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Posts posted by aidenoconner.7981

  1. EDIT: I seem to have forgotten that the forum censors out the medical condition name that we are trying to tackle. I apologize for the inadvertent (rather off color) silliness of the censor, but I do not know what else to call it by. If any moderators are reading this, do you have any suggestions? Thank you!


    With that said, the original post with the censor applied: 


    Hello Tyrians! As October rolls around, so does Pink Day in Lions Arch 2022!


    Are you ready to help defeat kitten? We are gathering in Lions Arch on October 15th at 12 Noon CST / 19:00 CEST! A town hall is also being held with the Canadian kitten Society an hour before Pink Day festivities begin (11 CST / 18:00 CEST), so make sure to tune in to our discord (https://discord.gg/H52PCUnH5V) !


    What is Pink Day, you might ask?


    Pink Day in LA is a charity drive that happens every year in the spirit of raising funds for kitten research and finding a cure. We work closely with the Canadian kitten Society, and 100% of all donations go to them. Gamers Giving Back is proud to work with them, as they use the funds on a global scale to fund research grants. They fund all sorts of grants for different types of kitten, too – while the name of the event is Pink Day, all types of kitten are being tackled here!


    Not only are we making a difference, but we are also having fun doing so! There will be many festivities as we join the cause, and not to mention many prizes that you can win! There will be interviews, trivia, mini games, a winter snowball fight fashion contest, and more! Pink Day is always a blast even if you can’t donate, so make sure to stop by regardless - we would love to see you there!


    If this is your first time, you may be wondering who we are.


    Gamers Giving Back is a community driven charity group that has been active since the days of Guild Wars I. We have been involved in raising funds for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), kitten research, Heroes for Kids, and supporting Tyria Pride on a yearly basis. In reality, we are just a bunch of super passionate gamers who really just want to see the world become a better place. With Arenanet’s blessing, we’ve had the privilege of running our events in the Guild Wars universe. If you want to join us, we would love to see you!


    Thank you for taking the time to read! Below are some important links:


    Gamers Giving Back Discord: https://discord.gg/H52PCUnH5V


    Canadian kitten Society website: https://kitten.ca/en/


    Gamers Giving Back Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gamergivingback


    Gamers Giving Back Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamerGivingBack


    Gamers Giving Back Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamersgivingback01/


    Gamers Giving Back Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/team/gamersgivingback


    We hope to see you there!


    -        The GGB Team



    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. Hey Tyrians!


    Guess what time of year it is - That’s right, it’s time for the 2022 Grape Stomp and the MS Toga Party! Come join us on our map meta train on April 23rd at 1 PM CDT / 13:00 CEST for the Grape Stomp and join us on Saturday, May 14th at 12 Noon CDT / 19:00 CEST in Divinity’s Reach to help fight Multiple Sclerosis!


    What is MS, you might ask? Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system. MS attacks the body by hijacking the immune system and using it to destroy nerve fibers and the myelin sheathing surrounding them. Unfortunately, for sufferers of this disease, it can make everyday life excruciatingly difficult. The disease typically progresses over time and while it cannot yet be cured, treatments can slow the degradation of a person’s nerves. This is why it is so important to conduct more research and to find better treatments, and maybe one day a cure, so that this horrific disease may never damage and destroy lives again.


    While the reality of MS is grim, the people who fight for a better future are far from giving up. We want to raise money for research, but we also want to do it while putting a smile on people’s faces. That leads us to our primary events this year!


    For the Grape Stomp, with so many people gaining access to new maps across Tyria, we will be doing a map meta train that includes metas like the Death Branded Shatterer, Dragonstorm, and more! As always though, our primary goal for the Grape Stomp is to start fundraising for the MS Toga Party – as such, we will be gathering in-game prizes and other loot. It should be noted that there is NOT an obligation to donate – we just wish for you to participate! If you wish to participate but cannot, you can still donate if you wish by reaching out to Barbie!


