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DataLore.3916's Achievements

  1. I play PVP but only because it seems easier to get gold that way than running around a map just following someone and collecting junk to scrap to then sell.I also get addicted to games even ones I don't like for example I played a game called Hades Star which is a time sink game that I thought "What's the point in this?" yet i have put 1200 hours into it. I have to disagree with your point on Gear progression, I was told legendaries are just the same but you can swop the stats so it's not going to help kill shit faster so you really don't need one.I agree that there are loads of things you can do but my point is.....What's the point in doing them when the reward is meaningless?I'm not even saying the game is bad after all you can play for free and just do the story(But people dont do season 4 that is seriously messed up)but I am used to an MMO that has goals or something to grind for that will actually help you be more powerful and this game its all about the fashion. I know it's never going to change(the game that is) and I know that 99% of people that play this like it the way it is but just thought I would moan.
  2. I was playing a necro and it was a tourney pvp with a random squad.I get that the warrior can have a lot of "buffs" but with gear being equalized and builds easy to copy this would mean every warrior could hit for the same amount but they don't(yeah some might have slightly different set-ups) a better example would be the necro build I was playing its an exact copy of one I saw on Youtube, the idea behind it is to keep shroud up and use the 2 health bars etc.I watched the build video and some of the matches he did and it looked like a good build.....Playing against average people it seems like a good build but as soon as a ""Good"" player comes in BOOM dead in 1 second.The damage these people do is far greater than anyone else does using the same build the same weapons the same ruins etc I can also imagine that skilled players can press keys a lot faster/react better etc but the damage they do should the same as anyone else using the same build/runes etc but they dont seem to be. I wonder if they use a controller but I would think that would be harder to aim but the way they run around in circles so fast while also pressing 40 different skills they must be or they are cheating(aka macro). they next miss, never miss a click, often do not get stunned or blinded etc almost as if nothing you do matters. This all could be sour grapes but it does feel like some people do things that should not be possible.I know for a fact I am rubbish but still, it just feels.....off when you see people hit for huge numbers on skills that have a small base damage. I have tried the classes that did that damage and I could not get anywhere near those numbers following builds etc and like I said If I copy a build the damage done should be exactly the same but it never is.
  3. Ok before I start moaning I would like to point out I know that if I have 25 vun on me and they have 25 might a skill that says 900 damage will crit for more than the expected amount but I see some number that just look stupidly strong.Like these examples:Rift slash damage 583 crits me for 2543Elemental blast damage 219 crits me for 2308Death strike damage 381 crits me for 6111 (same person as the ele blast)Rift slash damage 363 crits me for 2416 (same person as the above two)Impossible odds damage 276 crits me for 1126(same)Gun flame blast damage 933 crits me for 11,690 Some of them are "bonus" damage but I cant see how a skill that is supposed to do a base damage of 219 should crit for 1000% more no matter how many boons they have on (but they didnt) or how much vun I have on me(Which I didnt).If gear was a thing I could understand it but when everyone is basically gear-less and its so easy to just copy a build and then the only difference is who has more skill(or macro)or if you get outnumbered/better teamwork. So besides the excuse "They might have had 25 might" how can these numbers be true and how come only certain people do this sort of damage?I have seen others with less skill but the same build and they take more damage and don't do the same damage as these "skilled" players so I cant put it down to "They know what there doing" because No skill person A with a gun will do the exact same damage as Skilled Person B.
  4. Can you clarify what you mean by shared game world different platform?They are going to be playing the same game we are on the same servers we are just using steam so I don't get your point. I can still comment on a steam game without even buying the game so I dont see what difference how you enter the game.
  5. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" I can understand that could be a problem but in the case of the PvP tourney it is worse now than if that happened.Taking the fact that you would still have to vote someone out the squad if they changed it.......It is worse now since there is literally no control, anyone can do anything to anyone and its all good. You can park an alt in a squad wait till the last minute and leave or un-enroll, so at the very least if the only person that can enroll etc is the one who made the squad you know who did it so next time you can avoid them.People in the pvp tourney who want to go with friends etc can do that so it's all good if you know 4 other people that want to take part but for people like myself who has to go in random squads and since I have just started, I have to go with lfg that says "Any" it is more of a pain. Not only do I have to enter with people who go afk or have no idea what to do but also deal with missing a once every TWO HOURS tourney because someone thinks it's funny to ruin someones play and I think that is the very definition of a good reason to ban someone.As in if you are using a 3rd party software Anet is ok with it since it only enhances the gameplay and does not affect anyone else but if they were to use aimbot damage boosts etc they would be band so why shouldn't people who ruin someone's gameplay on purpose be treated the same way. I just think that they need to do something especially before the steam release when some new people will join and they will not stay long if its still full of bots and trolls.
  6. I can't wait for this game to be released on Steam it has a great moderation of its site and far less harassment of peoples viewpoints. Steam is not perfect of course since you have a moderate amount of people that give a game a bad review because of something the company did but all in all, Steam is good in moderation.Does anyone think that with the release on Steam a moderate amount of people will come and play this?I personally think that an influx of new players is good but you have to moderate the situation well and maybe the game needs to change a bit before this happens. The game is full of bots which seems to be fine and nothing is done about them, you would think someone would resolving this but nope.The games PvE is fine, ok I am sure some things could be moderated and made better but most people in PvE are helpful and some(around 0.1%) of the population us the chat system.PvP needs work before and certainly after Steam release as it is you need no work to get into PvP which is good and bad. Good that you can go right into it but bad because it's full of troll's and people who love to abuse people or just ruin their gameplay by either cheating/abusing the system. I know what my review on steam is going to say so lets hope things change.
