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Posts posted by Ari.4672

  1. Had the issue on a Heroic account I got from Prime Gaming.   Have 1 level 80 on there and do a key run character once a week.  NEVER been to SAB and still got the create character issue to do a character.  Took 4 attempts to create one....   so all this about it happens if go to SAB is crap.     


    In my company if something was broken for this long someone would be in a lot of trouble...     but hey there obviously isn't a dev who can deal with this... perhaps the ones who could left...     or the 1 person looking at it does so when get a moment or two and not a focus...

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    You still aren't forced to do the Strike.

    No but I am locked on XP until I get that trophy.... 12 times for meta about 9 for  Maw.... so much time spent on something when I get little time to play.


    I am force to do the strike to get the turtle... 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

    Is there a mount that we didn't have to do something for?

    Nah did Skyscale as it was meant to be - then all made easy.... issue is strike mission....  like why oh why force that on people?   Against the QoL side for sure... 


    Sell the strike trophy I say !

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  4. "Easier than the roller beetle..."    YEAH...     

    Should not be forced to do raid content, and a maw event that scales so bad and needs twice the timer to do...    please bring alternate methods for family players.... the massive amount of time to do meta was enough now have to see people grief events and deal with toxic raid mentality strikes for a casual player.... 

    Sold expansion on an easy to obtain mount needing miracles to do.

    Sell us the components the same as the egg......   don't force us to do strikes if don't want to.... would pay 100g if I had to....   we had ways around JPs for Skyscale... think of people  who can't do this also - can you expect disabled people to handle a strike?   really? 

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  5. Make the Turtle vendor sell the event items -  tried Jade Maw a few times and utter fails.    Its a collection not a stupid RAID exercise.  Bringing the RAID toxicity into PvE - thanks.   


    Sold the game on a mount and being forced into toxic play areas - for a working parent no thanks - I want to enjoy the game and with the utter fails still happening on metas, no thank you. 

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  6. Well 2 hours at a time....  for people who work and have families this is no longer an option to be done.  I can't waste hours and hours for zero reward and sheer frustration at the randomness of attacks seen.   Played since beta, happy for expansion (I love Kaineng) but this meta and being forced to toxic strikes for something I paid a fair bit for, and for something sold as a major item I cannot get... surely that is bad?   Don't even get me started on the Anet Dev comment of soloing the new GH expedition...


    So much so wrong...   enthusiasm dropped.    

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

    Just don't bother breaking the last defiance bar and stand near the crystal ready to go. There's 70 of you in that map, a few people standing off to the side isn't going to fail it.

    I used the skill and participated in all of of it and twice running no update but I get the daily chest....  so it knows I was there....  

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