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Posts posted by Tanbin.2436

  1. On 4/18/2022 at 2:41 PM, quaniesan.8497 said:

    Even a blunt weapon can be deadly weapon in the hand of very skilled fighter.   Any class/specialization can be top in ladder if the person choose to use it if he has the skill for it and bothers to do so. One single anecdotal piece of data does not prove anything.  Maybe it is right that Willbender is that good like you said it, but this is not the sufficient evidence for it.   I would like to see Willbender statistical data in terms of ranking over the entire base players to make an evaluation.   meanswhile I can name a list of things that Willbender are not so good at, and a list of classes that can dish out damage for much less effort put out in comparison to the Willbender specialization.  While some recent changes improved the gameplay abit,  but this specialization still has much room to improve upon. 

    Which is why if the game didn't purposefully cater to regular/bad players all of these years, it would have still seen a lot more players like him in ranked. Naru isn't doing anything super special. It's called population balance, not class balance.

    He's dedicated a massive amount of time to the game, most people just don't do that on the level of him in this population so him playing "anything" and dominating seems crazy. This is normal for any game with a population that consists of a lot of good top-level players, it's just expected in those environments.

    With that said, if a player is good, and is able to do well with it, it's a mixture of both that person being good and also not taking into context the strategies that are needed in this game mode in a population that is just nearly at the brink of extinction at any remotely competitive level.

    People said the same thing about Noscoc when he played necro back in 2014, in a time when necro was considered utter garbage after the Dhuumfire nerfs. He went to LANs with necro in a PvP state dominated by celestial metas and sword/dagger thief and was pretty much the only necro at a top top level playing it successfully. The difference was I would consider the time he played was the height of PvP in terms of popularity and population. "Anybody can play necro if they're carried by a bunch of good classes around him babysitting him".

    If a player is  good with a class and can make it to top rankings with it, it's a mixture of both the class being balanced because it's unplayable with somebody who's bad, and its playable with somebody who's good - that is balanced. But also, population is just bad as well in ranked. There's like 2 small groups of people in the top NA scene and half of them don't even take it seriously unless there's a MOTA or a monthly for a gizmo.

  2. 1 hour ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

    It really cannot 1v1. There is a reason we see Spectres barely going for 1v1s in the MAT and the EU NA showmatch, and why the handful of them that did try to 1v1 against non-Spectre classes *universally* lost their 1v1s. It is really good on everything else though. Its basically a decap and +1 bot that is also really good in teamfights apparently. I doubt it'll last though, Anet does not like when thief is good at anything but decapping and +1ing. I expect their teamfight capabilities to be reduced to nothing.


    Not really true in WvW (and only conditionally true in PvE, status pending). In WvW, the only reason to pick thief is to hunt noobs in duels. Spectre isnt good at 1v1s, and its less mobile. Why pick it over DD?

    And anyways, why would you stall or 1v1 a mech as a specter, you have your own mech for that.

    If they're stalling or 1v1ing their mech with anything other than a mech, then they're already losing. That's how good mech is, but the fact that specter can at least stall it enough is telling in itself.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

    We don't balance the game for highest tier of play, they are less 5% of the player base. The game should be balanced for the 95%.

    There were zero mesmers in any winning AT teams in current year. I hope this means you agree mesmer should be buffed? This particular build has stealth and cc, so it can cc you from stealth and kill you in 1.75 seconds. Even if it's counterable on paper, it's a very putrid mechanic. Expectation to always have your block mechanic ready and be able to react in 1 seconds is ridiculous for a class that has stealth.

    One scenario where this comes out the most is when you are on a side node fighting another play and you are comfortably sitting at 22k health, then the ranger arrives in stealth, CCs you from stealth and deals 22k damage in 1 second. There is no counter to this. Every 0.1 second is 10% of your health, even if you react half way, 50% of your health is gone. Any other class arriving instead of ranger has tangible counterplay.

    One shot mesmer was nerfed for the same reason. CC from stealth, all your health in 1 second gone. This is the same disgusting mechanic.

    You don't need to be a top player to understand SLB isn't that oppressive. It's very basic level understanding. It's not a relevant spec in ranked and much less relevant in tourney play. It's so underwhelming that it's not even worth taking into ranked unless you just like the playstyle (spellbreaker syndrome), let that sink in.

