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Posts posted by waxx.3619

  1. Any class if they can survive your initial burst. Once you blow your cooldown and they are still alive your done. It just so happens theif can bypass/counter your initial burst the best. Also how come I don't see more mesmers rocking sword pistol in PvP ? I see everyone spamming GS. Sword has the best damage for mesmer and only weapon that is not a gimmick and can output some decent damage.

  2. @Vavume.8065 said:

    @Vavume.8065 said:No thanks, I really do not want to see tempests running around in plate.

    You are already seeing them. lot of them wear those plate outfits from $$$ shop...

    why not give people the option ?

    I don't mean from a visual point of view, I don't want to see tempests in plate from a balance point of view.

    I see what you mean but skins are skins. They shouldn't have stats just a visual change.

    The OP does not say he just wants skins.

    Oh I see if OP wants actual armor and not skins, then no. If only skins then yes

  3. @Vavume.8065 said:

    @Vavume.8065 said:No thanks, I really do not want to see tempests running around in plate.

    You are already seeing them. lot of them wear those plate outfits from $$$ shop...

    why not give people the option ?

    I don't mean from a visual point of view, I don't want to see tempests in plate from a balance point of view.

    I see what you mean but skins are skins. They shouldn't have stats just a visual change.

  4. @TheGrimm.5624 said:

    @waxx.3619 said:Why not just give cash? 1st place get 50g, 2nd place gets 15g, 3rd 2g

    This is exactly what they shouldn't do. This would encourage stacking more than anything else. It would also tear servers apart as people would long in for 1 minute and then not for the rest of the week and those remaining that would normally play have to cover all their numbers. We need a system that rewards based on participation throughout the the week. It's just what we have now doesn't quite cover it.

    But your server has to win to get maximum gold. If people are not participating and AFKing instead then their server is not winning. Sorry If I misunderstood your post.

  5. There should be a "up to date" edition sold I think. Most people including myself was in for a surprise when I found out to get access to a lot of relevant areas for ascendant gear farming you have to pay to unlock stories. Anet should make people aware that a big chunk of the game is locked and needs real $$ to be unlocked. And I say real $$$ because lets be honest a new player is not going to have the gold to buy large amount of gems.

  6. This game doesn't have end game armor chase after you complete your ascendant set. So it needs other things to do to keep you hooked. I came back to the game to play seriously after i stopped playing in 2012. So you can imagine my surprise when i started playing again this year since it's like a new game now after 8 years. But I took my time tried to understand how the game works now and doing good. Read up on your characters and practice rotations. But most of all have fun that's the ultimate point :)

  7. FFXIV and ESO both on consoles and have a very large playerbase due to them. Can GW2 work on a console ? I don't think controller is an issue here. Classes like Samurai in FFXIV has a very complicated rotation involving 20+ button clicks yet works great on PS4. With the game being so old now and the hardware ps5/xbox series x has I have no doubt in my mind it can run gw2 60 fps high/ultra setting. What you guys think ?

  8. @naiasonod.9265 said:I voted yes, but only because I think Anet should be putting that support directly into the game.

    They put in golems to test on, but couldn't be bothered to supply the point of using them?

    Do they want people to suck at this game or not?

    When they decide they're actually committed to fostering players that have the tools in game to not suck, they'll supply this themselves, and they bloody well should.

    We should totally have meters, and a lot of other tools to help players reach the ship levels required for higher end fractals and raiding.

    But neither Anet nor any other MMO developers I know of seem to be aware that they need to teach people to play their game if their game is supposed to be difficult and they want people to play nicely together.

    Leave it up to the players to create the tools and be responsible for bridging those skill gaps and many won't try to cross then at all.

    Then you'll just wind up with lots of players that never do fractals or raid ever and would sooner set their computers on fire than even think about doing so because they know they're not skillful enough and they refuse to trust per players to help them without ridiculing then into fine red mist every step of the way.

    If Anet ever decides they want to provide the proper support tools that advanced content such as raids and higher tier fractals consist of, that would be great.

    ArcDPS doesn't tell anyone skilled anything useful, and it doesn't tell anyone that isn't skilled how to get better.

    It's a very nice way to confirm that you hit hard a lot or that you don't.

    If you'd like to know why or what to do about it in the case of you're not making the numbers be bigger, you're either on your own or your better find some players that will help you sort that out.

    Anet takes no responsibility what so ever for helping you get better at playing their game, which is either on purpose and they really just don't care or it isn't on purpose and I don't know what they do with their time.

    I really wish game devs would provide the tools that have been established as being standard and customary to support skill development in their games, but they always seem to think they're being magnanimous by leaving that up to the players.

    Looks like they're just doing nothing at all and being incredibly lazy about it to me.

    Exactly I will vote Yes to remove third party dps meter if Anet provided us one similar to ArcDPS. I mean they already have a system to measure your dps on the golem why not make it a full fledge feature.

  9. @"SeikeNz.3526" said:i love how people make assumptions if someone is against them, "he want to be carried", "your dps is too low", "You need to learn to play", "you refuse to learn",i use arcdps to check my dps and im against it, because everyone that use it against other people are toxic and most of time the bad ones.

    people go glass cannon to get more dps, because they can't do mechanics, so they need to kill it fast before they die, 90% of the times the dps chat talkers are the ones failling mechanics, not evading boss hits, making the party die to ress him and trash talking about how the dps is low and that's why it's failling.

    one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.

    what me and my friends do when someone talk about dps? we kick them at the last boss just like they deserve, i hope more people start doing this so we can get a better community.

    Based on what you just wrote you should have voted no as it helped you kick out some players with very low dps.

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