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Posts posted by Nemo.6295

  1. 2 hours ago, Wheezy.2846 said:

    I would assume with how tied into story and older stuff it would have been way way way more work to do that than to just make a new location with the new setup? Also this way they could add new locations every year or so like we used to get guild halls but it applies to way more players and can be added on. Maybe next year you'll get an Asura themed one, then a Charr and so on wherever the expansions take place.

    Honestly I don't know how it would work, if it takes more work or less, I'll take your word for it. Still, I consider it a wasted opportunity because, for some people, like me, that's been the "home" and over time I collected a lot of stuff for it and it feels like I'm abandoning that for this. Feels wrong.

  2. I mean, I'm not too crazy about housing but the housing we had, the Home Instance felt to me like a better system than other games. If not better at least much more familiar. I've actually developed the curiosity to explore these instances, talk to the people in them, the human and the charr one being my favorite, well the charr one cause it really feels like a place a guy who goes on action-adventures would use to set up his next expedition. Anyway, point is, I've grown attached to them. To improving them. You had a chance here to truly make the home instance feel like home. Why didn't you take it? Why add a house in a place I don't know or care about when you had that option? I'm not complaining, or trying not to, but I feel this is such a wasted opportunity and yeah, I'm aware it's way too late to change anything.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 2
  3. On 6/17/2022 at 5:45 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

    Like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aetherblade_armor?

    It looks like these are all currently available. And they're actual armor, not outfits. The medium armor is one of the only cosmetic things I've evern bought from the gem store. Has looked good on my Asura Engie since 2014.

    Yeah, I'm using those sets myself. Own all 3. I'm asking for more options. And I would love to see pact armors.

    • Sad 1
  4. I'm pretty much in the same situation. But, there is always something to do. Set yourself a goal which usually means you got to farm for something. A weapon, armor, mount, mastery. Pick one to focus on and do your best to complete the required objectives,  you'll learn new things in the process. 

    For example I'm trying to do the Seasons of Dragons achievement for the big bag and legendary amulet.

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