    "Even if it's counterable on paper, it's a very putrid mechanic. "

    ?? Your logic makes 0 sense. If it's a putrid mechanic is irrelevant if you can counter it. You can counter it, therefore it can be dealt with, and it's not like it's just counter able with 1 thing, you can quite literally counter it without any skills and just utilizing positioning. It has multiple counters, many of which most classes have access to now. SLB has more than 3 counters, lol.

    This isn't even a bring X class and beat Y class scenario, it has many counter options. That is good balance, whether the design of the skill is putrid is speculative and based on an opinion, the actual facts, on paper is that it has many counters. So whether YOU think the skill design is putrid or not, is completely irrelevant.

    There's so many things right now in the current state of the game that actually need nerfs because they're busted and NOT counterable (mech being a sidenoder, for one example of many), and there's many classes (ranger included) that warrant buffs needed for unused skill lines, traits, specs, for every class in the game right now...

    Yet we are focused on attempting to nerf something with multiple counters who barely has any ranked play and definitely has no tourney play time.

    Is this really where you're wanting your attention focused on? There's just so many other actually oppressive things to vent your frustration on in this game, I assure you SLB isn't one of them.

    • Like 1
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  4. "Any success due to spectres in the tourneys appeara to be a lack of experience against them, as the games were slow and clusterkittens if anything."

    Right, top players in the entire gamemode of PvP can't deal with specter so they stack them. Clearly a l2p issue on the teams utilizing them or going against them.

    Just stop, you went from typing no thieves in pvp to not stacking thieves in pvp then to say that top pvp players don't know how to handle specter and it's their problem.

    It's very clear you have no idea or grasp of what you're even typing about, and you've been made a fool multiple times already. This is very obvious to be either a troll post or you really just have no grasp on the current state of PvP at the top level, even in ranked specter is dumb - this isn't even a tourney thing.

    • Like 5
  5. 16 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    You've got it figured out.


    This is what Spellbreaker was made for, and in CMC's 0 damage slogfest that is a very important role to be filled.


    What's really funny is all the people thinking Bladesworn does it better.

    Bladesworn has damage for ants, worse sustain than Spellbreaker in most cases, and at most half the CC tools Spellbreaker has.

    Did I mention that Spellbreaker also doesn't have to root itself to the floor when it wants to do something?

    Bladesworn is miles better then spb, you can see the drastic difference in impact watching boyce's SPB vs Bladesworn. I use him as a reference because he's actually good with bladesworn and warrior in general, although it doesn't really take THAT MUCH to be impacting with it. It's a spammy spec, but still fun - and it's way better than SPB.

  6. On 3/23/2022 at 4:36 PM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    There is currently this build going around that effectively one shots in seconds that can only be xountered by a block or shocking aura.


    It essentially uses one wolf pack+hunters call+smoke assualt to kill anyone regardless of their build.

    I am not saying its op or meta and the burst is limited to long cooldowns, but its pretty unhealthy in the way that it does damage and takes advantage of soulbeasts modifiers and should be addressed at some point. Just wanted to let anet know this exists.

    So is fresh air though, and the difference is that superspeed + NOT long cooldowns is just better mobility with burst

    Does that mean core ele is busted or FA weaver is busted or should be looked at?

    Nah, because it lacks everything else (except ele has earth shield 😄 ), much like soulbeast. It'll just die if you miss your burst, there's a trade off on both the front of direct and condi dmg.

    There's a reason why both aren't in organized metas because they have gimmicky burst potentials, but nothing else. Especially with Bladesworn existing, and for soulbeast, Tempest exists.


  7. Mech is a meta side noder for a few reasons in organized/comp settings and good in ranked too although a bit more volatile.

    Mech is way harder to kill than other side noders, and it wins most of it's 1v1s.

    If you don't have a mech, or if one side has a mech and the other side doesn't, what happens is the enemy mech will always aggressively push a node and always win. They will decap it, full cap it always.

    You, as a team get put in this situation where if you're trying to get a snowball and retain map presence, someone that isn't your mech on your team has to stalemate that mech, whether it's your specter/core necro/vindi/holo/herald, etc and it'll eventually kill them and full cap.

    And worst case is lets say that they dont even full cap and you successfully stalemate as any of those classes, that's one valuable player that isn't helping in the team fights elsewhere on the map.

    So at that point if he's stalling a mech anyways, you might as well have a mech to avoid getting +1'd and able to contest on the same level playing field.