    As for the MS Toga Party itself, things will be slightly different this year but will still be a blast! The primary changes are to do with how to donate, but we will be giving out more information as the time draws closer. As always however, all donations will be given to the MS Society of Canada. The MS Society of Canada has always been great and they help people in need, so make sure to check them out with the link below! Streamers will also be out and about during the festivities, so make sure to keep an eye open - we will be doing all sorts of fun activities, so make sure you are ready to have fun!


    Some important links:


    MS Society of Canada – https://mssociety.ca/

    Gamers Giving Back Homepage – https://gamergivingback.org/

    Gamers Giving Back Discord – https://discord.gg/H52PCUnH5V

    Gamers Giving Back Twitter – https://twitter.com/GamerGivingBack

    Gamers Giving Back Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/gamergivingback


    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for taking an interest in fighting MS! We very much look forward to seeing you all, and as always, we at GGB are thankful for each and every one of you. We cannot do this without you!


    -        The GGB Team




    • Like 9
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    • Confused 1
  3. I'm experiencing issues with connecting to the game world on any character I select. It's also affecting a friend in a voice call with me across the country. It kicked us both off the game and we both cannot get back in.




    This is the error code. Not quite sure what to do. Thank you!


    Edit: Reconnected somehow to the game world. But going to still leave this up as a reference.



    (Slight edit: The automatic censor changes the name of the disease we are trying to help fight to kitten. Our apologies!)


    Hello fellow Tyrians!


    Pink Day in Lion’s Arch 2021 is just around the corner! Once again we shall gather for festivities in the name of defeating kitten, and we at Gamers Giving Back are incredibly excited to show you what’s in store for this year!


    We are happy to announce that this year’s festivities will be held on October 23rd, 2021 at 12 Noon CDT / 19:00 CEST! Don’t forget to mark your calendars, it’s going to be a great time this year! We have all sorts of games to play, such as Human Darts, Hide and Seek, a Tonic Jumping Puzzle, and much more! We will also be hosting a themed Fashion Contest, with the theme being… Medieval! Your color scheme doesn’t need to match a particular palette, but make sure to dress up like a knight, a squire, king or queen, or whatever else you can imagine!


    There will be a ton going on in our Discord server as well! Everything from interviews, donation blitzes (with the chance to win prizes!), trivia, giveaways, and more will be taking place in the server so make sure you join at https://discord.gg/pjkYjMNcqv ! Taking part in the voice comms will be essential, so don’t forget!


    In addition, the annual Quaggan Waddle (the pre-event for Pink Day!) is being held on September 25th at 4 PM CDT / 16:00 CEST! We would love to have you all join us as we march across Tyria in the name of winning the battle against kitten. Fundraising will begin there as we do our best to raise as much as we can for the Canadian kitten Society!


    If you cannot make the Quaggan Waddle, don’t fret! If you still wish to join in on our next Volunteer Meeting before Pink Day, that will be taking place on our Discord on October 9th at 1 PM CDT. If you are looking to volunteer, that meeting is the place to do it!


    This is a lot of information. If this is your first time, you may be wondering who we are!


    We are Gamers Giving Back (GGB) and we’ve been helping charitable causes since Guild Wars I! We’ve been involved in donation drives for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Heroes for Kids, kitten research, and more! We are really just a bunch of super passionate gamers who want to make the world a better place. We’ve been committed to our goal for a very long time, and with each year we only get more passionate. We have the backing of Arenanet themselves, which we are extremely grateful for and for them allowing us to do events like Pink Day in LA.

    For Pink Day in LA, 100% of the funds raised go to the Canadian kitten Society. We keep 0% of the funds for ourselves. The Canadian kitten Society will use the funds for international research grants, which are utilized globally to fund research into better kitten treatments and a cure. They also don’t just fund only one type of kitten – they fund research into all forms of kitten. We picked the Canadian kitten Society because we believe that an organization which provides grants internationally is best, as it provides the best opportunity for researchers around the globe to make breakthroughs.


    Some helpful links:

    Gamers Giving Back website (including donation link in upper right): https://gamergivingback.org/

    Our Discord Link: https://discord.gg/pjkYjMNcqv

    Canadian kitten Society website: https://kitten.ca/en/

    Gamers Giving Back Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gamergivingback

    Gamers Giving Back Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamerGivingBack

    Gamers Giving Back Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamersgivingback01/

    Gamers Giving Back Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/team/gamersgivingback



    Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you are interested in coming out and having fun with us, we’d love to see you there! Let’s tackle kitten once again!


