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Posts posted by michcio.5094

  1. guys, I'm not trying to be a pessimist here even If its a month already but from my understanding this issue will or may be delayed longer than expected. I'm not sure of that, it's just my prediction by looking on priorities. I would be not surprised if Devs took a whole team to finish Janthir Wilds on time. And even when new expansion will be released just look (SoTO) when arrived, there was still some work unfinished like some events etc, at that time we had client update literally every day so its a big chance in this case history will repeat, which pushes our problem behind a curtain. And please don't act like we've lost our infusions, they are still there unfortunately we can't show off now. I do still believe in them and would be great to hear anything from Arena

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  2. It's so sad this thread is hanging on for so long, and there is still no information when or does it will be fixed at all. All the players here gathered because we suffer from lack of properly working infusions. Considering this bitter time I think this thing should have never happen. I'm fighting with myself everyday, checking do we have something comming? But also truly and really trying to understand these circumstances, and having such a vast game under control might be sometimes dificult at certain stages. We all, if I could say 'lost' something and its not a bag of "rare" gear or forgotten not working properly event in core Tyria, we do speak about infusions, literally most expensive feature in game, that gives indescribably so much, and it's such a splinter under the skin for so long, we can't even get anything to calm down. This waiting in the dark tunnel without a light on horizon sadly but makes some people losing hope. I do understand the pain caused by this bug because I've also got some infusions that doesnt work the way it should be. To all of you my friends I stand with you together sharing this sorrow. Our belive cannot dispear too quick hold that warmth of a great game in hearts till moment all will back to a working order once again.
    Best regards

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  3. I'm not trying to add more fuel to this fire but what scares me the most is a question: does ArenaNet even know/notice that we have a problem? or it's just a talk between us people with some infusions? I would love to hear any reply from support that saying "we are aware of this problem, fix will not drop maybe ASAP but we work on this". And now people asking when it will be fixed or even will be touched at all? Existing without any informations is so painfull

    • Confused 1
  4. I've found out it's not a GW2 problem but I'm guessing the internet provider.

    I did check my network stability over the last 2 weeks, it does spikes there. For example 98% of some time playing are fine and good, but when comes to this 2% it spikes, then it disconnect GW2, even if you can still play the game, but does appear when changing map.

    you can monitor check double check your stability from: https://packetstats.com/ after picking up the right server.

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  5. Just when I thought I'm only one from few experiencing this problem and here I am, with18 pages of GW2 players having this terrible connection issues. I play EU server, never had that problems before really. Very strange is the fact I can play and grind my game for about 4 hours or more farm Silverwaste chests, but only when I change my map or go to the newer one, I have 3-4 minutes loading screen and then disconnected information. I can play meta maps with no lags, no delays, no freezes, I do see people walking around, gathering resources, casting skills, no problem there. But still when I'm about to change my map I have too long map loading with disconnected window. When I change my maps in first ~10-15 minutes It seem to work fine, it looks like game give me enough connection to stay on one map only? when I change my map it says I lost my connection? <WTF> I did noticed also when I grind and stay on one map only for longer time I have no problem, but when I do press on "Log out > change character" it gives me instant disconnection window with the code.. .. It's becasue I love this game so much it makes me very sad that breaking my heart now

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  6. Hello Great GuildWars2 Community! I have a problem and maybe you could help out, or at least give some more light to find the solution. My Problem is about disconnetion during map changes only, game running smoothly and no lags, no freezes, no delays when I'm on current map playing. It happening only when change to another map, not all the time, just so annoying when it happening. My maps approximetly loads about 10-15 seconds, if any longer than that after 2-3 minutes of loading screen I get this disconnection error window. It looks and feels strange because can't recall I had such issues in the past. Does anyone else experienced that too? Thanks in advance!

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