    That's why organized runs mech, it's a dumb spec at the moment in comp for that reason.

    Obviously in ranked it's a bit different although  it has the same presence, but due to the volatility in player pool and who you get matched up with and against, you could be a god mech and hold off the node 2v1 and still lose because you have garbage players, but ultimately the same rules apply.

    It's just broken right now.

    • Confused 2
  8. It's only busted because downstate is actually a busted mechanic in the game. It gets way too much value, and doesn't add ceiling and opens fight interactions to even worse RNG than providing that "ceiling".

    It's a dated concept that helps only a few specs and punishes most (ranger, for example).

    There's a reason you either cleave or S stomp now, because ressing is an auto-open for getting cleaved. You almost never use res unless there's like no cleave potential on the class, which is a very 2+2=4 scenario, there is no ceiling and it doesn't make the fight more interesting, only more annoying.

    Instead of looking at S stomping being broken, the attention should be shifted to downstate in general because it's a dumb mechanic.

    • Like 3
  9. On 3/5/2022 at 6:01 PM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    This is my opinion based on my experience so far. Would love to hear what everyone else rates them.

    Harbinger-A tier

    It has great damage, but their is counter play. The damage in shroud needs to be toned down. 

    Vindicator-S tier

    Its strong in any role you build for. 100% needs a nerf.

    Catalyst-C tier

    Its viable up to gold. Lack of cleanse options forces you to build into fire or water. The jade sphere adds almost nothing. Hammer needs buffs, traits need a rework. It could prob go up to A tier if celestial stats were in pvp.

    Virtuoso-D tier

    Still havent met one I was threatened by. They have some potential as a duelist and team fighter though they are far too slow and the only viable builds are using blink and staff. Its one of those specs you wish had superspeed.

    Bladesworn-A tier

    The first warrior build where I didnt feel the need to run fast hands. Its ability to sustain with might and ammo skills makes it a good all rounder. You can take vigourous shouts for solo play and phalanx strength for ATs and casually give your team 25 might from 1 shout or everytime you fully charge dragon trigger. The biggest thing holding it back is its gun saber. With the appropriate changes to that I would put it as S tier.

    Untamed- unknown

    It is good at keeping enemies in place and may have potential as a duelist. I have far too little data playing with and against to make an assessment.

    Willbender-B tier

    The sc/x and sw/sw builds showing up have potential as dps but it lacks the same burst as a herald and offhand sword still feels a bit clunky to use.

    Mechanist-S tier

    Just avoid damage and watch your enemies die. Will be a meta side noder and honestly needs mechanical changes.

    Spectre-S tier

    A solid support and a solid dps. Might need some shaves. Will prob see meta play



    For mechanist,

    The only reason it's good is because 2 defensive traits in Mechanist, everything else is fine.

    The other pairing factor, mech dmg is overtuned - it needs dmg reduction by 15-20%.

    Everything else is fine on Mech. There are no mechanical changes that need to be made, just trait options that benefit the side node option and defiance bar removal on Mech.


    Mech survivability traits/mechanics:

    1. Reduce duration of boons granted by f2 and signet by 50%

    2. Increase signet boon generation cooldown by 10seconds

    3. Increase boon generation f2 by 10seconds and remove the stun break.

    4. Reduce barrier generation from trait by 50%

    5. Remove defiance bar, just make it cc'able

    Mech dmg:

    1. Reduce mech melee auto attack chain by 20% and 30% on the final strike chain (since its 2x)

    2. Jade Mortar (even though meta side node doesn't even use this and only benefits from pre/ferocity major, another trait nobody uses in meta) reduced by 20%-25% in dmg or just make it not scale as much off of the ferocity.

    That's pretty much it, those things alone would make it a bearable side node contender against Weaver / Core Ranger and not non-existent.

    And well, on the other mech builds, nobody is gonna run pure burst and you can't really roam with Mech because there's just much better roamers and impact pug stompers in ranked than a roaming mech would ever achieve, simply because the core traits don't align well without running holo... You can definitely set yourself up for high burst with mech and yourself, but you have absolutely no survivability.

    The only offender on mech atm is side node due to the survive traits, and you can't burst with mech in survive traits because it doesn't inherit pre/ferocity from the trait so yea.

    With that said, if you nerf anything else on this spec you'll just make it unused, because it can't roam, it can't burst without survivability (you'll just be a meme like Harbinger).