    -        The GGB Team





    • Like 3
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  5. Hello Tyrians!

    It’s that time of year again – Toga Party and the Grape Stomp! Are you excited? I know we are! The pre-event for Toga Party, the Grape Stomp, will be held on March 27th and the Toga Party itself is happening on April 24th at Noon CDT / 7 PM CEST in Divinity’s Reach! Don’t forget to mark your calendars!

    What’s Toga Party about?

    Toga Party is about fighting Multiple Sclerosis – and having a blast while doing so! In order to combat Multiple Sclerosis, there will be several donation blitzes during the festivities – all proceeds go to the MS Society of Canada to aid in MS research and to aid those that already have it!

    What is MS (Multiple Sclerosis)?

    MS is a debilitating disease that attacks and damages the nerves in the body, resulting in significant reduction in the quality of their lives. The symptoms may never go away, and for those that are forced to live with this, it can be a nightmare. This is why we need to take a stand and help eradicate this horrible condition before it affects others and help those that have it.

    What kind of events happen during the Party?

    All sorts of things! Everything from Trivia, mini games, the Masquerade Fashion Contest, and even giveaways for awesome prizes!Interested in joining the festivities, and looking for more information?

    Update for this Year's Toga Party -

    1. GW-EN Radio is no longer being used. To be able to win major prizes you need to join our discord so you can access the Raffles and Giveaways channel. Blitzes will also be announced in this channel - there is a link to our Discord server near the bottom of this post!

    2. A Live interview with a @MS Society of Canada rep will be done via a Town Hall style on Discord. You can "Listen in" and Twitch Streamers covering the event will make sure to share this live as well!

    3. There will still be a Google Form to fill out via gamergivingback.org when you click on the donation button on the top Right Hand Corner of the website. You need to donate at least $10 Canadian to enter and only enter once!

    Some useful links:

    GGB Discord (For all the most up to date information): https://discord.gg/agSaTpy7hsGamers Giving Back Official Website: https://gamergivingback.org/MS Society of Canada: https://mssociety.ca/

    Additionally, if you would like to help take part in making the Toga Party awesome this year, we are holding a volunteer meeting in our Discord on March 20th at 1PM CDT!

    We really appreciate you taking the time to read this! We hope to see you there!

    • The GGB Team
  6. @Yailith.4056 said:

    @aidenoconner.7981 said:On October 19th at 12 PM CDT for NA and EU, we’ll be gathering in Lion’s Arch to kick off Pink Day 2020!

    He is trying to get this edited - but Pink Day is officially on October 17th this year! Sorry for the confusion everyone! :)

    Our first volunteer meeting is September 19th - see you all there! :)

    Yeah - I need to submit a support ticket. I'm still unable to edit the main post. Thanks for getting that clarified, Barbie!

    EDIT: I finally got it to edit. Huzzah.

  7. How’s it going, Tyrians?

    Pink Day 2020 and the 2020 Quaggan Waddle are nearly upon us! Are you prepared to join us in the fight against cancer once more? We’re very excited to have you all here!If this is your first time hearing about us, we’re a group of gamers just like you who genuinely care about making the world a better place. Started way back in the day with Guild Wars 1, we’ve been working for many years now in furthering the fight against cancer, multiple sclerosis, and more! With the full support of the Arenanet developers, we continue to make a difference!

    On Saturday, September 19th at 1 PM CDT (NA & EU) we will be having our volunteer meeting for both events! If you are able to volunteer and attend this meeting, it would help us make Pink Day that much more awesome this year! Volunteering isn’t necessary to participate in Pink Day though, so don’t worry if you are unable to! If you can though, we are always in need of people that can help!

    The 2020 Quaggan Waddle officially debuts on September 26th at 4 PM CEST (EU) and 4 PM CDT (NA). Come and join us along with many others as we march through Tyria and spread the word about Pink Day and the fight against cancer! We’ll be starting in Rata Sum, making our way through Metrica Province, and then through the Caledon Forest. We’ll then depart and make our way to Lion’s Arch, through Timberline Falls, and then finally arrive at Fort Trinity! This event will be livestreamed, so come and join the party!

