. I would say stick with free unless a person likes to party a story or is able to solo the expansions. I'm going back to studying books at least it isn't frustrating.

    Friend, I understand your frustration but I think that you are either very young , or just not that talented gamer. You might like playing games but you are probably not good at them (sorry for making this assumption, but it is first thing that comes to mind after reading your post of frustration).Guild Wars 2, contrary to what people might say, is not an easy MMO to get into. It requires much more active input from a player then most of other flagship MMO's simply because all most of your character defences are active and you have to use them in good moment. Some encounters even have a Dark Souls rhythm to them where you need to evade and block attacks until you see an opportunity to use your most adequate attack or combo.

    So you will need to get good, work on your reflexes, perception and muscle memory and you will see that GW2 has a most rewarding combat system on the market (in my opinion).

  3. @battledrone.8315 said:HoT cost them a lot of players and goodwill. it is also one of the few things, that other mmos havent copied from this game.they even tried to nerf it several times, but you cant nerf bad maps. and the story is awful, they threw away eir stegalkin like a broken toyif they had made a PROPER expansion, they could easily had beaten wow

    I must disagree. As Cyninja said above, HoT contains some of the best designed maps in MMO I have ever seen. And I`ve seen a ton in 20 years playing the genre. I am sorry for bringing it up again, but expansion gave me so much of that FromSoft vibe that I am addicted to. At first you are nothing, little lost nothing. Dreading every new corner and tunnel. Getting lost trying to figure out how to reach that PoI, dying and giving up. And then coming back again for some more butcheek slapping. But after some time and learning you are a commando. You master the level/map and you are a God in the jungle, slicing through the NPCs and gliding between the trees like a fucking bird. Going from that lost, useless thing to a jungle God without any gear upgrade whatsoever is pure gaming for me.

    In short: if all GW2 maps shared the same philosophy it would be a masterpiece of the game even as a single player experience. I totally see what devs and designers tried to do there. Shame people weren't accepting.

  4. As someone who plays MMO's since early days of WoW and someone who started GW2 only recently (Covid era), I must say that getting through HoT was one of the better gaming experiences I had since finishing DS1 and Bloodborne.

    HoT has a sense of danger, hopelesness, getting lostness that only matches it's theme. You are in the jungle and you are supposed to go through cycles of suffering and relief. People that complain about it's difficulty (in both terms of mob scaling and navigation), or stuff being mastery gated, just use your intuition. The joy of blind playtrough and reaching new Waypoint was priceless. And don't play like a completionist bot, just forget about it. HoT maps / expansion is awesome and I will remember my frist playtrough forever.

    EDIT: I can't believe HoT backlash in the past was so big. Aren't we gamers? Being casual doesn't mean you are bad at using keyboard, mouse, eyes and brain. So sad map was nerfed because people cried that much.

  5. People keep listing shit that they lost, they are literally crying instead of focusing on one simple fact.

    Never have I ever, in 22 years of playing MMO's, have seen something like this happen. Rollback to friday? Seriously?Back in the day server would crash, people would be unable to log for a while, staff would come up and say something on the forum, people would wait a while (sometimes even a whole day) and then log back in. What kind of shitshow are you guys running? I mean, rollback? First time I see that in live game gets time warped back to past. Just roll back the latest image of database from this morning and let us play. This had dragged on for too long, you need to get your shit together.

    Oh, and game was laggy as hell in end game zones, and I kept getting spammed by server login crash messages. If you are running a game as a service you can't really let this happen, people are paying you money not to have to deal with that shit. It's fucking 2020, we should be beyond this stuff by now.

  6. @evziala.8407 said:Hello

    As in the title said. I leveld my elemental mage in one day from lvl 11 to about 26. and Today i logged in again and the char was lvl 11 agian.Did someone else have this Problem? What can you do about that.

    I wrote to the support waiting on response.

    Best Regards

    Nothing you can do. Levels fluctuate sometimes.

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