  10. I would say there's really only one spec on mech that is stupid strong, and it's because of the survive trait on mech, it's dumb. Also, rocket punch should be removed from the mech side. If you try to do anything else, you'll hit hard but with needing alchemy (sacrifice dmg of course), you just die. It's the reality.

    Mechs dont just rez after dying, they go on a massive cooldown (because it's based on health when flying up) by default, in which case the engi is a free kill (see below).

    If you run the GM trait that can revive them they will, but you wouldn't run that to begin with because it's trash compared to the defensive GM on the meta build that's needed.

    I think the Jade mortar dmg from f3 should be lowered by like 15%-20%. It only does good dmg if you run the pre/ferocity trait, which no meta build will use (because they run the defensive traits because it's needed) but still the dmg is over the top....


    I think the autos are fine on mech for the most part, mainly because of the mechanics side of the animations... try hitting a moving target with the mech in melee mode and you'll see what I mean. It's actually even worse than a ranger pet, because it will never truly even get reward for an attack chain, the 1st part of the attack is weakest and even then with the wind up time it barely hits.

    With the wind up time, you can simply walk out of it before the 1st attack sequence happens, you literally have to be standing still for a mech to hit you. This is why the ranged mech trait is the best one by far when not needing to defend a node, but you miss weakness from the melee variant, which may be fine if you run.

    Since the side node mech build gets an advantage because the player needs to contest the node, those melee attacks are inevitable, so I would say in the context of that maybe lower the dmg by 20% for each attack on the chain, with maybe 30% on the final attack since its 2x.


    I think if you nerf the mech's health then it's cooldown on returning should be drastically reduced. Engi is literally nothing without the mech, which is ironic because that's the point of the class, but it also highlights how dogshit the core traits impact an engi performance when there is no mech. You become a free kill, and that isn't good design on the mech part, because you lose toolbelt skills (most of which are the defining defensive aspects for other engi specs) we're supposed to get punished for somebody killing our AI pet, that can't dodge, and can't actively mitigate dmg from itself. That's already bad design in a nutshell, but on top of that, if you just make it super easy to kill without thinking, then it becomes like a ranger pet.

    The only difference is you can't actively swap it out to health itself because it goes on a cooldown based on health percentage it has. It'll basically just be a repeat and weaver will just condi down the mech and the engi will be free. That's not a punishment, that is just a brainless shutdown of a class without even needing to worry about having to do it. This is why weaver counters core ranger on side node, their pets just die instantly and ranger becomes next to nothing, the actual difference is at least the ranger has greatsword and can disengage, if you don't slot shift signet then you're essentially kittened.


    All in all I'd say mech in the entirety of the spec is in a decent spot generally, with needing some tweaks to mech dmg itself and not scale as high, but there is a few variants of the defensive side node spec that stem from the defensive mech traits that make it dumb when coupled with core traits. But this is stemming from a role position and how things benefit that role position over the core mechanics and idea of the mechanist itself.

    The mech is killable when not running those, but when you run the meta side node traits it can't be which is bad design because it has no downside and no punish so those defensive traits should be nerfed, but outside of that mech is actually fine.

    So I think when saying "mech is busted" generally, when it's just insanely overtuned as a side node option with many scale numbers needing nerfed on the mech itself, it really leads to blanket nerfing across the board and not hitting the true issue with one or 2 builds from the class as a whole.

    I would say probably

    1. Half the duration of the boons generated from the mech defensive skills
    2. Increase cooldown of all mech boon generation skills by 10seconds-15seconds.
    3. Drop barrier amount by 50% and remove the stun break on f2.
    4. Also, remove defiance bar and just make it cc'able.

    This would solve side node problem and put it more in line with still holding a side node role and have a counterable option from classes like weaver and core ranger. It would also make mech more controllable with your CC thus rendering him useless without just flat out making him non-existent.

    And yea, I know it's ANET, so that will most likely happen but just throwing this out there that nerfing the mech dmg scales and the defensive mech traits will solve this class's problems, anything more and you'll just make this spec free as kitten.


    Untamed, Catalyst, Willbender all need some buffs. Untamed needs a rework in thought process, it's a cool idea but it doesn't feel complete and like other classes (ele for example) suffers from the core trait dilemma. Too much defensives or offensives stacked into a trait line make it necessary when coupled with specializations, this is the case for most classes but it's super apparent with classes like Ranger and Ele.

