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Morte de Angelis.7986

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Posts posted by Morte de Angelis.7986

  1. 7 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

    It's actually a consistent complaint in games like WoW when the raid content is catered too heavily to the highest tier of players, and prominent World's First competitors from that game have come out and said they don't like it when the developers of that game focus too much on how the content will play in the World First race and ignore the negative effects that will have on the playerbase at large.

    There is so winning with the WoW playerbase, if Mythic is too hard people complain that fights were catered to the World First Race, too easy people complain its too easy and was over too fast.  WoW has also started nerfing bosses mechanics or HP periodically if there are too many guilds that are stuck on bosses even months after the World First as concluded because they don't have passive damage increases.  A large majority of the end bosses are very different to the fights the World First guilds did.  The WoW playerbase also has a tendency to blame any inconvenient change on the World First Raiders.

    While I have yet to attempt HTCM or Febe CM as I don't have a static group to prog them with, the fact that I was able to walk into CO CM but basically no knowledge of Normal with minor instruction of "Don't get hit by the laser", "Move if you get targeted by soul feast" and "Move back if you have a target on you" in ~1.5 hrs in a majority Pug Group was a real let down.  I wasn't expecting anything WoW Mythic Levels of a raid boss but it too me way longer to learn how to do Nightmare and Shattered Observatory CM when they first came out years ago but like someone else said GW2 has always positioned itself as the casual MMO that doesn't have very difficult encounters so it is a bit out of place even if I like the challenging content.

  2. On 2/3/2024 at 2:47 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I think it was more that they wanted stealth attacks to have a bit more counterplay: if you stealth and then the enemy uses a skill that blocks a single attack, you can't deal with that by attacking into the block and then repeating the stealth attack right away. 

    Blocking a stealth attack still applied reveal which is what made Basilisk Venom really strong when it gave two stacks,, you could make the argument for evasion based mitigation (Dodge, Distort) as the attack never actually landed.  I just remember hearing about the shortbow attack at the time.  Though now they're splitting skills based on game made would be nice to remove the CD in PvE at least 😞

  3. 11 hours ago, Blind.4162 said:

    unlike thief that misses the backstab, has to wait 1 sec for "recharge"

    You can blame the slow projectile on Shortbow for that because at max range you could fire a 2nd projectile before the 1st one landed and rather then speed up the projectile for the shortbow so you couldn't get two off they added a CD to all Stealth Attack skills.   At least thats what I remember their reasoning was

  4. @"Kanok.3027" said:A lot of people point to GW1 and their "unlimited" and free build templates. Thing is, GW1 and GW2 are two entirely different games and probably on two very different engines.

    GW1 and GW2 are on the same Engine, which is why they have so many issues trying to add something new. Just saying.

  5. Greetings!We are a static team currently looking for members.We are a laid back static team looking primarily to have fun. We try different odd comps, we try our best to clear but most importantly we have fun doing it.Looking for people to join us on Mondays / Wednesdays / Sundays starting at 7:30pm BSTWe are looking for all sorts of players, more classes you can play and have geared the better. Allows us to play more whacky comps or standard when needed. Players experienced with Chrono or willing to learn Chrono is preferable.If you are interested shoot me a message in-game(Morte de Angelis.7986) and I can get you set-up on one of our raid nights to try us out and vice-versa. Experience is not required but it favourable.Experience can always be gained.

  6. Greetings!

    We are a static team currently looking for 2 members.We are a laid back static team looking primarily to have fun. We try different odd comps, we try our best to clear but most importantly we have fun doing it.

    Looking for people to join us on Mondays / Wednesdays / Sundays starting at 7:30pm BST. We're in the current process of clearing Wing 7.

    We are looking for all sorts of players, more classes you can play and have geared the better. We are currently in need of 2 DPS players. Experience with Chrono is favourable. We generally run a 2FB / Rene comp but there are some bosses which 2 Chrono's is preferable.

    If you are interested shoot me a message in-game(Morte de Angelis.7986) and I can get you set-up on one of our raid nights to try us out and vice-versa.

  7. Greetings!We are a static team currently looking for members.We are a laid back static team looking primarily to have fun. We try different odd comps, we try our best to clear but most importantly we have fun doing it.Looking for people to join us on Mondays / Wednesdays / Sundays starting at 7:30pm BST.We are looking for all sorts of players, more classes you can play and have geared the better. Allows us to play more whacky comps or standard when needed. However we are currently in need of players who have experience or willing to learn Chrono and/or Quickness/Support Firebrand.If you are interested shoot me a message in-game(Morte de Angelis.7986) and I can get you set-up on one of our raid nights to try us out and vice-versa.

  8. Greetings!

    We are a static team currently looking for members.We are a laid back static team looking primarily to have fun. We try different odd comps, we try our best to clear but most importantly we have fun doing it.

    Looking for people to join us on Mondays / Wednesdays / Sundays starting at 7:30pm BST. Currently trying to push and kill Qadim as it is currently the only boss we have killed yet as a group.

    We are looking for all sorts of players, more classes you can play and have geared the better. Allows us to play more whacky comps or standard when needed.If you are interested shoot me a message in-game and I can get you set-up on one of our raid nights to try us out and vice-versa. Experience is not required but it favourable.

    Experience can always be gained.

  9. @Sojourner.4621 said:

    @Sindariel.2354 said:Still too clunky, imo. SWTOR has the simplest solution:
    • Single tap on ability = ground target marker
    • Double tap = auto cast at target location

    Either this or maybe single tap auto targets, and press and hold frees the ground target to be used wherever your target is when you release the key. For me at least I feel this would be the most intuitive. Only problem with this is ofc if you're a skill clicker I suppose...

    This would make Theif SB5, Shadow Step, Merciful Intervention, Blink, Lightning Flash, Wings of Resolve (+ Other ground target teleports / movement skills) really clunky to use as you have to wait before moving, could be the difference in escaping and not escaping in the event of PvP. At that point it would be quicker to press the skill and then click the mouse.

    I'd be fine with it as an option but not forced

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