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Posts posted by Vallenous.2179

  1. Let me be clear in saying I in no way feel the balance is perfect, but I believe the intentions are there and are heading in the right directions. I respect Anet for this, even if I have issues with how tweek certain things. It is easy and weak to spread hate, much harder to spread compassion. Thanks to those who commented <3

  2. I know you guys get negative comments often, I myself have done a few, but I just wanted to thank you, Anet, for putting so much work into the recent balance patch. As an invested PVP player, I felt the need to spread some good vibes for the fun I have been having with the recent changes. It would be cool if people could post anything positive they wanted to say as well. Things are tough for everyone right now, so lets try to make it a little easier. Love and Respect.

  3. I don't know guys. An engi of equal skill level is still stronger then any of build in the game imo. Maybe condi has a better chance, making the match closer to even, but I actually believe there is no hard counter to holo right now. It simply is the best and most likely can't be beat if both players are of equal skill. I mean, it can practically stay unhittable in between its short cd full life heal. How the hell are you suppose to deal with that while taking near 10k laser blasts and tons of other free dps? Its definitely possible, but to talk as if it swings in ones favor more often then not is misleading imo.

  4. If you fight an engi of the same skill level as you, the engi should win the matchup currently everytime. Its the same thing for mesmers with their invul. In the current meta, it basically pays to just not even bother trying to 1v1 either of these classes. Everything else is rather decently balanced aside from these 2 builds, though there are still a few small problems with this meta. Fixing these two classes would do wonders for the balance of pvp imo. There is no reason that either profession should have that kind of near 1 shot potential comboed with the best sustain in the game.

  5. So I have to say as a vet with thousands of games, this firesage build does rock. On paper it doesn't seam worth it but if you know how to play a decent firebrand and can handle a mantra heavy build, this will do wonders for you. I switch between this and a fb GS menders symbolic zeal hybrid that helps with scourge and chronos more, where the firesage build counters engis wars and lots of other builds that power cant deal with. I want to thank you Ragnar (DW4 or vikings shoutout?) for posting such a comprehensive explanation of your awesome well thought out build. Risen, thanks for showing those combos in motion, simple but so effective. Pulling it off in game constantly and its ridiculously fun lol.

    This is the GS menders symbolbrand build i also use:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAEd7lRwkYPsImJO0TrvaA-z5AXKZGBRXAdHCtnAyPA

    Ragnars build and my GS build play very similar, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Having the extra 240 power for a rotation of F1 aoe's can roll a team just like a burn build, but also having more healing and hi damaging symbols that put stacks of vuln on targets. Ragnars build outputs more damage and has some great sustain options from the virtues tree. Not positive which is stronger, but I would most likely say Ragnars at the highest level, as power can be countered a little bit easier. They both CC ridiculously hard, and can 1v1 excellent in most matchups. The space control is something I have always dreamed of having with a symbol build and both of these build really can control and wipe points. I am actually enjoying my options, and am enjoying pvp again since a long time. This patch needs a bit more balance with some of the bs but its fun for now and thats nice.

    I appreciate the work that both of you did with this build, good luck to you in your future games.

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