    You need superspeed on ele, you can't play ele in pvp without it. So you automatically need air, which leaves you with one option, and it becomes apparent what you need from that choice. That kind of pigeonholing is scattered across multiple classes... So many trait lines just sitting unused that could increase diversity on a whole, and it's super obvious with specializations.

    I think bladesworn doesn't need anything and seems really good, but again suffers also from the core trait dilemma meshing, maybe some adjustments on the dragon trigger but it'll automatically be better once they nerf the mech side node and vindi overtunes. So you'll just buff it by default.

    All memes aside, harbinger actually feels like a class where if you do well you get rewarded, if you just lower the dmg a bit and increase survivability as a whole on that spec, it'll be very nice and fun to play and feel rewarding for the effort put into it, feels like honestly one of the more balanced EoD specs I've seen out of them all.

    If they don't nerf Specter and nerf vindi and mech, then it will just be a meta option for sure. It's way more mobile, impacting and just better than previous thief specs by far and it has a higher ceiling. Beside that though, it still feels like a good class, and prob would be my 2nd most balanced pick next to harbinger, even though harbinger def needs some survivability.

    • Like 2
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  11. Boyce lost almost all of his duels against rip on warrior , that was both using los and every possible high tier strat you can think. The reality is it just hard counters warrior in every aspect in a straight matchup.


    He got on ranger and won like 90% of the duels against rip


    Just play ranger and win

  12. people complaining about BDO being pay2win don't realize that BioHack, probably the richest player out of both NA and EU with full pen gear and accessories (and that includes BiS accessories) did so by only having to purchase a valuepack to get the tax reduction on retrieving items. that's $20, and he bought most of his through the marketplace.

    you can flip the market in BDO and make billions of silver just enhancing through reblath for free. or you can lifeskill and barter, or you can grind. this is the cool thing about BDO, it can be pay2win if you want it to be, but if you know the market you can just flip and make easy silver.

  13. @Phobia.9651 said:Well I would appreciate if Arenanet was at least upfront about making an unrewarding gamemode slightly more unrewarding. Noone plays sPvP for the minuscule chance of getting something amazing from a reward track anyway, but it felt good whenever you did get that ascended chest out of the blue.

    You're making assumptions based on what numbers and then demanding them to explain why they did something when you don't even have evidence of something they may have done?

    Where are the statistics for your claims, numbers to back up your claims?

    It's just RNG, you get some and sometimes you don't but the actual numbers behind it should be explained before you go on rants.

  14. @Kuma.1503 said:Seems the nerf train is continuing with no signs of stopping. Instead of fighting it, I may as well add my own voice to the mob and maybe get something out of it.


    Pls nerf condi trapper ranger. It's an unfun degen build. Entangle is a buggy mess with some skills not even being able to target roots properly. It has a decent tell, but this is completely negated when you can just cast from stealth. It's unfun cheese and does not belong in PvP.

    Ty :)

    So the problem is the runes, not the build? This is literally the same issue as DH Trapper or any class that can be viable with rune cheese. This is why they don't listen to you, outside of them really not caring about the game mode - you make no sense and ask for nerfs for the incorrect things.

    If ranger traps and entangle is trash outside of trapper runes, then it's trash (because it wouldn't be used ever without the runes and it's literally a gimmick) and shouldn't be nerfed and the rune should be nerfed. Otherwise, you're nerfing something that's trash and then when they nerf the runes eventually because it also makes other specs annoying, it'll continue to be trash.

  15. @Shao.7236 said:

    @"noiwk.2760" said:problem is.. Anet does nothing against bots/hackers.. today you will see even elite classes botting and hacking.. not only free to play why? because its safe

    Don't get your point, they could ban all the cheating accounts just to find more of the same people doing it again.

    The more prominent an exploit becomes, the more information you have to fix it.

    Maybe a few ways to do it is allow some added forms of verification on top of the account before being able to play in ranked, like SMS verification and ID Verifications for confirming. These options, while annoying, could be out of game examples. That won't stop all of them, it'll just make it harder to deal with and in some cases, too much work for the botters to do it as the added technicality vs reward is no longer worth it.

    On the flipside, this could also end up being too much work for legitimate players wanting to simply get into a match quickly, so yea I'm not sure. The ID verification is a pain in the ass and would throw people off but could be an effective way to handle it.

    If they are willing to neglect confirmation or verification methods prior to playing, then they need to employ a team to strictly enforce weekly bans and be consistent like BDO does. This is hard to do with a dwindling team though, so not sure.

