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  1. So when you get kicked from a group in a raid or dungeon because you wanted to watch the cutscene (FFXIV and SWTOR) is that good design? So you think it makes sense that ALL of us are heroes? Single player RPGs have worlds built around a good story like Witcher 3 etc. I have yet to see an MMO pull off a good story because it cant be done. And yes Guild Wars 1 had a good story but it made sense based on how you play the game. We can agree to disagree.
  2. I love it when someone disagrees with something they call it crying lol.
  3. Yeah I agree sadly. I guess I can still do original content, the game still scales to 80 everywhere right?
  4. I am a "boomer" (54 years old) who reads books, watches movies and games and prefers a good story with interesting introduction to characters. The intro to Janthir was the worst hour Ive ever spent in media.
  5. Im "crying" because this isnt the game it used to be. Im not happy everywhere I go I cant do this jump, or open this because I didnt do that skill in a previous expansion. Or NPCs who wont stop talking. Or back when a zone had 12 hearts. In Janthir one heart for the whole zone which takes forever. Some of my issues are more than just the story. Oh and I didnt mean the game died that way. There are still plenty of players.
  6. But it wasnt like that at creation. Sure you had your little personal questline but that was mostly it. I swear I dont know why MMOs need a story. It makes no sense that YOU are champion....along with a million other players... An MMO should be about lore and exploration. Let me discovery whats going on and the history by exploring. Show, dont tell. And to top it off these NPSc dont know when to shut up. I will say it again, GW2 died the day they release the "Living Story".
  7. Refunding as well. The NPC monologues go on forever and the game 13 years later still isnt alt friendly. I have to do some magic tricks in order to get to an expansion zone to avoid doing these horrid story quests. Guild Wars 2 died with the invention of the "Living Story", there I said it.
  8. Its the worst hour of gaming Ive ever experienced and Ive been gaming for a long time.
  9. No way to skip and when characters do talk they wont shut up. The foundation for Guild Wars 2 was gameplay, I cant believe they have fallen this far.
  10. Not only that imagine having to fight a Warclaw 4 times to pacific it. A champion level. I almost threw my mouse when I had to do it a fourth time. And they wonder why GW2 isnt as popular as it used to be. Stop shoving story down our throats. Let us explore, discover lore, tell us the story that way. Do they read these forums?
  11. I mean I am falling asleep. This is not how you start an expansion. It needs to be exciting. Have you learnned nothing? Less story, just let us discover stuff exploring..
  12. You guys are so helpful. Im still amazed at the community here. Its not unlike LOTRO, both two of the nicest and most helpful MMO communities out there.
  13. So last question, should I have a max level alt do Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire to help my flying and mount masteries?
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