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Posts posted by Elli.1067

  1. Thanks for the help guys! I don't think the dps itself is causing my issue - seeing as they will attack me long before I shoot my first arrow. a glass build might not be great for forced tanking, so I guess some defensive traits could help me survive the onslaught at least. I do have the druid skills fully unlocked so using a staff as 2nd weapon to heal up if I take too much dmg might also be an idea. I swing a greatsword all the time on my guardian so I wanted a different playstyle for this character (ranged), that's why I'm trying to go with the longbow build. =)Thanks for taking the time to answer my query, I'll try playing around with some different skills and if I can afford it I might switch out some gear if it still feels necessary later.

  2. So I haven't played a ranger for that long, I am working through the story and am currently in Living World Season 3. Ever since around the Mordremoth fight I have started having issues with being the instance tank 100% of the time. It doesn't matter if I send my pet in first, or if I stand close or far away. Heck, I'll even get aggro at the start of the fight even tho I'm not even looking at the boss/mobs. It's as if the NPCs just doesn't exist and everything goes straight for my ranger. Obviously, this ends up with a ton of kiting/very long fights and dying when I get tired of running around doing one shot here and one shot there or get overwhelmed by adds focusing me.So am I doing something wrong?I run a longbow beastmastery build with berserker gear, I use the brown bear and wyvern as pets. Outside of story instances the pets can tank fine and I can solo champions, I only get this issue when trying to progress my story. Any advice on this would be appreciated because it is killing the fun of the story.As a side note, I have run the story as a guardian together with my boyfriend, and usually have no issues being the one tanking bosses/mobs. Since I have no previous solo story experience, I can't tell if this excessive aggro is intended or not and that's why I need some help.

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