    With that said, you either do those things or just don't allow them to play ranked in PvP. Personally, with Steam coming up I think barring F2P from PvP will really hurt potential growth even though I personally think adding Guild Wars 2 onto Steam will have very little to no pull at all for new players or the retention in PvP. However, based on initial numbers and follow-through , if it doesn't maybe having a game limit put in place for F2P (5-10 games) as a "trial" prior to purchasing may be sufficient enough.

    So I guess TL;DR:

    1. Added account verification options like SMS/ID Verification prior to even being able to play ranked (seems over the top just to play pvp but may help a bit)
    2. Employing a dedicated team to monitor memory editing accounts and botters
    3. Trial period for F2P accounts, max ~5 ranked games a week and maybe ~20-25 for unranked? If you want to have the full benefits, you pay for a copy of the game.
    4. If you want the extreme route, just don't allow F2P to do ranked PvP at all.
  16. @CutesySylveon.8290 said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:in my mind it was always a downside to the skill, that weights against how kitten OP the rest of it is.

    LR is no different than any other skill that functions exactly like it, of which there are many. But none of the others have a rando damage proc to ruin the skill usage.

    Also, we aren't talking a "downside" here. We are talking about complete neutralization of the skill vs. passive CCs, as if you had only brought 2 utilities into the match rather than 3. No other skill in the game has such a busted fundamental behind its mechanic.

    what other skills?this removes stuns with almost no cooldown, creates massive distance evades and gives vigor, no other skill comes to mind that is even close to that value

    Roll for Initiative, Riposting Shadows are similar in some way. I am with you OP. You are a lunatic tho.

    exactly my point?30s cd vs 50s cd, massive difference30s cd vs 40s cd, massive differencemore over you always take cd reduction trait so realistically its 24s cd.untraited roll has more then twice the cooldown bruh

    edit there is also twist of fate, 75s cd vs 30sthe CLOSEST thing I can think of is sand through glass, but that skill is just not right for use, undeveloped per say

    You're missing the point bud.

    We can discuss how unbelievably godlike and powerful Lightning Reflexes is, after the sloppy mechanic is fixed.

    To stress this point I mean like: Even if the skill were on a 10s or a 60s cd, it shouldn't get auto canceled by passive CC, regardless of its cd time or effects attached.

    The only hard CC I can think of that you get hit with by the damage portion of LR is Shocking Aura and Engi's shield stun. Full Counter will proc but not connect with you. Not exactly a game breaking issue.

    It gets auto CC'd by Shock Aura, Engi Shield Stun, and FLASHBANG. Considering that everyone and their brother runs an Engineer or Tempest nowadays, and that aura share puts Shock Aura on everyone in a team fight, yeah using Lightning Reflexes is a problem right now and it has been for quite some time. When you stack Flashbang on top of Engi Shield and stack it on top of Shock Aura share, yeah man it's a problem. But that's just discussing the issue with passive auto CCs. That's not even addressing the other things I had mentioned in my OP post.

    And the part about "Full Counter won't even hit you" is a naive thing to say. You probably don't have enough experience playing Ranger to understand that LR is not always used in a traditional manner where you go backwards 180 degrees from an opponent. Sometimes you have to use it while your back is against a wall or some other object, which means you get a short evade frame but don't go anywhere. Or if you LR and land near the Spellbreaker at the end of the LR when your evade frame is already used up. You also aren't considering team fights, where the Ranger LRing away from a Spellbreaker will trigger the FC to hit others when those players would have otherwise stopped aiming attacks at the Spellbreaker.

    This mechanical problem needs to be fixed. If this same problem were happening on a skill on the class that you play, you know you would agree with me.

    You going into a wall when using it is the same as complaining that it sent you off the a ledge or cliff; every case is your fault for poor positioning, not a flaw in the skill.

    You're still understanding/identifying with situations rangers get into. Example: at mid in forest, sometimes effects like spectral ring or ring of warding ect, will surround you but a certain side of it will clip into a wall. Normally using LR would make you hit the outside of Spectral Ring or Ward or Dragon's Maw, but if the side clips into the elevation, you can put your back to the wall and use LR without penalty.

    Argue all you want but don't parade as if you knew about maining Ranger.

