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Posts posted by Mindless.9721

  1. Hot take:New players don't really care THAT much about downed state.The problem are other design choices which simply aren't fun, choices which this community often defends, cause the pvp-veterans are extremly disconnected from the average newcomer.Just look at the burn guard threads for example.There is a reason why we pretty much have a new thread about it every week - yet a big portion of the comments still are just "l2p noob" without every thinking about the impact this stuff has on the influx of new players cause it simply isn't a fun experience.

  2. @Dawdler.8521 said:How does this even make any sense?

    Its like watching Tony Hawk pull off amazing tricks on a skateboard and then yell at your 90 year old grandpa to do the same tricks to prove it because you dont believe what he does is possible.

    The 90 year old grandpa isn't claiming that skating is easy tho (just cause tony can skate) .

    His point is that people shouldn't argue that thief is op/fine JUST cause some streamer is doing fine/great with it.Since it turns out that - if you have played more than 95% of the population and can even make (some) money from playing - you are probably better than most people anyway regardless of your class.Meaning you can make any class look good and you are in no way representative for most of the playerbase.

  3. Strong and broken are often 2 different things.

    I think many builds are "broken" in the sense that they have a absurd risk to reward ratio. Or rather a "skill" to being effective ratio.Which is why i feel it's often hard to talk about skill, when some builds are somewhat playing themselves or/and are extremly hard to actually punish for their mistakes.Many matchups are just not winnable as long as youre opponent is somewhat near your level and knows how to press buttons.Sure, you can still be useful and "improve" .But often that means to just rotate and accept that you can't win the fight no matter how the opponent plays.There is a reason why the lower brackets are overrun with burn guardians and stuff like flamethrower.And even in high ranking games builds like decap scrapper are a legit way to win.Even if it's an absolute miserable experience to play against.

  4. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @"Mindless.9721" said:Great idea , lets give newer players less rewards for PvP!This will absolutely be a great change for the already small player base!

    How is this give less reward for new player? reward progress is still the same for new player, Karen.

    Karen, really? Thats the best you can do?Its pretty much still the same thing. You get more rewards than newer player - and for what exactly?The only thing that rank shows is how much/long youve played.And while playing more usually mean you get better at the game , the amount of games youve played in itself doesnt mean anything.

    If you want to make an argument for better players getting more rewards (besides winning more) -i m all ears.Im sure someone calling others "Karen" for having a different opinion is gonne blow me away with his great arguments.Besides Plat and Legendary rank already get more rewards in ranked than gold and below - even if not much more.And giving better rewards to players in unranked would make the amount of premades and Vets tryharding against noobs even worse than it already is.

  5. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @"Nilkemia.8507" said:Bit of advice : Don't bother with PvP and WvW if you can help it. They're not good for anything except the reward tracks and the dailies. And even those aren't worth the trouble of entering, as they're both toxic modes that will inevitably bring out the worst in anyone that goes into them. Unless you're after something that requires you go there, it's best to just stay out.

    Some people play pvp to compete and have fun

    With silver (and below) regularly being matched against plat+, there is no real competition.Unless you enjoy CC and condi spam, or just destroying the other team, which often has no real chance of fighting back, there is no fun to be found either.

    Ranked, despite its name, simply isn't competitive (anymore).

    This.I think that the matchmaking is one of the biggest problems which fosters toxicity.

    While online gaming will always have bad apples in every game, pitching veterans with years of experience against people who havent even played for a year is bound to be a frustrating experience for everyone.Even in plat the gap between players is huge - due to the relatively low player base there is pretty much no middle ground between vets and newer players.

    Take my own experience for example:

    Ive been playing PvP for about 2 months and im in low plat.Depending on the time of the day the game just decides its fine for me to be matched with MOTA finalists and veterans who have been playing for years.This is bound to lead to frustration, problems and extremly uneven matches.And while i do understand that people get mad when they get matched with people obviously worse than them, i still cant help but have mixed feelings when people (who have thousands of games played) start trashtalking me (or someone else) for being "bad".Its especially frustrating when you have streamers (who you try to learn from), that have been playing for years and sometimes even attended multiple tournaments, shittalk you or others.

    People seem to just ignore the fact that playtime is one of THE biggest factors which determines how good you are at a game and just want to vent their frustration about losing - while simultaneously perpetuating the problem of the low player base and the small influx of new players.

  6. @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @"Azreell.1568" said:This is why this game mode continues to lose players.

    A non meta, low tier build and you people want to nerf it.

    It doesn't over perform nor does it get a high ranking in any season - yet because its annoying for some to fight they want to destroy it then wonder why we have no build diversity in this game mode.


    The game is losing players BECAUSE stuff like flamethrower scrapper exists. Being a completely new player and facing someone with perma stab auto-attacking you down would be beyond frustrating and make me quit PvP if I was brand new tbh.

    This.Its crazy to me how everything on this forum seems to get justified with "its not a problem for good players".Well how do you get good?By playing ofc.But why would anyone try to get better at a game which isnt fun for them?Most low rank games are filled with builds like these -way easier to play than to play against.In general i would argue that this game has an unhealthy amount on straight up unfun mechanics in pvp (mirage comes to mind).This really isnt motivating at all for anyone interested in PvP , especially when there are a ton of other options.The truth is that most people on here have been playing for years and are extremly disconnected from the average newcomer.

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