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Posts posted by Mafias.7235

  1. Is it just me or is all this kind of obvious? I've been playing daily for the past months. Maybe I skipped a day now and then, but that was rare. One person in my friend group tells the rest that there's has been a rollback. It's during the day, so most of us are working, we keep track of any piece of comment on Anet side.

    Anyway, several of us with on IT and have some notions on DB and architecture, so we assume that either everything we do until they fix it would be lost or it would make it more problematic or time consuming for them to check; so we tell everybody to stay logged out.

    At that moment of time, we are already impacted. We have not been playing GW2 because there has been a rollback.

    We are also aware of people trying to exploit the situation, and set up things trying to dup stuff. But we are nice people, so yeah, we do not touch anything.

    I am fine no getting any compensation at all. Two downtimes in I do not know how many years is not a big deal. It's worth praising, tbh.

    In the end, I agree with the initial idea of the post: giving a reward to the people logging after the rollback occurred is just a poor decision. Being nice sucks from time to time!

    For the spoon!!!

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