    Congrats, you hit the SpB with a damage skill that procs it and hits your team. That's literally applicable with any other skill that does similar things. Don't use it when a SpB is using FC right in front of you.

    That's not really the point bud. The point is that LR is an escape skill but for whatever reason has random tiny damage attached to it so that it ruins the cast. If this is intended then w/e, but if it wasn't intended to ruin LR usage, I'm simply pointing out to Arenanet that it is a problem. That damage could at least be substantial for all the mechanical problems it causes.

    Are you really assuming that because I don't agree with you on this issue that I don't play the class? It sounds like you're just incapable of working around the skills functions and need to either stop using it or get over it.

    No, I assuming you don't play Ranger because you aren't identifying anything that a Ranger main would identify. All of the things you're saying is coming from a place of imagining & assumption, rather than experience.

    Why are you acting like this skill is ranger exclusive with its 'issues'? You know Roll for Initiative, Withdraw, and Riposting Shadows all function the same way and nobody cries about them because everyone understands the uses of these skills and uses them accordingly. So if we use them into a spectral ring, it's our fault and not the skill. Same applies when we're playing Ranger.

    If LR wasn't intended to have damage then Anet would have removed it ages ago. It's intended but you just don't like it.

    You're not identifying anything a Ranger would identify, you're arguing for the sake of your class over others because it's likely your favorite when the skill in question is arguably stronger than the equivalentones on other classes. 'Buff my class and nerf everything else.' Only here you've got the gall to argue people who don't agree aren't Ranger players. L2P or stop using LR, this is entirely your problem. You repeatedly claimed that Flashbang was an issue in relation to LR when it has no interaction with it at all, so you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    This forum thread isn't about those skills, it's about Lightning Reflexes. If you would like to make a thread involving those then feel free to do so.

    Also, riposting shadows , withdraw and RFI on meta d/p? s/d with RFI / withdraw sure but s/d isnt even the meta pick. Yea, you still have a point but again this thread isn't about those skills. This doesn't mean it isn't acknowledged.

    The crying "my skill does it too, what about mine so you shouldn't be able to change it and i shouldn't be left out too" never really solves anything and instead just makes you look like a baby in the middle of people trying to have an actual conversation on getting something productive done on either side of it getting changed or not changed.

    It really just negates any kind of productivity that could be accomplished and turns it into more of a personal thing rather than an objective goal. This happens a lot in the forums, people put their bias against a class that may or may not be op or may or may not have op abilities and try to break down a proposal based on personal grudges with the class. For the most part this is fine because conversation usually results in nothing anyway, because they don't balance around people in the PVP forums. They balance around casual performance and people in the PVE forums.

    Back to the actual topic, the reality is that LR is a meta pick no matter the build. You essentially need it, whether it's broken (broken != the only option, it happens to be really good but it also happens to be the only pick available for general build structure) or not negates the actual issue being presented in the thread but people get too blinded by something being busted they don't stop and entertain even the slightest open-mindedness regarding change.

  17. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Sorem.9157 said:I'm more interested in what new sidenoder builds will rise now that the so dominant condi rev is significantly weaker. People say condi builds will be stronger but who knows, maybe side noding turns into a more aggressive meta and warriors start to pop around? Maybe soulbeast gets back into the scene? Condi, power? Hell, maybe even holosmith turns back into a more sidenodey meta, with the grenades and mobility nerfs. Honestly, right now it is impossible to say for sure.

    My guess is guard will be the next hated thing. And I suspect holo or scrapper will still be busted.

    Ranger and druid. They auto win any 1v1 regardless of either players skill.

    side node warrior is better than ranger atm , see vaanns gameplay and you'll see. you should understand ranger isn't build to WIN 1v1s , it's build to hold neut node/node position , this is philosophy of side node builds.... druid is trash at side node buddy , if you're losing to druid then you're just bad - i think even soulbeast is better at side node than core ranger at this point and druid is nowhere near either of them at side node.

    scrapper / warrior will be side node since crev is out due to resist nerfs .... ranger can win 1v1s in some occasions but it's not meta.

    wow people actually non ironically think warrior on side will be meta, what a time to be alive.

    well i mean warrior being a side noder isn't something new, in the celestial meta shout war was probably the best option and with crev out , the only 2 options to possibly side node are warrior / scrapper at this point.

  18. With the 50% nerf in crev abilities on resistance, is this enough to push it out and ranger/druid becoming the node meta? I've seen some decently built druid builds and core ranger has always been good on side and I think only have been overshadowed due to crev's presence. Nade holo will still be oppressive because the changes weren't much but still.

