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Posts posted by Hawkeye.2308

  1. @"Teratus.2859" said:Not a good idea, new class would be an absurd amount of work.

    Not only would you need a new class but it would have to come with 2 elite specs to make it "fair"Add to that it would imbalance the armour tiers.. adding a new light would make people want a new medium and heavy too so they wouldn't be able to add just 1 new class they'd need to add 3 and each of them would need 2 specs each too meaning to make adding new classes fair we'd need 3 new professions with 6 new elite specs, and then there's the balancing problem..

    Just adding 9 new elite specs per expansion is already a headache.. adding 3 new professions now would be a foolish thing to do and likely do far more harm than good.

    Almost no MMO has equal amount of armor classer. WoW doesnt even have that either. I think its just a fantasy to have a perfect world where everything is equal. There can be more or less than another. Just from reading in this post it just seems like people are just not ever going to be happy about everything and just find something to complain about because people want everything their own way. I remember pvp in gw1 and it was mostly fair and I played it from factions on. True balance is a fantasy that people need to get out of their heads. Most MMO's normally have the rock paper scissor mentality where certain classes outshine or counter other classes. There cant be a perfect class or everyone would play it. I will say though some buffs and debuffs as always tilt the scale and they have to adjust again but overall we have seen meta change time and time again with patches and that shows people and classes are able to adjust to content to the game. The problem with MMO's are min maxers imo. They are so focused on squeezing the highest dps and make others feel bad about not running a certain build and it takes away from the game completely. I know you have to try to get good dps and all that to make sure you clear dps checks and all that but im more referring to the people who make others feel bad for not pulling the highest numbers possbile and I have seen that in this game.

    All of that just reminds me of the Fairly Odd parents where he wishes for everyone to be the same and even though they all looked alike it didnt change them on the inside and who they were. MMO's can be as balanced as they but you cannot change the people who play them and a toxic community will ruin a game faster than a game not being balanced.

  2. @Super Hayes.6890 said:They don't need to keep armor weights balanced if they release new professions. What does it matter if there are more professions in one armor weight versus another anyway? You guys are really gonna lose your kitten if they release three new professions that don't cover all armor weights aren't you?? Like two mediums and a heavy but no light for example. That would make these forums active again lol. I would love to see new professions again regardless of armor weight.

    From what I have seen in most end game pvp situations everyone just melts anyway minus a few classes, like people complain about light armor but a necro can take a lot of hits haha. I see this a lot in other MMO communities as well where people want the same number of armor type classes all around for a perfect synergy of perfection. Those people dont pay attention to this game. It doesnt follow the trinity like more other MMO's do so why would it follow a lot of the other aspects as well. Anet wants to be different not be part of the same cookie cutter mold

  3. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"Hawkeye.2308" said:

    The engineer is the reskined version of the ritualist from GW1.Quite some stuff in the engineer's kit is supposed to be Anet's translation of ritualist's mechanics into GW2.

    are basically the same as spirits, just with a different appearance. They are still stationary minions which are effecing their environment in different ways, either through attacking or pulsing benefits for allies (boons and healing from the healing turret).

    are their attempt to translate ashes into GW2, which is way more defined by your weapons than it has been the case in GW1. Broken down, ashes were basically just conjured items you could hold or drop for different effects. Completely disabling your weapon skills, like they did in GW1, would feel bad in this game, so they went another route by making the engineer summon an item that replaces their current weapon skills with new ones.

    Mechanically, the only thing from ritualist that is missing on engineers are weapon spells. Something that at least comes close to them, at least in my opinion, would be the venoms put on thieves.

    Anyway, I know many people would like to see ritualist return, but I think the only realistic way for that is through an elite spec to give us some of their thematical flair back. Mechanically, most of their stuff got already translated into the engineer.

    There is a lot of similarities but to me the Rit spirits had a lot more utility to them they were more than just damage and you could move them to you. I didnt think about the eng being like that since its a lot different in appearance and such. Thanks for pointing that out! Also the rit to me had overall more utility because the current "meta" eng builds in a lot of siutation dont utilitlize the turrets. I see more eng running scrapper or holo rather than using them the way a Rit would. I think it would be cool to hav that hybrid of a class thats a mix of a boon creater, healer, and also use aoe and dots like they did.

    Personally I lilke the idea of the paragon a little more with the spears being an entire new thing.

  4. Some of us were talking about this last night and we were looking at some of the GW1 classes that have come over.Warrior, Ranger, Mesmer, Ele, Necro those 5 we have felt stayed true to a lot of the core ideals from GW1Thief is just a reworked assassin with some changes and Guardian is a completely different style monk without a lot of the healing in the base class.Rev is sort of a new version of the Dervish, Even though I would love to see a entire new dervish reworked with a scythe, since they can call upon spirits to aid

    I think if they wanted to bring over another class we truly only have 2 options are Paragon and RitWith all the shouts, chants and boons Paragon would be a good fit into a ranged dps and bring a new weapon the spear into the category and then they could add another elite spec that would all be synergy around spears or spear shield or other weapons.

    Rit would be cool because it could use current weapons in the game just fine without adding anything while also bringing it new spirits and such to the game again. It would be like a support necro and I think it would mesh well along with fit with the rumored new expansion coming out where paragon would have fit more into season 4 living world since we were back in hte Nightfall areas.

    I think both would be awesome options if they decided to pull from the older content or they could just rework them all together and call it something else like I feel they did with the Rev being a different version of the dervish.

  5. I think the idea of a remastered version along with the older version would woud great to allow people with older and newer computers to be allowed to run it. I think its great to not limit themselves to a small % of the people who play games who are running the top of the line computers. I am fortunate enough to have a computer that can run it with other modern games but there was a point starting off where I didnt. Me personally, would rather have smaller content patches and allow a remastered or updated version that would run better the only downside will be the cost in resources to get it done.

    I think overall we will just end up dealing with it until a new game comes out or they surprise with the 3rd expansion being an overall updated version of the game. I think that would be the best option due to we know nothing about it and they could take that extra time to come out with a more stable and better optimized platform. I think the way GW2 is setup is the game can last for many more years by adding more living world and so on. I think dropping a GW3 so soon would be a bad thing when this game has a lot more areas and potential it could bring to the table to setup an even better foundation for the next game if there is one. My biggest complaint about GW2 compared to GW1 was I missed cross classing but it really wouldnt work well with the way this game is setup.

    All we can do is wait and hope that they actually read these and take some of these ideas into consideration. I think this game has a lot of potential and is a lot of fun even with the current engine and so on.

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