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Posts posted by Nitrosiili.5628

  1. It is kinda funny that these things still exist in WvW, but when new PvE (living world or expansion) story instance has some small bug (audio or something similar) it gets fixed before next day.

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  2. So if player does not want to do WvW for GoB, does that player then even deserve to craft a legendary? Ascended have same stats.


    It is made,so you have to "master"/play all or many aspects of the game because it is a LEGENGARY. It is in the name of the equipment.

    It would not be legendary if it would be a piece of cake to make. Which it already is as you can buy gen1 legendary weapons.


    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


    For my expr every days its like  50+ getting free strutures  with 5 shield gens and 5-7catapults or rams, and 10-20 cant hardly fight that many.


    Strucutres are way easy for a zerg this size to cap but to hard when its more small scalle.


    I would say best would be scale strutures according to the enemies atacking, like creating an envent.


    Still we playes(as in adapt) and Anet need to see how alliances will spread more players arround.



    note: ive seen 30-40 blob failing to take strucutres from 10-15 as well wich is needed to pay atentin here who and why is complaining when stutures are to hard to obtain.


    Hint. Those are the PPT players who do that. (building many catas with shield gens) Siege is fine imo, but the sheer amount of defensive siege you can build is just ridiculous. *add here cheeky comment about "tactics"*


    On the other hand it is really hard to get inside objectives in a reasonable time if you dont build many rams or catas.


    Those same people who build million rams with shield gens usually lose in a fight, because all they know is blob and PPT during night. Then during "normal" hours they hide behind million Ac's etc.



  4. 10 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

    Really what they should do is buff ranger and give us more un-blockable abilities. Quite tired of classes being able to shut projectiles down for ages in an aoe area. Just sit there unable to do anything but go into melee range and die. Or die to our own attack. 

    Or 90% of ranger players could stop roleplaying Legolas and use other weapons as well.


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    • Haha 1
  5. @Spartacus.3192 said:I believe if you want to discourage blobs and more small fights all over the map one method i thought of was to have a debuff based on the size of your squad and how many squad members are near you (say within 2400 range).

    Squads get a Debuff of -10% to damage (power and condi) and healing for every 10 people in the group (starting at 11) (10 or less is no debuff). So at 50 man squad you are getting a 50% debuff on damage and healing output. This will favor the smaller groups trying to fight the bigger groups since they will be at full power and the 50 man squad at -50%. Sure they will still die if focused but have a better chance. And if youre 50 vs 50 it will just be wet noodle fighting.

    The reason why i give the 2400 range is because if you happen to be in a 50 man squad and die and have to run back alone you dont want to be picked off by a solo roamer because you have a 50% debuff on you. You will be more than 2400 range from your squad so you dont get the debuff. The debuff is based on number of squad members within the 2400 range. So you could be in a 50 man squad but if only 10 near you you will only be a 10% debuff.

    Now you will say ok just have 5 squads of 10 and all be in discord voice. Sure you can do that but its not as convenient for the commander so i still believe it will be better than what we have now.It will not affect pugs running around just grouping up but will help reduce blobs. Maybe you will have multiple 10 man squads instead or 20 max.

    anyway just spitballing here.

    I think you haven't played before the squad fuction was even in this game.

    Anyway WvW was made for larger scale fights. Thats what brought me into WvW epic large scale PvP. Not sitting behind 20 arrow carts.If people want constant small scale fights, then we have sPvP for that.

  6. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @hunkamania.7561 said:Current system is terrible and supports turtle gameplay.. The game was actually better when the keeps were paper.True, but it doesnt have so much to do with the
    of upgrades.

    Overall the solution just boils down to one incredibly basic thing that most people probably overlook or forget exist:

    Siege that
    hasnt been buffed in the big siege buff that Anet had to do years ago because WvW was fast grinding to a screeching halt with the objective buffs.

    Make the
    true siege engines
    , the trebs half supply cost with 50%+ more base damage and watch the turtle gameplay
    away with true sieges, fireballs flying high above and defenders forced to sally forth out of objectives.

    The problem already with this is, that defenders also build trebs.Defenders and attackers both have trebs with shield generatos and we are in a stalemate.

  7. @"Luthan.5236" said:Yes I know that thing with the dolyaks. (And I wanted the supplies to show at the similar window so you could access them there if the "bug" occurs for the normal info at the top right.)

    Does this bug exist for long already? (Then ArenaNet should know shouldn't they? I wonder why it isn't fixed then.) I think it is tied to the events. Because it showed there with the "defend ..." event (when at an enemy structure it is near the "attack ..." event).

    In the Wiki (example Golanta) they even mention that line I refer to in the respective events:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assault_Golanta_Clearinghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defend_Golanta_Clearing

    When I can't see the amount of supplies - usually the attack/defend (only noticed it for defend I think) event is gone as well. At first I thought it might have been some timer (so people can't farm those events) ... but for defending there is already the 5 mins or so counting down. (For keeps and stuff it immediately re-appears after giving rewards. And the timer only starts again if still an attack is happening.)

    Yesterday I remember having rezzed the supervisor. And no event with supply amount being displayed.

    Maybe the bug appears if supervisors go down and get rezzed (without the camp getting flipped by the enemy) ... until the enemy flips later.

    From what I have noticed at a own keep - after rezzing - the event stayed (and showed supplies) but the capture circle bar (enemy capped it like 10-20 percent) still stayed filled. (Don't know if this is intended as well. Or a display bug. My guess is after they kill the lord next time again ... the bar would start from empty. While in our defensive event until then it displays the bar a bit filled.)

    Nice, that you think Anet cares about WvW bugs.They don't. We have many bugs for many years and those are not fixed.Then just look at living world updates. Those really minor bugs in living world are hot fixed on next day. WvW does not get any love.

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