    What are your thoughts?

  19. @kraven.9578 said:

    @Kuma.1503 said:Nades are fine. Holo needs to be toned down.

    Is mortar fine too? that's holosmith too..no wait.....-_-

    Are nades and mortar as powerful on Core and Scrapper as they are on Holo? No, they are not.

    you can get the same dmg with nades on core ... the difference between holo and core nades isnt the damage. both can achieve same damage but with different trait lines.

  20. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:

    @"iKagura.1903" said:do people actually use druid in wvw?

    Yes. Solo roaming, small squad, large squad. Yes.

    What is the meme reply to any complaint of a skill doing too much damage? jUsT dOdGe!

    Well, what if you can't....

    Ranger immob didn't get more powerful or anything, it's just that before it wasn't necessary because damage was so high - you didn't need to lock a person in place to burn them down when all you need to do was press about 3-4 buttons in quick succession.

    CC's are part of the game, but immobs are just obnoxious, and Druid immob is the worst of the lot by far. Does that make Druid in any way OP - of course not. Just the most obnoxious CC in the game.

    I get that players are happy for a reason to play Druid in WvW, but you don't want this crutch to be that reason. Demand real changes/reworks.

    Solo roaming, small squad , so probably... 1-2% of the wvw population now since they killed off roaming years ago? They don't balance around solo roaming, small squad - to be honest I'm not sure even what they balance around anymore at this point.

    You condi cleanse immob - you don't just dodge. This is the ironic answer to your meme question.

    If you're in solo and small scale that's consistent to cleanse because there's not a massive amount of cover happening but in large zergs I can see your point because there's a lot of cover condis from a bunch of other classes so immob might not get cleansed consistently , but on the flipside you have a massive amount of more condi clears as well.

    I just really don't think with all the guardians and necro theres a lot of immob since both convert condi / transfer condi / cleanse consistently not to mention the stab share (ancient seeds triggered from being cc'd and it's not unblockable so aegis also counters it). Ancient seeds has many counters, not just after you get immob'd but before with stability prior to cc and aegis - again this is more controllable in small scale/solo roaming.

    I mean I think it's a pointless conversation to have anyway since ranger is clearly not wvw zerg meta at ALL and hasn't been for a long time if ever in the history of zerg meta/large scale. There's not a meta option for ranger literally at all since they nerfed druid support into the ground. It was always a better roamer.

    It's nothing in PvP and in PvE it does it's job.

    I think to clarify my original post, if Ancient seeds isn't 20sec icd in WvW then it should be, that should make it useless and nobody will bother taking it and of course druid wouldn't get anything in return but be just a slightly worse roamer even though most just run soulbeast because it's a far better roamer just from talking with top rangers on wvw. This is how it is in PvP, 20sec icd and it's absolutely useless but again , this is small scale where ancient seeds is controlled much easier.

  21. @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:New patch for necros:Intent:" We want to free wells from the trait so you can use them even without it, and they still feel usefull"Result: Vampiric wells build deleted, no protection for necro and allies, no self sustain siphoning via wells, old cooldowns and no way to reduce it. The old Vampiric Rituals GM replaced with a GM trait that has barely any use in competitive settings, considering that you are just better off by picking Unholy Martyr. In any other consideration Blood Bank makes you embrace what seems to be most hated things by the community which is comboing a healer with a necro thus increasing its tankyness to obnoxious levels. Be sure that if this gm ever finds its place in competitive it will be nerfed into oblivion.

    Really well of power and well of blood were that problematic to remove any possibility of reducing cooldown, 2 defensive utilies that had nothing to do with the problems of Aoe offensive spam in wvw?

    And the new revamped well of darkness reverted to old cd right away, just few moments after condi reaper saw a bit of light in pvp.Next time leave things as it is, just buff 1 single utility skill don't destroy an entire build with itThis shows how they have zero vision for what they do, or at least it seemed they had but clearly are not able to implent it, since they don't foresee the scope of the changes they implent.

    "Vampiric Rituals GM replaced with a GM trait that has barely any use in competitive settings, considering that you are just better off by picking Unholy Martyr."

    This is relevant to almost every class in the game. Some classes literally need to go into a full trait just to get one trait. Stop complaining, this isn't a necro problem this is a across every class system balance problem.

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