  7. Not sure what to call it when someone joins the LFG and then at the last second un-rolls.Why is this allowed???Why do they let anyone that joins make the decisions aka they can enroll or un-enroll?I made a group for the 2-hour pvp and called it "Anyone" so it was clear you do not have to be good and after 20 minutes of waiting for it to start at the last minute someone un-rolled so that we couldn't play.This is not only annoying and I am sure that's why these (inappropriate word) does it for but its the main way I like to get Gold so I wasted 30 minutes just because 1. Some (inappropriate word) thought it would be funny and 2.Anet lets anyone control the group.So why doesn't Anet just simply have all the controls to the party for the one who made the party?Yes sure that person might do the same but then at least you will know who did it and block them rather than not having a clue which of the other 4 people did it.
  8. PVP is weird to me since you can make a level 1 toon and compete against level 80 removing any need to "work" at that toon aka so a new class comes out and its skills are much better than any other......So all you need to do is make that toon go to PVP and you are done.No need to level it up, no need to gear it up the PVP system will make everyone the same, so now you have everyone playing that new toon. Now I do PVP for the daily but as I said I do not have the speed to be a great button masher but what is the point of a new class if you can make it level 80 in PVE in 1 minute with tomes of knowledge or PVP with it right away other than to say "It keeps everyone the same"? I love to disagree with people but I will agree that there is something good about everyone using the same things I personally just see that as dull. Can you imagine if everyone in real life was exactly the same?On one hand, you have all the gear the same and making the people who have good reflexes better than people with slow reflexes or to put it another way you have young people better than old people or healthy people better than people with disabilities.So while you have all the gear the same you are in fact making the game bias against older people and disabled people.I agree that having random gear stats etc is basically "dangling a carrot" but for a time all that work you put into the game makes you feel you have actually done something and its not as people seem to think that you get good gear finally and then its crap...That's just not true IF you got the really good gear and something new comes out you are already at an advantage because you have something good to farm that new stuff + you have something to do. What have you got to do in this game?Farm for a shiny looking coat?Farm to make your mount go underwater?The only things you have to do in this game amount to nothing.....it will not improve your class or the damage you do it will only change the way it LOOKS.Look at me I just farmed 60 hours for this new coat don't I look pretty?So people are basically saying that they love this game because they don't have to farm for gear and they are farming for looks instead aka no gear war but a fashion war? New content is supposed to be coming out and it will have ......new fashion and new things to do to get that fashion OR just a different currency to get the same things you get right now, just like(as far as I can tell) the living seasons they are content which has nothing new to add other than a different way to get the same crap you can get in the other maps and maybe some new ..........................FASHION.
  9. I kinda knew that my comments would be taken badly it was rather like going into a shop called "We love cats" and telling them you hate cats and should buy a dog.I am still playing this, even if its just because I have nothing else to do but I have not once finished an activity and got anything that made me go "Damn that was worth it". With so many types of currencies its hard to know what they are for and if they are worth saving or farming.When everything you get gear/weapons etc is useless and all you do is scrap them actually getting them seems worthless.You scrap stuff to get mats to either sell or to make something but the only thing you need to make(and thats optional) is ascended gear you can buy an exotic set with the stats you want for 30 silver each part or 4G for something that is exactly the same but LOOKS different.So basically everything to do in the game is all about scrapping what you get because 99% of the rewards are useless and there is nothing that will ever drop that is godlike so you are doing things to sell to ?????? Buy fashion?I was thinking of transferring gold to gems and getting a living season but I thought "Why bother? Nothing better drops there and all I will be doing is farming a different area to scrap those drops to get the next area to do it all again." I like games with god-tier gear that you have to either get really lucky while crafting or get lucky in a drop because I am now getting on in years and can't hit a ton of keys fast while trying to move around so having better gear would be good.......It's just a shame that this game has so many things to do and yet they are all basically the same thing.
  10. I understand that the majority of people playing this game must not care but it seems kinda pointless grinding for materials to make a cosmetic that is going to add NOTHING other than looks to a piece of gear.This is just a personal opinion of course but I love the grind to find that gear with god roll stats or making gear and hoping to get a good roll but in this game, it doesn't matter as everyone will be using the same stuff.........Don't get me wrong there is plenty of content in the game and I get that if everyone has the same gear then its a fair playing-field etc but I do wish that weapons/armour had more to it than just looks for example:Weapons could have random damage numbers in a set range making better rolls better to have .Weapons also have a random bonus this could be bonus stats to bonus boons making combinations of a good weapon with high damage and a good bonus more valuable.Armour the same as weapons making some better than others.At the moment there are loads of differently named weapons that all have the same stats and same damage but one is 60 silver and the other is 100 gold and the only difference is one looks different so I can not see why someone would spend 100g on an item that does the same thing as the 60 silver(Yeah I know some people love the look). You could still have all the different looks sold as skins aka make your weapon look like whatever you like but why have 10+ different named tw0-handed swords that all do the same damage and have the same stats you might as well just have ONE two-handed sword and just make different skins for it.
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