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Posts posted by Bogdanski.4697

  1. Hello Josh.

    I'm gonna have to be blunt with you, and my feelings are shared with thousands other players.

    As a warrior main, and a veteran raider and fractaler, and only reflecting on the changes the development team has made in the past 6 months, and including the tomorrow update,  I feel like you have destroyed the last drop of joy Guild Wars2 brought me.

    Not only that the very hard and FUN content of Fractal CMs has been layed to eternal grave by making it literally not worth our time due to the lack of Mystic Coins but our only purpose as warriors in endgame content will now be dismantled. As a warrior our damage and utilities have been super mediocre (nothing any more crazier than good CC effects, NOT best), not being able to even nearly complete with other classes and specialisations.


    My 3 questions for you are:

    - What are you going to do to ensure that the level of effort input will fairly reflect the level of rewards in the future? I like what dev team is doing with the strikes, trying to get people to understand team play and synergetycs, but to make strikes the best source of rewards is doing nothing to improve the casual players willingness to improve further into fractal challenges and raids.

    - What other trade-offs will you include to ensure the longevivity of the warrior class in endgame content, after removing its only advantages to include one in your team, synergy wise? At least give us permanent quickness sharing with minimal dps loss. I mean catalyst and scrapper can do 29/30k damage per second while providing permanent quickness to 5 players. The community does not wish to have an unbalanced warrior that does permanent quickness with full diviner gear, outputting 20k damage per second. It simply does not match the other 2 power quickness specs that can provide superspeed or healing and other general buffs and utility that the warrior cannot currently provide. It just doesn't make sense.

    - Why are you seriously suggesting that those above FAQs are actually FAQs? I've searched the whole thread, and the original patch post, and not one player asked anything near those lines. To me your post seems like a failed damage control comeback that actually enraged the community even more juding by the comments. I think a more realistic acceptance of the turmoil the balance team created and holding off updates to make things right and listen to the community for once is more appropriate here.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. 

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  2. Let's talk the changes.


    Warrior: Removed from end game content. I myself as a warrior enjoyer will delete it because i will no longer see a request for "BS" in LFGs. I was promised that you will try to give it more meaning, anet. I don't see it.


    Untamed: Trash as always. The only unusable spec in endgame pve. Needs a rework from the core, like the beta feedback was so bad, yet the project continued.


    Catalyst: Weakest link of EoD (We don't take Untamed in consideration, that is not a spec, it's a LOL), a spec that not many can get big numbers out of, you nerfed. You buffed hammer months ago claiming that it is not impactful. Now you nerfed it lower than the original. Does this make sense to you?


    Firebrand: Condi version, you nerfed mounts ago, took away easy quickness through solance, now you thought it is a good ideea to nerf even more. DH, literally the only reason to play it in fractals, the signet share, you deleted. That is the 3rd spec you put in the grave and we are not even half way finished.


    Mechanist: The most complete broken healer in the game, you thought it is a good ideea to buff.


    Scrapper: A spec that didn't need more crit chance in firearms, you went ahead and gave it more crit chance and called it a balance patch.


    Ranger: Literally the only true balance you created through this new patch. Restored druid usability by adding Alacrity (it was literally dead because only might and heals), and restored some of the the power soulbeast dps to compete with the broken dps of the EoD specs. Congrats Anet. The whole community can agree that Balance means bringing old specialisations up to the standards of new ones, or vice versa. Promoting specs by nerfing others cannot be called Balance.


    Reaper: Dps boost, that is good. Makes it more usable in endgame dps roles.

    Heal Scourge: Nice touch with the warhorn rework, the fear on warhorn feels more appropriate than the 2sec Daze.

    Harbinger: Where nerfs? It's outrageous and broken and too easy to play.


    Herland: By adding quickness on consume but increasing cooldowns i don't believe it can be used as a reliable quickness support. By taking too much concentration it wil lower its dps far under the other quickness support specs such as scrapper that sits on a high 30k dps and catalyst at about 30k too now after the tuesday patch.


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  3. I'm going to be honest with you, like many players I'm extremely dissapointed about how End-Game Rewards have been terminated for the players that output a lot of effort to learn and improve their gameplay, and instead given to players that enjoy super casual gameplay. I am honestly stopping my daily Cm+T4 run after launch of EoD, because however smalll the chance of MC and regardless the calculations above, that is the only thing that made the difference between Normal Fractals and CMs. Extra Relics are virtually useless without the main material that turns them into clovers. However, if those Strikes CMs are at least 100 times more challenging than the current strikes from the Saga, and if they can give rewards comparable to the super challenging fractal CMs and give us a feeling of completing something truly difficult I am willing to change my mind and try it out. I do hope that you will bring something that will move the hardcore fractal community to strikes. 

    As far as the ideea of harder strikes goes, I hope that this will bring a lot more players to raids in the long run, and generally improve the willingness of super casual players to improve their gameplay, learn the importance of boons and use builds that synergise in a group which will ultimately push the developing team to turn more attention towards raids, as right now Raids feel neglected due to the small community, and rewards get kinda wack after you grinded your legendary armour down. Hope to see more raids instances too.


    TL;DR : Please make EoD strikes challenging in the true sense of the word and allow them to compensate all the loses that hardcore players suffered. 


    I am all for casual players getting stuff by doing lower skill-pool friendlier strikes, but like anything in life, there should be a difference of reward output between low and high effort. Also please don't forget that the skilled hardcore players set examples and push others to improve. How many people wouldn't be part of the raid community today if it wasn't for snowcrows providing excellent builds and guides?


    Looking forward to EoD

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