    On October 17th at 12 PM CDT for NA and EU, we’ll be gathering in Lion’s Arch to kick off Pink Day 2020! If you aren’t on our Discord Server, join us at (https://discord.gg/8V5WCgD) to join in on the fun! Don’t forget to also tune in to the GW-EN Radio through https://gamergivingback.org/ as well to keep up with the events! Pink Day 2020 is also being livestreamed by many talented streamers, so be sure to watch out for their streams! We’ll be playing a variety of games and be having many events during the festivities, so make sure to watch out for those! There is even the chance to win real life prizes and in-game goodies should you choose to donate towards cancer research, so don’t miss out on that! If you are interested in donating, make sure you check out the donation link at the top right corner of our website at https://gamergivingback.org/!

    We have connections to the Canadian Cancer Society, where 100% of the donations go to help further and advance cancer research. We chose the Canadian Cancer Society because of how transparent they are along with the fact that their work is not restricted by national boundaries; they help fund grants all over the world for cancer research! We at Gamers Giving Back keep zero of the donations for ourselves; any expenses that we pay come out of our own pockets.

    Canadian Cancer Society Website: http://www.cancer.ca/en/region-selector-page/?url=/en/Gamers Giving Back Pink Day Website: https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/Pink Day FAQ: https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/faqGamers Giving Back Discord: https://discord.gg/mhM2GxFGGB Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamerGivingBackGGB Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gamergivingback/GGB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamersgivingback01/GGB Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/team/gamersgivingback

    We really appreciate you taking the time to read this and for taking an interest in Pink Day 2020! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you! We hope to see you there!

  8. Gamers Giving Back is gearing up, along with our friends at OpenCommunity, to bring you Pride 2020!

    2020 has thrown a few curve balls at us so far, but we wanted to have Pride be as epic as ever! Join us on June 27th and 28th at 4 PM CDT as we march across Tyria spreading love and joy and support of our LGBTQ+ friends and fam. (While maintaining proper social distancing, of course!)

    EU will begin earlier in the day, at 16:00 CEST. There will be radio, camaraderie, and voice chat for those interested in joining! While we typically support a cause, with Covid-19 and the state of the world currently, we don’t want to pressure anyone to donate. However, if you want to donate, we recommend Rainbow Road! They’re a great organization that we worked with previously and they have an amazing cause.

    Interested in more information? You can reach out to Angel if you’re on NA (AngelWriter.3652) or Lelling if you’re on EU (Lelling.6795). Hope to see you there!

    Awesome artwork is done by Six! ( https://commander-titania.tumblr.com/ )


  9. Hello fellow Tyrians!

    The time of year for Pink Day in LA 2019 has come! Are you ready to don pink to help defeat cancer and have a blast doing it? We’re very excited for you to come by and join us in just two short weeks!

    On October 19th at 12 PM CDT for NA and 19:00 CEST for EU, we’ll be gathering in Lion’s Arch to kick off the events for this year! Join us on either the NA Teamspeak at solts.org (password franticzebra) or the EU Teamspeak at GOTD.NL! Don’t forget to tune in to the GW-EN Radio through https://gamergivingback.org/ as well to keep up with the events! Pink Day 2019 will also be streamed through Twitch if you want to tune in!

    If this is your first time hearing about us, we’re a group of passionate gamers who care about making the world a better place. We at Gamers Giving Back wish to help end the threat of cancer and to try to ensure that this horrific disease no longer has the power or place to hurt people and families. Started way back in the day with Guild Wars 1, we’ve been pressing on for many years now and the impact that we have is very real. With the full support of the Arenanet developers, we continue to push forward!

    We have connections to the Canadian Cancer Society, where 100% of the donations go to help further and advance cancer research. We chose the Canadian Cancer Society because of how transparent they are along with the fact that their work is not restricted by national boundaries; they help fund grants all over the world for cancer research! We at Gamers Giving Back keep zero of the donations for ourselves; any expenses that we pay come out of our own pockets.

