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Posts posted by Tahu.7890

  1. I think I finally found it!

    Physique shape: 5
    Fur: Dark Grey
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Bright Purple
    ALL sliders set to neutral. Height is variable since different NPC's have different heights.

    Shoulders: Heavy Plate
    Body: Draconic Coat
    Gloves: Armageddon
    Pants: Armageddon
    Boots: Armageddon

    Dyes used: Cocoa, Lemon Shade, Black (all dyes are worth 50c to 5s)

    Thank you to the people who reached out to me in game to help with colour correcting!

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  2. Hello! I got a lot of amazing help last time with making my own Almorra clone on this forum, but now I am looking for help with copying the more mundane charr 'Soldier', who is a re-used model for many many other NPC's in and around the Black Citadel, like Rancher, Citizen, Salinus Warbreaker, Tira Quickfury ... you get the idea. Wiki link to the character model for reference

    For the most part, the character is like most charr; default sliders. But the colours and lighting on NPC models is lower quality than character models for me, even on maximum graphics (with some lighting washing out colours horribly so).

    I've already gotten help solving the armour (Armageddon gloves-pants-boots, draconic coat, heavy plate shoulders, for anyone who wants to steal the look)

    It's difficult for me to constantly remake characters to stand beside the NPC, especially because the armour makes her look super bulky, but thankfully there is a Rancher I can stand near in the intro that is behind you on spawn-in. I just don't have the currency to repeatedly change my armour or use style kits on errors, and can't examine in different lighting. I also have a lot of trouble discerning colours from one another even in perfect scenarios.

    If anyone can provide me with resources to help figure out these things, or can tell me straight up what shapes and colours this NPC is, I'd appreciate it so much!

    Here is what I've gathered:

    1.  Height: Doesn't matter (Citizen is also weirdly bigger than all the other identical models, but I don't care about being the wrong height)
    2. Physique: Unknown, hard to tell, need help. The hair shape is the easiest tell, and I think she is bulkier than she is thinner
    3. Fur colour+pattern: Dark Grey I think is most plausible colour, but Very Dark looks really similar too. Pattern colour is the same colour I think, I don't believe she has two colours because there's no visible pattern on her tail and she is pretty well covered in armour. This makes her specific pattern shape irrelevant because it would be invisible.
    4. Hair: First option on the list (wavy mane), and I think it's Black
    5. Horns: First option again, default length
    6. Head/Face: All sliders are at the center position, but her eye colour is hard for me to discern. Her eyes could be Dark Purple, Bright Purple, or Light Purple.
  3. While I am completely aware of the Vigil armour set she wears, I'm trying to copy Almorra Soulkeeper's looks as close as humanly possible with my own Charr. If anyone has any resources that can show me exact names of Almorra's fur pattern, fur colour, and pattern colour, it'd be mega appreciated. If anyone knows a good way in-game I can do a side-by-side match with Almorra, that would ALSO be super appreciated-- but please note, I have no character slots available for alternate character testing. Any information on sliders and her exact body shape option (thick with small limbs, or thick with large limbs) would help but is not necessary, as differences are too minor to eyeball for the most part.

    My issue primarily comes from the in-game lighting varying wildly by zone, in comparison to the lighting used at the make-over previewer (in lion's arch, if that matters), and I will only accept the exact colour and pattern. In addition, I can't find Almorra not in her full vigil armour. If I'm even the slightest tint or tinge off, it's going to drive me nuts, and I can only afford the one kit.

    Things I've tried: Comparing screenshots on my phone (various sources) of Almorra to my doppelganger, comparing in-game screenshots to my doppelganger, adjusting every single graphics setting and taking numerous screenshots trying to discern Almorra's fur colour and pattern, digging through forums/online searches/social media, squinting really hard, asking my all-too-amused companion for advice

    Things I've 'discovered': Almorra's fur colour is either Sand or Dark Sand, Almorra's pattern colour could be one of like.. three or four greys, the only 'Premium' feature on Almorra is her bright yellow eye colour, and Almorra's pattern style I can't quite discern but I have narrowed it down to patterns that apply to the side of the neck (some patterns do not affect it)

    (If it does not break forum rules) I'll gladly send 5 gold to someone who presents very good/believable details on Almorra's character creation details, and 10 gold if someone lucks upon a 100% reliable source of Almorra Soulseeker's official colour palette and character creation statistics. I am sorry I have too little gold to give away, but it would mean a lot to me still to get any help I can get. Thank you for reading my all-too-long plight!

    tl;dr, What is Almorra Soulkeeper's actual fur colour, pattern colour, and pattern type. Optionaly information on character creation slider and body shape is helpful

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