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Posts posted by ThFH.6048

  1. I agree with you. I have a group with whom I do the harvest temple weekly but in that group I usually run quickness scrappper to provide quickness, so not much room to play another class there. Yes I know other classes can also provide quickness but having to learn the whole rotation for just two times I need to play it in a specific strike mission is not very motivating.


    Last Tuesday I tried to pug it on an elementalist my second most confident class and it went okayish sadly did not get the kill. I am sure I can get it done on some classes but also not looking forward to having to do it on others. I think a good mechanic would be that in order to get all the trinkets you have to complete the harvest temple 18 times with whatever class you prefer. Still twice for each class but  no longer tied to the specific class. You could consider making adding a third kill if you are not using the designated class to still give players an incentive to play it on different classes.

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  2. Yesterday I finished the Seasons of the Dragon Achievement and got my Legendary Amulet Prismatic Champion's Regalia. However it did not progress the explorer achievement Legendary Collector. The achievement says Bind 5 legendary Trinkets or Weapons to your account. The amulets are considered trinkets so it should tick the achievement. Is there a reason the amulet does not count toward the achievement? I know it does not require a big amount of materials but it still required a lot of time investment in playing through all the living story episodes. It was nice to replay all the story so I will not complain about it, but in my opinion a legendary is a legendary no matter the investment you put into it and should be counted as one.

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  3. With our guild we try to run Maw of torment every Sunday for fun and for the loot you can get from it. But sadly since release the second event keeps bugging out the demolitionist either go under ground or into the air and do not walk towards the portal spike aka failing the event. I hate to say this but we keep sending in bug reports but every patch note I read there is no mention about a proper fix for this event. By now it feels like a wast of our time to run the event because it is a gamble weather or not it will bug out.

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