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Posts posted by xthexxkillerx.6438

  1. Hello, I am a player who plays WvW daily and I feel a little abandoned by Arena Net and every time the experience in WvW is worse.

    I would like that the people in charge of Arena Net pay a little attention to us WvW players because we are not few and we keep it alive DAY by DAY. The issue touches all of us directly or indirectly players and clans (whether we get along or not).

    -First:It is known that the topic of alliances is a dream that has been talked about for years and we have no information of when it will be and for my part I think it will become a myth among WvW players.

    Second:-The clear abandonment of maps and optimization within very large battles. There are many players with low end computers that suffer when entering WvW and would rather be capturing camps than being in a 3 zerg battle in SMC. Most players prefer not to keep playing WvW because their computers don't allow them to and it is known that in every clan there is someone whose computer slows down or stops running the game normally.

    Third:-This is what bothers me the most and that is the over population of the servers currently. It can not be that servers to date that I publish are: "12 servers FULL, 8 servers at VERY HIGH population, 3 servers with HIGH population and only one server with MEDIUM population" (in NA where I play). For us WvW players who for some reason want to change servers, we are condemned to pay a ridiculous amount of gems just for wanting to play WvW where we want, they should leave the servers only for the population that does play WvW and leave Pve aside with PvP to their global server or some option that allows the WvW player to choose the server they want to be on and at a reasonable value.

    If anyone else shares my thoughts let me know and if you don't think like me please post your issues to get them to Arena Net somehow, the more of us the louder they will listen.

    Thank you and may Arena Net do something at once.

  2. Hello, I wanted to present my problem that occurred after the last relink. It happens that since the link with Stormbluff Isle my Ping goes up to more than 3000 in big fights (before this did not happen), I open ask, does this happen to someone else? Are there servers within NA that give Lag? , and will there be any solution?

  3. Hello everyone, gw2 community. I wanted to be able to ask the WvW experts a question.

    I have been thinking about joining a specific NA server in Ehmry Bay, but I have no information if the server is abandoned or there are some active clans there (and which ones), I would greatly appreciate the feedback, excellent WvW experts, a hug to all and I won a lot of bags in their battles <3

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