    During the event itself, we’ll be playing a wide variety of games and having many events during the festivities! Some of the games and events we’ll be playing include Scavenger Hunt, Tonic Races, and more! We’ll have many in-game and even real life prizes to give away for donating and coming out to be with us, so make sure to stop by and have some fun for a good cause! Donating even gets you a spot in our Hall of Heros, where you’ll be listed on our website permanently if you donate 10 gold or $1! (https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/hallofheroes)

    If you donate 10$ CDN or more, you will get entered into our drawing for prizes! Some of the prizes that we have to give away this year include:

    • Two (2) Guild Wars II: Path of Fire Vinyl Soundtrack
    • Two (2) Guild Wars: Eye of the North (Signed by the Dev team)
    • Two (2) Guild Wars I Skill Pin Sets
    • Thirty (30) Guild Wars II Path of Fire Drawstring Backpacks
    • Six (6) Guild Wars I Limited Edition Signed and Numbered Art Prints (Artists: Daniel Dociu, Jason Wiggin)
    • Six (6) Guild Wars I Mouse Pads
    • Four (4) Guild Wars I T-Shirts
    • Aurene T-Shirt Codes
    • And much more to come!

    If you are interested in donating, make sure you check out the donation link at the top right corner of our website at https://gamergivingback.org/!

    Some useful websites and information to check out are listed below!

    Canadian Cancer Society Website: http://www.cancer.ca/en/region-selector-page/?url=%2fen%2fGamers Giving Back Pink Day Website: https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/Pink Day FAQ: https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/faqGamers Giving Back Discord: https://discord.gg/mhM2GxFGGB Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamerGivingBackGGB Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gamergivingback/GGB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamersgivingback01/GGB Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/team/gamersgivingback

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for taking an interest in Pink Day! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you! We hope to see you there!

    Wi1AGG0.jpgArt by Malchemist!

  10. Hi friends!

    It’s that time of year again! That’s right, it’s already time for Pink Day in LA!

    On October 20, 2018, the Gamers Giving Back krewe will be taking over Lion’s Arch with Pink Day in LA in support of cancer research. Join us at 12 Noon CDT/ 5 PM UTC as we raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society’s International Research Fund. (Look for us in the Central Tyria - Open World Squads LFG!)

    This year, we’ll have mini-games and contests on 4 megaservers, 2 in NA and 2 in EU. Look for ads with NA - Plush Griffon, NA - Peggellegg, EU - Aurene, and EU - Dragon’s Watch. There will be prizes, radio contests, donation blitzes, trivia, and more. Events will also be livestreamed on Twitch, look for us on the front page!

    We’ll also have some real life prizes to give away, including items donated by former game director Colin Johanson. For a full list of the prizes, please visit us at http://pinkday.gamergivingback.com/prizes.php.

    At Gamers Giving Back, we believe that cancer touches everyone in some way and we don’t think it should. We want to put an end to all cancer. That’s why we’ve chosen the Canadian Cancer Society to raise funds for. All funds donated go towards their International Research Fund so that no research is limited by a lack of funds. Representatives from the Canadian Cancer Society will be on air with Malibu Barbie at gw-en.com and in-game on the NA servers to answer questions. The Canadian Cancer Society is very transparent about where funds are used, and you can check them out athttp://www.cancer.ca/en/?region=on.

    You can also join us on TeamSpeak for event discussion, story sharing, and more! For NA, we’re using the Sol TS (solts.org PW:franticzebra) and for EU, we have 2 community TeamSpeaks: ts.theopencommunity.org (EU - Aurene) and ts.gw2community.com (EU - Dragon’s Watch). You can also get links to the donation page, radio, and livestream from the TS.

    We’re still collecting in-game and real life prizes for Pink Day! If you’d like to donate, please reach out Malibu Barbie in-game at Yailith.4056, Angel at AngelWriter.3652 or Lelling at Lelling.6795. (Donating also gets you on to the GGB Hall of Heroes, which can be found at http://pinkday.gamergivingback.com/hall-of-heroes.php.)

    Look forward to seeing you there!


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