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Posts posted by Lex.3975

  1. Not interested at all. This is not why I chose to main thief all these years. Flavor wise, thief is a dps. You want a healer, you go for other classes. I understand that something new was needed to make thieves desirable in parties, but a healer spec was not it. They could have gone for something unique, like a debilitator, someone that puts hexes or something on enemies, making allies' attacks more potent against them. Or giving offensive boons like alacrity, quickness or might, though I prefer the first suggestion.

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    • Confused 2
  2. They made thief into a monk. This isn't what I signed up for choosing thief at the start. When someone says thief/rogue/assassin, no one has this kind of gameplay in mind. They wanted thief to be wanted in a party, a debilitator would have been a better fit. Hex enemies so party does better dmg. Plus, a gw2 wasn't built for ally targeting skills and as someone who plays with action camera, clicking on portraits is also not an option.

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    • Confused 4
  3. I understand that they wanted thief that is more useful in parties, but I dislike scepter. They could have easily made Shiro type assassin with dual swords that uses gw1 deadly arts type hexes to boost dmg allies do enemies. The shadow magic is a cool idea for boosting allies though, but I wished they saved that for a different expansion. I mean we are going to Cantha, the origin place of assassins 😞

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  4. I was bored one weekend, thinking about gw1, so I thought about elite spec based on my main, assassin.


    ASSASSIN - Daredevil is all about acrobatics, sort of an expansion of that trait, lots of dodges and not getting hit. The idea for assassin is to be expansion of critical strikes. Lots of attack speed and lots of damage and lots of stuff happening on critical hit. 

    - SPEC MECHANICS - Since assassin's attacks always followed chain lead -> off hand -> dual, idea here is something similar. Using off hand skills after main hand skill boosts off hand skill (increased dmg or condi), using dual skill after off hand boosts dual skill. Dual does more dmg if chain main -> off hand -> dual was used, rather than just off hand -> dual. (Shortbow here would be a problem as the only two handed weapon, but maybe designate which skills would act as off hand and which would be treated as dual). No more random steal skills, F1 becomes mark of death or expose defenses, which shadowsteps to target foe and unlocks F2 and F3 which are siphon speed, applies slow and gain quickness, and siphon strength applies weakness and gain might. F2 and F3 are mutually exclusive, which means you can use either one or the other, after which you need to use F1 again to unlock them (or in case of trait Improvisation, you can use twice)

    - dual attack (with sword main) - Nine tail strike or blades of steal - Big damage attack, unblockable (maybe have an evade window since both current dual sword skills do, and maybe gain a boon)
    - skill 4 -  Critical defense - Channeling evade/block that lasts 1 second or half a second, if hit either opens access to a skill (Impale) that does good damage or it happens automatically upon block (similar to spear skill 3). The idea is that channel is short, so it is reactional, use it once you know you are going to get hit. (maybe just grant aegis for few seconds if attack wasn't evaded/blocked using this skill)
    - skill 5 - Golden skull strike or temple strike - strike for some dmg, inflicts daze, imobilized foes are knocked down instead

    - UTILITY SKILLS - stances 
    - healing skill idea 1 - Battle scars - heal for fixed amount, for 5 seconds gain fixed amount of health for every attack (doesn't have to land successfully) 
    - healing skill idea 2 - Battle scars - heal for fixed amount, evade all attacks for 5 seconds (something similar to warrior's defiant stance) 
    - utility - Dark escape - lasts x seconds, gain superspeed and take half damage and conditions are half as strong, breaks stun (or maybe evade all attacks, but if you attack the stance ends)
    - utility - Unseen fury - last x seconds, inflict blind and every strike (or every crit) inflicts daze for 1s or 1/2s (a stance cc option, maybe also grant increased power)
    - utility - Shroud of distress - Break stun. Evade attack for 1 second. If an attack is evaded in this time frame (maybe halves recharge time) unlocks access to stance critical eye, which gives you increased ferocity and condition damage (or just ferocity). This stance remains unlocked for x seconds or until another stance is activated. If the attack is not evaded gain increased endurance regeneration for x seconds.
    - utility - Moebius strikes - while in this stance dual attacks get benefits of proper lead-off hand-dual chain, without doing lead-off hand chain (maybe this should be elite)
    - elite - Way of the assassin - gw1 skill translations is to get attacks speed and crit chance increase, but fury is already easily gained from traits, maybe this could improve effects of fury and quickness in duration or intensity or provide increase that stacks with those boons or maybe just grant fury and quickness on critical hit on a lower cooldown

    - GRAND MASTER TRAITS - several ideas here
    - way of perfection - each critical hit heals for percentage of dmg or fixed amount
    - way of the lotus - each critical hit regenrates 1 initiative
    - way of the fox - each critical hit has aditional x ferocity
    - way of the viper - each critical hit inflict poison

    • Like 1
  5. Hi reader,


    Now this has been on my mind for some time now and it has already been said in the past I apologies. It always looked somewhat funny to me that when a character wields two weapons, the default chain uses only main hand. I know there are two off hand skill slots for the off hand weapon, but it just kind of looks funny to use one hand when your off hand also has a viable combat weapon (not focus or something like that). Now, something specific to a thief is the idea of dual skill, so why not have that second skill in default skill chain be from off hand weapon (maybe third skill hits with both weapons)? This kind of expands on dual skill a bit and makes combat animation look better, I assume :) . This might be an impossible thing to implement (since I don't know how the code looks like and how skill chains work), and it also requires a lot new skills for default chain, but it may also give some ideas for the future.

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